Contents |
Section 1: Establish customer service requirements. 4
Section 2: Deliver quality customer service. 9
Section 3: Monitor and assess customer service. 13
Student declaration
This declaration must be completed in full by the student and submitted with all assessment responses.
☐ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
☐ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process documented in the QIBA VET Student Plagiarism and Cheating Policy.
☐ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
Course | BSB50420 – Diploma of Leadership and Management |
Unit | BSBOPS505 – Manage organisational customer service |
Trainer/Assessors Name | |
Student Name | |
Student ID number | |
Business this assessment is based on: |
I acknowledge that my assessment documents will be reviewed as part of the assessment validation and moderation process and/or during auditing. I understand, if during a regulatory audit my assessment is deemed to be unsatisfactory, I will be requested to resit/resubmit. If this request to be reassessed is ignored, QIBA can revoke the qualification.
Student signature: | Date: |
- Provide a brief overview of the business you are basing your portfolio on.
- What is the name of the business?
- What is the main focus/activities of the business?
- Describe the products/services/programs associated with your chosen business.
- What role will you assume as you manage customer service?
- Which roles will you supervise that provide customer service?
- Describe one product/service/program you will focus on for the remainder of this assessment.
- Choose ONE product/service/program that is related to customer service.
Note: this product/service/program should have at least one customer service problem and related system issue, for example; improving customer service related to sales support.
- Summarise mathematical information about your chosen product/service/program targets contained in your business’s business plan and customer service plan (e.g. sales targets, complaint resolution targets etc.).
- Describe the customers of your chosen product/service/program.
- Who are the customers (e.g. individual or business, gender, age range, personality type, career, quantifications etc.)?
- What do you already know about your customer behaviour (i.e. how do the customers select, buy, use your products/services or programs to satisfy their needs and wants?)
- Identify at least two sources of information you may use to do customer research.
- Use the sources to research and further summarise customer requirements.
(Fill the table below to satisfy the above question.)
Target Customer Your customer: (individual or business) Gender: Age group: Personality type: Qualifications: Career: Behavioural Analysis of Customer How is the customer made aware of the product? How does the product meet or satisfy their needs and wants? Additional information: |
- Describe customer service in your chosen business
- Describe the quality of existing customer relations in your business (i.e. positive, negative, consultative, respectful, distant etc.) related to your chosen product/service/program.
- Describe any legislative, regulatory and code of practices related to customer service in your business.
- Describe any existing policies and procedures for customer service and the handling of customer complaints.
Note: Attach proof of the policies to this section of your portfolio.
- Identify any protocols you need to follow as you:
- manage people who provide customer service (e.g. internal communication protocols).
- interact with customers (e.g. external communication protocols)
- do your own work (e.g. work location and times)
- Identify best practice models and standards relevant to the customer service of your chosen business product/service/program.
- Summarise at least one best practice model.
- Summarise at least one standard.
- Evaluate your business’s product/service/program against the identified standard and best practise model and standard.
You can use the link below as an example of best practice model.
- Seek written customer feedback from at least two customers on:
- product/service/program quality, cost and time frames
- service delivery expectations
- specific problems or complaints
- their experience with individual customer service representatives.
Use the customer feedback form template provided in student resource folder and draw the information from case study under “Additional information about customer feedback” Customer feedback should include at least one complex customer complaint. Make sure you use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with customers. |
- How will you seek customer feedback (e.g. online review, review comments using inbuilt review functionality, survey, telephone call etc.)?
- How will you manage the feedback received from customers within your business’s system?
Note: Attach proof of the feedback by filling the “Customer feedback form template”.
- Summarise customer service feedback you received in the previous question.
- What are customer service requirements for the product/service/program quality, cost and time frames?
- What is the customer’s service delivery expectations?
- Describe any problems or complaints.
- How has the customer experienced interactions with customer service staff?
- Identify system issues linked to the problems identified by customers (as per the customer feedback).
These problems should include complex and non-routine difficulties (e.g. delayed shipment due to the COVID-19 pandemic). |
- Describe at least two system problems that have contributed to poor customer service.
- Take responsibility for addressing the difficulties experienced (e.g. send an email to the CEO, respond to a review comment, request training etc.).
Note: Attach proof of how you’ve taken responsibility to this section of your portfolio.
Attach:Policies and procedures | ☐ |
Proof of the feedback | ☐ |
Proof of how you managed the feedback in the business’s system | ☐ |
Proof of how you’ve taken responsibility | ☐ |
Section 2: Deliver quality customer service |
- Describe at least two customer service goals to meet the customer service requirements and product/service/program targets established in Section 1.
