CIVE1155 – Assignment 3 Sustainable Home Project Report – Part 2 (40%)
Report structure, the expected outcomes and mark allocation
Read in conjunction with Performance Descriptors/Ratings Rubric
Demonstrated Ability in Timber Design |
Structural Design Philosophy |
Discuss briefly and demonstrate using load path sketches how the structural integrity is achieved. Namely identifying the gravity load resisting system and the lateral load resisting system of your |
home. |
Indicate the need of transfer beams/ frames (if any at ground level) to support the upper floor external load bearing walls, where the ground floor load bearing internal walls are not available to |
support roof and upper floor loads. |
List structural design codes and other industry design aids used in your structural design. Indicate grades and types of timber involved in the design (you may have used different timber grades as |
well as seasoned and unseasoned timber in your design) |
Foundation Design |
Provide two foundation options you have considered for your home foundation slab on ‘Class M’ soil condition with relevant code references giving typical cross section. Discuss briefly the reason and justify the type you have adopted. |
Consider your front plot boundary as the Datum which is Level 0.00. Indicate your foundation slab top level on your foundation plan. This is also referred to as the Formation Level of the Ground Floor. As your plot is sloping down 4% towards the rear boundary, find the formation level by balancing the cut and fill volumes of the excavation. (note: Formation Level will be a negative value. |
Structural Timber Design & Validation (AS1720.1) |
1. Floor Joist Design Validation – From your floor framing drawing select the longest span |
floor joist. Using AS1720.1, conduct design checks for deflection, bending, shear and |
bearing. |
2. Roof Truss Design Validation – From your roof framing drawing, select the longest spaning |
standard truss. Analyse the truss to obtain bottom chord tension loads. Using AS1720.1, |
conduct design checks for members under Tension. |
3. Using your North Elevation wall framing, identify the most critical stud at the ground level. |
Using AS1720.1, conduct design check for compression members. |
4. Using your North Elevation wall framing, identify the most critical Lintel at the ground level. |
Using AS1720.1, conduct design check for bending members (procedure is similar to floor |
joist design) |
Civil & Structural Construction Drawings |
If you are convinced that, by producing the following construction drawings, you have provided all |
essential and necessary information for the builder to construct the structure, then you have reached |
your goal. |
S01 – Foundation Plan & Details (foundation plan, typical detail, longitudinal section an bulk excavation line indicating cut area and fill area) |
S02 – UL Floor Framing Plan & Details – (Upper level floor framing layout with Bearers and Floor Joists with member labels, giving standard notes with maximum spacing. Provide a table |
giving Floor joist/bearer label, sizes and grades). |
S03 – Roof Framing Layout – (Roof framing layout with Trusses and Rafters with maximum spacing and extent. Give different truss type labels and rafters, giving standard notes. Provide a |
table giving Truss type and truss member sizes with timber grades and Rafters with grades and |
standard maximum spacing) |
S04 – Wall Framing Layout – (Using North Elevation provide typical details of structural |
wall framing, including studs/noggins, floor joists, roof trusses, lintels over doors and |
windows and bracing. Through standard notes provide stud sizes and spacing. Using a |
table provide lintel sizes and grades. |
Total (marked out of 100 and adjust to 40) |

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