This will be the first part of an assignment that will continue through the term. You may work on this assignment individually or in pairs. If you are in pairs for this assignment, you should plan to also work together on the Research Essay and Presentation.
A well-structured and focused thesis is the foundation of an essay. This assignment will begin by allowing you to brainstorm ideas for reports and essays, from there you will narrow your general topics to a topic in which you can formulate an argument with supporting evidence that will comprise your thesis. You will then write an introduction to which includes your thesis
- Brainstorm, and research if necessary, to find a general topic for your essay (ex. Alternative Energy Sources).
- Focus your general topic to a limited topic, a specific area within that subject (ex. Energy Sources – Wind Power).
- Once you have a limited topic, you need to create an argument about it (ex. Wind Power is a viable energy source in the Canadian prairies).
- Develop 3 “reasons” your claim is true. Your reasons must be able to be supported by evidence. Add your supporting reasons to your argument using the “should be / because” statement.
Example: Wind energy should be a viable energy source in the Canadian prairies because of the prevalent wind patterns in the area, the accessible provincial and federal funding, and its eco-friendly qualities.
- Your thesis must contain the 5 traits outlined in the rubric and discussed in class.
What to hand in (“The Package”):
- A cover page in APA format
- A Mind Map or Freewrite outlining your thought process (examples conducted in class – week 6)
- A focused, clear, and acceptable Thesis within an introductory paragraph (See instructions/slides from week 6)
Please ensure your topic is appropriate for school
DO NOT write on smoking or quitting smoking
Please review Rubric on next page
Late assignments will not be accepted – Refer to Course Syllabus
Rubric – How you will be graded
Complete Package (all must be present) APA Cover Page (no errors)Mind Map OR FreewriteThesis | /2 |
Format: Contains a limited topic, not too generalThe thesis supports one side of an argumentProvides 3 researchable reasons that can be supported by evidence to support your claim | /5 |
Effectiveness: 5 Traits of Effective Thesis Is it clearly an arguable topic? (not one sided)Is it defendable? (sufficient academic evidence; it can be supported)Is it responsible? (ethically sound position)Is it understandable? (clear terms and key words explained)Is it interesting? (is it challenging and worth writing about) | /5 |
Mind Map OR Freewrite Detailed information providedShows evidence of breakdown of selected topic | /4 |
Spelling/grammar and APA format errors will be deducted 0.5 mark per error up to 5 full marks. That’s potentially a loss of 25%, proofread! | |
TOTAL | /16 |
*Include a Reference page and in-text citations if you use quotations or paraphrased material. Not doing so would be plagiarism!

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