Due Date: | Week 5, Friday midnight (Darwin time) |
Value % | 20% |
Length: | 1,000 – 1,500 words (excluding title page and reference list) |
Learning outcomes: | 1, 2, 3 |
Preparation: | Participate in lectures and tutorial in week 1 to week 5.Engage with the learning activities on Learnline.Start researching and working on your assignment early in the semester and clarify any question you may have with your lecturer.Research relevant information and sources to address the assignment task. |
Presentation: | Essay-style written assignment that should be presented in a professional way.Add a title page with your student information (name, student number, study location) and the unit information (unit code and name, lecturer name, assignment number and title).Formatting suggestion: font style Calibri or Arial, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified text, margins 2.5cm each, no indents, subheadings are permitted but should not be numbered, add page numbers. |
Task Details
Overall Assessment scenario | The information below provides the context and background that you need to know for Assignments 1-3. Context Generally, marketing managers DO NOT perform the actual marketing research themselves. However, they do frequently brief, select and commission a market research agency, as well as monitor the progress of the research process that the agency is following. Marketing managers also interpret the data and implement actions based on research findings. |
Assignments 1-3 requires you to think about the functions of the marketing manager and tasks he/she is performing. These assignments ask you to perform the same tasks undertaken by marketing managers and require you to: understand the literature on the key aspect (image OR motivations OR satisfaction) that you are measuring (Assignment 1),set clear objectives and consider the strategic role of the research (Assignment 1);consider the methodology you will use, the rationale for using it, its advantages and drawbacks and the type of information expected (Assignment 2);incorporate Assignments 1 and 2 and build on them (Assignment 3). Assignment 3 will be the complete Research Brief that a marketing manager would provide to a market research agency. Scenario: You are the Marketing Manager for Toyota Prius and there are a number of things you want to find out about customers in Australia. On the one hand, you want to determine customers’ attitudes and perceptions towards Toyota Prius (essentially this is the image of Toyota Prius in the consumers’ mind). You also want to establish the factors that customers use to determine their choice of car and their motivations for choosing Toyota Prius. Lastly, you are also interested in finding out the satisfaction of customers driving a Toyota Prius, particularly in relation to their satisfaction with their experience and its various aspects. These are all very relevant topics, since evaluation of customer image, motivations and customer satisfaction and product/service quality are all very common activities conducted by many businesses. The specific details for Assignments 1 can be found below. | |
Assessment 1 Tasks | You are required to prepare for the first part of the Research Brief. First, as the Marketing Manager of Toyota Prius, you need to choose what you actually want to research: customers’ attitudes and perceptions towards Toyota Prius (i.e.: their image of Toyota Prius); ORthe factors that customers use to determine their choice of car and their motivations for choosing Toyota Prius; ORthe satisfaction of customers driving a Toyota Prius, particularly in relation to their satisfaction with their experience and its various aspects. |
Once you have chosen ONE of the above three as the focus for your research brief, your Assignment 1 needs to cover the following: Introduction: Initially, you must briefly outline the Marketing Research Problem and associated Research Questions that you are hoping to answer with your research, as well as the objectives of your research. Both of these will, of course, depend on which of the above three aspects you have chosen as your research focus. Brief Literature Review: What is the key literature in your chosen area saying: how are other research studies approaching and measuring this area, what sort of studies are they doing and what sort of data are they gathering and interpreting? Marketing Research Problem: Determine what is your marketing research problem and identify this very clearly Marketing Research Question: Based on what you have determined your marketing research problem to be, you now need to pose a series of research questions, that further illuminate your problem and that will help the market research agency to conduct relevant, meaningful research that will answer these problems. Research Objectives: Having determined your research questions, you need to set some objectives that will be achieved by the research that the market research agency conductsRemember, that your research objectives need to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Time-Bound, Trackable. This is important, as you will need to measure the research that the market research agency has conducted against them Proposed Research Design and Methodology: Based on your description of your research problem and your objectives, you now need to propose the research approach and design (exploratory, descriptive/causal; qualitative/quantitative) that you feel would be most appropriate for the research agency to use. |
Please ensure that you support your writing with references to marketing research theories, frameworks, or concepts, as well as other relevant credible sources (academic and non-academic) as appropriate. | |
Assessment 1 Criteria | The submitted assignment is required to demonstrate the following: Literature review (30%)Marketing research problem and questions (20%)Research objectives (20%)Proposed research design and methodologies (10%)Overall quality/depth of research and referencing (10%)Written essay (structure, grammar, and expressions) (10%) |
Penalties | Late Submission Late assignments will lose 5% of the available marks each day (or part thereof). Plagiarism You are to identify the sources of any ideas and words in your assignment that are not yours. Unattributed materials may not be included in the consideration of your assignment and serious cases of academic misconduct will be handled in accordance with the Student Complaints Management Process. |

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