- Integrate customer service goals and requirements (identified in Section 1) into the existing business plan.
Make changes to the business plan in the simulation pack. You can modify values by adding “Honesty” etc. Make sure any changes you make to the business plan are obvious (e.g. by highlighting the added information). Your style of writing should be appropriate for business use. |
Note: Attach the modified business plan to this section of your portfolio.
- Refine at least one of your business’s customer service policies and procedures to reflect best practice models, standards and customer service goals and requirements (as identified / evaluated in Section 1).
Make changes to the customer service policy in the simulation pack. You can modify Policy by adding “Adverts are posted in truthful and accurate manner” etc. Make sure any changes you make to the policies and procedures are obvious (e.g. by highlighting the added information). |
Note: Attach the modified policies and procedures to this section of your portfolio.
- Summarise the outcomes of your meeting (Fill the table below)
- Who did you meet with?
- Describe the diverse needs (e.g. language differences) of the staff members you met with (include at least one diverse need)?
- How did you consider the diverse needs during your meeting?
- What are the strengths and experience of the staff members you met with?
- What feedback did they provide?
- How will you adapt the delivery of the product/service/program to meet customer service requirements?
- If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your meeting to this section of your portfolio.
Meeting Minutes Meeting Date and Time: Meeting Location: Meeting Participants: Was there any diverse need of the staff member (Include at least one diverse needs): Were the diverse needs considered during the meeting? Explain how? Identified strengths and experiences on staff member during the meeting: Any feedback received during meeting (You must provide one feedback): How will you adapt the delivery of the product/service/program to meet customer service requirements? |
- Identify and describe the physical and human resources required to address one of the identified problems and related system issues experienced by customers (identified in Section 1).
You must include at least one physical and one human resource. At least one physical resource should include a written resource to convey information, requirements or recommendations, using appropriate language to suit its purpose and audience. Make sure at least one of your resources provides support to a staff member associated with the problem/issue. |
Complete the table to answer this question:
Problem experienced by the customer (e.g.; Mismatch between software and user requirement): |
System issue resulting in poor customer service: |
Team member requiring support: |
Human resources (at least one) e.g. Additional call centre staff member |
Physical resources (at least one) e.g. Checklist to complete before product is shipped to client. |
How will the resources address the problem or issue? |
How will the resources support the staff member? |
- Develop at least one physical resource required to address customer service requirements (identified in the previous step).
The physical resource must be a written resource to convey information, requirements or recommendations. Make sure you match the style of your writing to suit the audience and manage the resource according to organisational system and processes (e.g. use correct document naming conventions). |
Note: Attach proof of your developed physical resource (e.g. checklist) to this section of your portfolio. Also attach proof of how you managed the written resource according to organisational systems and processes (e.g. screen shot of the document filed in the organisation’s filing system using the correct document naming conventions).
- Procure at least one human resource required to address customer service requirements (identified in step 5).
Note: Attach proof how you procured the human resource (e.g. email to CEO requesting permission to recruit the resource, advert etc.) to this section of your portfolio.
- Deliver your product/service/program to meet customer requirements (according to your adapted business plan, customer service policies and procedures and improved customer service delivery).
How you deliver will depend on your business product/service or program (e.g. completed checklist, website update, email to customer, video of face-to-face customer interaction etc.). If you are using the case study and would like a face-to-face discussion with a customer, speak to your assessor. |
Note: Attach proof of how you’ve delivered your product/service/program to meet customer requirements (e.g. completed checklist or an e-mail to customer).
Attach:Modified business plan | ☐ |
Modified customer service policy and procedures | ☐ |
Proof of meeting with team (if relevant) | ☐ |
Developed physical resource | ☐ |
Proof of how you managed the written resource according to organisational systems and processes | ☐ |
Proof of how you procured the human resource | ☐ |
Proof of how you’ve delivered your product/service/program to meet customer requirements | ☐ |
Section 3: Monitor and assess customer service |
- Develop at least one strategy to monitor customer service progress related to your chosen problem and system issue.
- Use the strategy you developed in the previous step to monitor the performance of customer service staff (using the strategies identified in section 2).
Note: Attach proof of how you monitored progress to this section of your portfolio (e.g. photo of you observing sales staff, weekly summary of customer complaints, survey sent to customers etc.).
Assume a period of time has passed. If you are using the case study, this is 6 months. |
- Assess customer service.
If you are using the case study, the data required to complete this section is contained in the Simulation Pack. If you are basing this assessment on your own business, make sure data is available to monitor customer service. |
- Are customer service goals being achieved?
- Has your chosen problem and system issue been resolved?
Attach: | Proof of how you monitored progress | ☐ |

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