Instructions to Student | General Instructions: There are two (2) activities to complete in this assessment task, as follows: Activity 1 Communication Plan You are required to develop a communication strategy for an organisation, using the following resources: ScenarioCommunication Plan template You will also develop a budget to implement your strategy and identify and manage any communication barriers that exist in your plan |
Activity 2 Crisis Communication Plan Review the example of a crisis communication planRespond to questions in relation to this plan Information / Materials provided: A learner guide is provided to assist students with their research. Assessment Criteria: The answers to the following activities will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of: Ability to develop a communication strategy for an organisation, including a crisis planning. Ability to identify communication channels for various stakeholders, whilst adhering to organisation protocols and processesFinancial implications of implementing a communication strategy Managing communication barriersContingency management plans for when electronic communications are down during a crisis. Work Health and Safety: A work health and safety check of the assessment environment is to be conducted prior to the assessment and any hazards addressed appropriately Number of Attempts: You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task as long as these are submitted within the study period for this unit. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant sections / questions with you and will arrange a due date for the submission of your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd submission is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to submit a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task.For more information, refer to the TAFE Queensland Student Rules |
Submission details | Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission. Due date for submission>to be notified by your teacher Information required to be submitted. Communication plan and associated protocols > Method of submission; example – Assessment to be submitted via TAFE Queensland Learning Management System: Connect url: https://connect.tafeqld.edu.au/d2l/loginUsername; 9 digit student numberFor Password: Reset password go to https://passwordreset.tafeqld.edu.au/default.aspx |
Instructions for the Assessor | Students should base their communication strategies on the simulated organisation provided in the scenario. Templates are provided to assist students. Work Health and Safety: A work health and safety check of the assessment environment is to be conducted prior to the assessment and any hazards addressed appropriately Assessment Criteria: Student’s answer to the following activities will enable the student to demonstrate their knowledge of: Ability to develop a communication strategy for an organisation, including a crisis planning. Ability to identify communication channels for various stakeholders, whilst adhering to organisation protocols and processesFinancial implications of implementing a communication strategy Managing communication barriersContingency management plans for when electronic communications are down during a crisis. Assessor Requirements Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors. |
Note to Student | An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide. |
Activity 1 Communication Plan
You are required to develop a communication strategy along with the required protocols. A communication strategy is designed to help you and your organisation communicate effectively and meet core organisational objectives.
Instructions to perform this task:
- Read the scenario and develop a communication strategy for Unity Inc, using the Communication Plan Template provided.
- When your communication strategy is complete, develop a realistic budget to implement your plan, using the table provided.
- Analyse your Communication Plan to identify what type/s of communication barriers are likely to exist and explain how you would manage these.
Unity Inc. provides day respite services. Currently the organisation communicates upcoming activities and information updates. It is hoping to save costs and streamline communication with service users and carers by changing from paper based newsletters, brochures and mail outs to using digital media.
You are the Manager, and your role is to make sure all staff understand their roles and responsibilities, to ensure the success of the organisation’s new Facebook page.
Please Note:
Stakeholders: refer to the parties, within and external to the organisation, that will have an interest or be impacted by the change.
Goal/Objectives: identify from the scenario above, what are the communication objectives? (What is the organisation wanting to achieve?)
Activity 1 Communication Plan
You are the Manager. Your role is to make sure all staff understand their roles and responsibilities, to ensure the success of the organisation’s new Facebook page. An example is provided in the first row to get you started.
Goal/Objectives: To communicate the introduction of a new digital media strategy to all stakeholders | ||||
Internal Stakeholder (listed below) | Key messages (who you will communicate with and the key messages you need to provide to this person or people) | Communication Channels (various methods and ways in which you will inform the person) | Protocol/Process (appropriate protocols/process you must follow in the organisation) | Timeframes (deadline for information to be organised) |
Example: Social Media Manager | Responsible for ensuring that the Facebook page is maintained with relevant, current and inclusive information.Approve comments before publishingManage negative comments / feedback | Facebook page Email & staff meetings | Social Media Manager to approve all content before uploading, Advise Service Manager of significant complaints received on FB page | Close of business daily for next day uploading |
Staff | ||||
Social Media Manager | ||||
Board/CEO |
External Stakeholder (listed below) | Key Messages (what you want the external stakeholder to know) | Communication Channels (various methods and ways in which you will inform the stakeholder) | Protocol/Process (appropriate protocols / process you must follow) | Timeframes (for information to be conveyed) |
Service User & Carers | ||||
Other services in the network |
- Thinking creatively, outline a realistic budget for your communication plan. Your budget must include the following information:
- All resources required to implement the communication plan
- Time involved to organise each resource
- Approximate costing of each resource
- Implications for planned return on investment
Resource/s required (list separately – student may add more rows) | Time allocated (internal staff) | Money required (excluding wages) |
Example: Digital Media Consultant | $2000 | |
- Identify three (3) communication barriers that are likely to exist in your Communication Plan you have developed in Activity 1. For each communication barrier, state how you will manage.
Activity 2 Crisis communication plan
Review the following example of a crisis communication plan and respond to the following questions
Stakeholder (listed below) | Key messages / themes (who you will communicate with and the key messages you need to provide to this person or people) | Communication Channels, including one non-electronic method (various methods in which the communication should occur) | Responsible officer (person/s responsible) | Timeframes (deadline for information to be organised) |
Crisis: Natural disaster (e.g. fire, flood, cyclone, etc.) | ||||
Media | Primary concern is for welfare and support of all service users and staff. Co-operation with [police / other emergency services / WHS officer / etc.) No comment on causes until a full investigation happens later. | Written statement. Interview with reporter | CEO, Chairperson | As soon as practical |
Staff | Follow instructions for managing the crisis, stay calm, who has special roles, reporting requirements | Building Alarms Radios Briefing at evacuation assembly point | WHS Officer Chief fire Warden CEO | Upon notification of the emergency |
Funding bodies | Facts about what happened, injury status, level of damage to assets, timeframe for providing a more detailed report | Phone, email, letter | CEO or Board | After the emergency has passed |
Service Users | Information about what happened, impact on service (e.g. closures) assurances that everything is under control. Check those on the premises are OK | Email Newsletter Phone calls to any clients with impacted appointments Signage on front door if a closure is required | CEO Client services staff Office admin | As soon as practical after the emergency has passed |
Family of Staff / Service Users | Assurances that everyone is OK or information about injuries of family members and their location | CEO or nominated staff member if there are no injuries. CEO or Board to liaise with police re. communicating with family members if there are injuries or deaths | As soon as possible if there are injuries or if media has broadcast the situation | |
General public | Primary concern is for welfare and support of all service users and staff. Co-operation with [police / other emergency services / WHS officer / etc.) No comment on causes until a full investigation | Media statement Notice on website or social media | CEO Board Members Social Media Manager | Same day of the event if it’s considered serious. |
- What is the benefit of a crisis communication plan?
- According to the above plan, who are the only people authorised to talk to media in relation to a crisis?
- What would your role and responsibilities be in this crisis if you were:
- A staff member
- The CEO
- What are three other situations (not including a natural disaster) where you would use a crisis communication plan?
End of assessment

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