In all the written assessments for this unit, it is important that you present your work in a way that communicates a professional attitude. Below are some formatting rules that should be followed for each written assessment:
- Type or word-process your assessment
- Use a 12pt font size
- Use Arial font
- Leave a margin of 2.5 cm around all four sides of the page
- Use 1.5 spacing between lines
- Use a Header to insert you name and student ID number at the top of the page
- Number pages clearly
- Keep a copy of your submitted assessments
For Reference List:
- Formatted according the Chicago 17B (Author-Date) Edition referencing system;
- Use single space for each source entry; and
Use double space between entries.
Assessment 3: Consumer Behaviour Journal and Report
Due Date: 10th May 2021 at 6pm (SGT)
Assessment Task
The main aim of this assessment is for students to understand the major consumer behaviour theories and how they personally influence behaviour as a consumer.
The report has a limit of 1,500 words not including the Consumer Behaviour Personal Journal excel spreadsheet.
The first part of this assessment will require each student to complete a journal showing purchases using the Journal Template (available on Moodle).
The second part of this assessment will require students to combine the information from their personal Consumer Behaviour Journal with Consumer Behaviour Theory.
Section A. Consumer Behaviour Personal Journal (20 marks total)
You are to complete a Personal Consumer Behaviour Journal. You are to use the Journal Template which is an excel spreadsheet available in Moodle. 20 purchase entries should be provided in the Journal. You have to complete the information under ALL headings of the Journal (unless it is not applicable in which case you must put n/a in the relevant cell).
The journal must be submitted with your report to Moodle/Turnitin
Section B. Consumer Behaviour Report (80 marks total)
This section of the report combines the details of your personal Consumer Behaviour Journal AND Consumer Behaviour theory.
The report must follow the structure detailed below:
- Introduction (5 marks) (approx. ¼ page)
A clear and brief overview of the purpose of this report and what will be covered in report.
- Explanation of Theory relating to Cultural Influence on Consumer Behaviour (40 marks) (approx. 1 page)
Provide a detailed explanation of Culture and how this influences consumer behaviour (using a minimum of 3 different academic sources).
- Cultural theory Influence on Personal Consumer Behaviour (10 marks) (approx. 3/4 page)
Discuss how Culture influences YOUR OWN PERSONAL CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR using specific examples from your Consumer Behaviour Journal (from Section A).
- Reflection on Personal Consumer Behaviour Generally (10 marks) (approx. 3/4 page)
Reflect on your own personal consumer behaviour and discuss what type of consumer you are. Are you the type of consumer that purchases only the best, branded items (or does it depend on what type of product you are buying) or are you looking for the lowest price products? Does your personality influence your purchases? The answers to these questions may vary with different purchases; if this is the case then you should explain why this is and use consumer behaviour theory (a different theory to Culture) to explain your behaviour. (minimum 1 reference)
- Conclusion (5 marks) (approx. ¼ page)
A clear and brief summary of the report.

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