Melbourne Polytechnic
BIT361 Security Management and Governance
Assessment Report One
Prepare a report that that outlines a Security Management Program which includes a suggested management structure, governance procedures, and organisational roles for a business. (1500 words)
Due Dates:
- Outline: Week 2, See Moodle for Submission Date and Requirements
- Draft Week 3, See Moodle for Submission Date and Requirements
- Final Week4, See Moodle for Submission Date and Requirements
This assessment must be completed individually. You may discuss the assignment with other students, but your submitted work must be your own work.
The Assignment – Case Study – KORI
Complete this assessment using the KORI case study scenario provided in Moodle
The organisation in the case study has asked you to present a formal report to the CEO. The report must outline the need for an Information Security Program, propose an appropriate management structure for the case study, and describe the roles of each position in your proposed structure. The report must be presented as a professional document.
- Outline the need for an Information Security Program at KORI
- Describe the purpose and benefits for KORI derived from having Information Security Program.
- Identify and describe the major elements of an Information Security Program at KORI.
- Suggest an information security (InfoSec) staffing structure for the business described in the KORI Case Study. Include a chart showing the structure.
- Justify your suggested staffing structure for the provided in the KORI Case Study
- For each security position/role you have defined in your suggested staffing structure at KORI, prepare a description of its functions, tasks, and responsibilities
- Discuss the importance of including governance and Integrated Risk Management within the Information Security Program at KORI.
- Suggest the different governance responsibilities that need to be assigned to the positions you have identified in your staffing structure for KORI.
For further information and clarification refer to the Marking Rubric.
To coordinate the development of the report with your client (the organisation in the case study), you will organise two meetings to discuss the developing report. After the second meeting, the final report will be presented.
Meeting 1 Report Outline Due Week 4
This document will demonstrate the proposed layout of the final document. It will include, in outline form, all major parts: cover/title page, executive summary, table of comments, major headings, some minor headings named to match the case study. The introduction must include a complete statement of purpose. To help with this, take note of the description below of the requirements for the final document. This will be marked separately but included in the final report marks.
Report cover
Includes the report title, the date, who it has been prepared for, and the author’s
name (and Student ID, subject group)
Executive summary – One (1) paragraph:
(Who the report is for, scope/purpose of report; action required. Page numbering starts at roman numeral ‘i’).
Table of contents (page ‘ii’). Body of report:
Introduction (new page, numbering restarted at ‘1’) that must include a
description of the purpose, scope, and structure of the document.
Separate sections that address the client’s requests. These sections need to cover
the assessment criteria outlined below.
A list of works used in the document. Use the Harvard referencing style. (Every reference must have at least 1 in-text citation).
Meeting 2 Report Draft Due Week 6
The draft will extend the outline should include the main headings for each part of the final document. The executive summary and introduction must be complete. The major sections of the body must include either completed sections or bullet points or comments that provide information on the content of each section. References must be listed. (Note each reference must have at least one in-text citation.) This will be marked separately but included in the final report marks. (Robinson, 2022)
Final Report Due Week 8
The final report must follow layout described in the outline section above.:
The final document must be a complete document that is directed to the organisation outlined in the case study. The report must be correctly structured and be appropriate for the client’s needs. Prior to submission, students should make sure that the report addresses all criteria listed in the marking guideline.
This assessment must be completed individually. You may discuss the assignment with other students, but your submitted work must be your own work.
The Submissions is in 3 parts.
Submitted files must be compatible with the software in Melbourne Polytechnic’s computer
Laboratories/Classrooms. Your submission must be a .docx file.
Each file must be named using the format: S9999999_Surname_Report1_ClassGroup.docx Where S9999999 is replaced with your student ID, and the class group with 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, SS (ask your tutor which code applies to you). E.g., S22000_Robinson_Report1_SS.docx
You are to complete the assignment parts using MS Word.
Each part of the assessment must be submitted via the TurnItIn linksprovidedin Moodle.
Meeting 1 Report Outline Due Week 2
[This will be marked separately but included in the final report marks
Meeting 2 Report Draft Due Week 3
[This will be marked separately but included in the final report marks.
Finished ReportDueWeek4
Plagiarism, Collusion, and Copying
All used sources must be properly acknowledged with references and citations. Quotations and paraphrasing are allowed but the sources must be acknowledged. Failure to do so is regarded as plagiarism and the penalty for plagiarism is failure for the assignment. The act of giving your assignment to another student is classified as an offence. Copying substantial portions of text from other sources will result in zero marks as you have insufficient contribution to the report.
Penalties: Academic misconduct such as cheating, and plagiarism incur penalties ranging from a zero result to program exclusion.
Late submission of assignments
Assessment items that are submitted after the due date without an approved request for extension will be penalised at the rate of 5% of the mark awarded per day for a total of tenworkingdays. If the assessment item is received after this time or not submitted, the item will not be marked and attract a fail grade.
Higher Education Request for Assessment Extension Form is available through the Policies and Procedures webpage or your Course Administration Office.
See Subject outline for formal Assessment overview and feedback

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