WARNING: Do not create any new REAL social accounts in the name of the client! We do not want you to do this in real life, but conceptualise the ideas, and show us mock-ups of advertising, webpages etc. (e.g. with the use of Canva.com / or even sketches). You should not use the brand name and intellectual property by creating actual social accounts etc.
This assignment is worth 50% of the final grade for this course. The grade given will be out of 50. It is an INDIVIDUAL assignment.
Word Count
The word count for this assignment is 2000 words. A 10% allowance above or below is acceptable. Please note that the executive summary and reference list are not included in the word count. All pictures and figures should be included in the body of the report. Tables are included in the word count but pictures and figures are excluded from the word count. Try to avoid appendices unless necessary.
What you are required to do
You have spent a lot of time in Assignment 1 getting to know your client and their customers (Personas). By now you should have a profound understanding of the path that you want your customers to take and leverage of this knowledge by thinking about digital strategies and tactics to guide consumers through the hourglass as quickly and efficiently as possible. Assignment 2 brings everything together, and you will present your client with a holistic and integrated 3-6 months digital marketing campaign that they can take and execute.
Format for Assessment
In the workplace, it is not customary to be given a template to follow. However, there is a structure at the end of this document that outlines what you should include in Assignment 2. It provides you with a step-by-step guide as to the key content pieces of your final assignment. Despite the structure, please consider which information is most pertinent to the client and ensure that you provide that in your document. You will, of course, need to include a TITLE page and REFERENCE list, as usual.
Sources and Referencing
When compiling the report, you should take a practical applied view of marketing concepts. Therefore, it is likely the some of the sources used in this assignment are considered non-academic, and this is fine. However, you are still required to provide quality references from authorities that are respected and know what they are talking about. Don’t just use the first google answer you can find and take this as your answer. Dig deep and demonstrate that you have done your homework.
You should also ensure a wide variety of sources to guide your research. These references should be a mix of academic (journal articles) and non-academic (textbook, news, websites, trade articles) sources. It is expected that you will conduct your own research from academic and trade journals to supplement textbook material. All sources should be correctly referenced using APA or Harvard standard. A referencing guide can be found in the Assessment folder. Additionally, the referencing tool on the Griffith Library website is a great resource. Incorrect referencing will see marks deducted, according to the criteria.
Criteria & Marking:
If you would like to have a look at the marking criteria, please download the marking criteria rubric under the Assessment Tab > Assessment Item 2 folder > Digital marketing campaign: Marking rubric.
Return of Marks
Your work will be marked online and returned by email. Marks will be uploaded to your marks centre after the meeting of the assessment board. Grades cannot be released before then.
Digital Backups of your work
To avoid losing your data, students are expected to keep a copy of their work backed up at all times. The best strategy is to save your work in multiple locations. It is suggested to save your work on a computer, USB and in your Google Drive (attached to your student email) after each edit, to save losing work. “Losing your work” is not an acceptable reason to apply for an extension. Students are expected to retain copies of all assessment items submitted until a final grade for the course has been awarded. Creating a backup of all your computer files is highly recommended.
This assignment should be submitted online through the Safe Assign submission portal by the due date. More detailed guidelines on how to submit an assignment in Safe Assign can be found in the Assessment folder.
It is advised that you submit your work first as a draft (see draft submission point), and read the similarity report. The similarity report is designed to allow you to self-check for plagiarism. When you believe your work is free of referencing errors and plagiarism, you should submit through the final submission link. Only two drafts and one final submission are allowed. Please remember that similarity reports are not generated instantaneously, and can take up to 24 hours. Please consider this when planning your time up to the due date and time. Penalties of 10% of the maximum mark possible are deducted for each day the assignment is submitted late. Weekends count as one day.
Proposed outline
- Executive summary (one page maximum, excluded from word count)
- Introduction (half a page)
- Articulate your client’s brand narrative briefly (2-3 sentences). Please note that you don’t have to do the full 6 step brand narrative development here.
- An overview of the Persona (including the journey map) that you are going to design the digital campaign plan for. Please note, you only need to have one or two Persona here.
- Summarise the key digital marketing challenge(s) and make sure that your assignment 2 is going to help tackle these identified challenge(s).
This digital marketing plan should be planned for a period of 3 or 6 months. This will allow for you to plan for seasonality and have good lead time for campaigns. The length of the campaign should depend and match the available resources (e.g. budget, staff, etc.) of the client.
- Design a digital hourglass for your client. In most cases it is easiest to create 1 hourglass for 1 specific persona. However, if you feel that your hourglass can cater to multiple personas that is fine too.
- Use the “hourglass table template” to complete this section.
- Develop digital objectives (measurable and time bound) for each of the seven stages of the hourglass (awareness, exploration, consideration, trial, conversion, loyalty, advocacy)
- Make sure you develop micro/macro conversion measures as well as performance metrics for each of the stages so you can make sure you can evaluate the success of each of those stages.
- Content curation and creation.
- Build 3 themes and 4 angles for each theme.
- Highlight where the information for each of the angles will come from (e.g. google news, industry association publications, magazines, publishers, etc.)
- Build content for the client: Examples for content pieces are list below (this is just a list of examples. You DON’t have to use all and you can use others that not on the list):
- White paper, E-book, report
- Blog (write a brief blog post example / introduce a blog series)
- Webinar (suggest and map out a series of webinars)
- Email newsletter (outline the format, key features and content of newsletter)
- Infographics / Gifographics (draw up some infographics)
- Social media content (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn posts)
- Specific landing pages (you can draw sketches of landing pages)
NOTE: Provide specific examples for the client so that they are able to take your digital marketing plan and implement it moving forward. Make sure these content pieces relate to your overall campaign and are relevant to the various stages of the hourglass.
- Implementation plan. This is underpinned by who does what, when, and where. You have creative freedom to develop an implementation plan to showcases the following information:
- Human resources: Consider which paid staff (full or part-time) and volunteer base you have access to.
- Who will be assigned do create content (consider skill set?)
- Who will be assigned to execute and manage content?
- Outline the roles clearly (e.g. full-time job; sub-contractor, agency, student intern) and the type of work (e.g. videographers, photographers or other experts/consultants) needed
- Digital channel distribution (where is the content going to be distributed, e.g. email, social, web, blog, etc).
- Frequency and times of distribution (a separate Gantt chart may be needed here to convey this over the duration of the campaign).
- Human resources: Consider which paid staff (full or part-time) and volunteer base you have access to.
- Monitoring and evaluation metrics (micro/macro conversions and other performance metrics from your hourglass). Outline how you can measure success. Consider client’s current marketing technology and what new or additional technology they may need to better gauge success. Consider google analytics, tags/pixels, email software, CRM systems, marketing automation software, social media analytics, chatbots and messenger. (Note, to set up the analytics, codes and pixels is really beyond this course, but at least specify the things you would like to measure and how you would do this).
- Budget: How much will it all cost? By now you should have a clear budget indication of your client. Use this as a guide to developing this section. Also reflect on the paid strategy: Reflect on the following:
- SEO management (if outsourced – get quotes)
- SEM campaign management (PPC) (if outsourced – get quotes)
- Email software (e.g. Mail Chimp fees)
- CRM systems (e.g. infusionsoft, sharpspring, hubspot)
- Google Ads (set a daily or monthly budget)
- Social media ads (set a daily or monthly budget)
- Sources/evidence/references (Harvard or APA is fine. Minimum of 15 references)

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