Research & Evaluate
Research topic
Childhood obesity is on the rise. Explore how nutrition and health education in schools improves the health of Australian children
Search Strategy
Search tool | Search phrase | Limiters | Results |
UniSA Library | “Childhood obesity is on the rise” OR increasing AND nutrition AND young education | ARTICLES PEER- VIEWED JOURNALS | 1202 |
UniSA Library | “Childhood obesity” AND increasing AND nutrition AND education | Date 2010 – 2021 Peer viewed journals | 57 |
Scholar Google | “Childhood obesity is a rise in Australia” | Date 2018 –2022 Peer -viewed | 17100 |
UniSA Library | “Overweight in Children” AND Australia AND increasing AND Health education | Date 2000 -2022 Peer –viewed journals | 205 |
UniSA Library | “Health education through football” AND nutrition AND childhood obesity OR overweight etc AND Australia | DATE 2015 -2022 Peer-viewed journals | 4041 |
The search process involved selections keys word from my research topic of” childhood obesity is on the rise, explore the nutrition and health education in schools improve the health of Australian Children”, it included in the search phrasing. I used such as quotation marks, AND, OR, etc were included in the search phrasing. The search applied further by implementing limiters that filtered for peer viewed journal from the search tool of Scholar Google and UniSA Library. The search strategy was completed and with results obtained was narrowed down as low as 57 in one case and as high as 17100, with articles in those results being relevant and useful to research’ sources and evaluate the topic.
Eight Scholarly Sources
[List eight scholarly sources that you will use to address your Research topic. Ensure that you complete all fields for each source. It is important that your sources are scholarly and highly relevant to the Research topic. NOTE: You will be marked on the information you include for each reference and not on the referencing style.]
Source | Author/s | Year | Article Title (or Chapter Title for scholarly books) | Journal Title (or Book Title for scholarly books) | Volume Issue Pages | Journal is refereed (Ulrichsweb) Yes/No | Number of references listed | Link to the source Note: see Assessment video to find out how to include the correct link. |
E.g. | Shanshan, L | 2018 | Applying data analytics to social media advertising: a twitter advertising campaign case study | Journal of Advertising Education | vol. 21 no. 1 pp. 26-32 | Yes | 30 | |
1 | Fung,C Kuhle,S, Lu,C, Purcell, M, Schwartz, M, Storey,K, Veugelers,P | 2012 | From “best practice” to “next practice”: the effectiveness of school-based health promotion in improving healthy eating and physical activity and preventing childhood obesity | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | yes | 49 | https://ijbnpa.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1479-5868-9-27 | |
2 | Natale, Ruby A, Messiah, Sarah, E, Asfour, Lila, S, Uhlhorn, Susan ,B, Englebert, Nicole, E, Arheart, Kristopher L, | 2017 | Obesity Prevention Program in Childcare Centers: Two-Year Follow-Up | American journal of health promotion | Vol.31 No. 6 p.502-510 | no | nil | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27630110/ |
3 | Alison, R Elizabeth Denney,W Rachel, L Mark, H | 2013 | Child obesity prevention in primary health care: Investigating practice nurse roles, attitudes and current practices: Child obesity prevention | Journal of paediatrics and child health | Vol.49 No. 4 p.E294-E299 | Yes | 26 | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jpc.12164 |
4 | Larsen,M, Elbe,A, Madsen,M Madsen,E, Ørntoft,C, Ryom,K, Dvorak,J, Krustrup,P, | 2021 | An 11-week school-based ‘health education through football programme’ improves health knowledge related to hygiene, nutrition, physical activity and well-being—and it’s fun! A scaled-up, cluster-RCT with over 3000 Danish school children aged 10–12 years old | British journal of sports medicine | Vol.55 No.16 P.906-911 | yes | 39 | https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/16/906?hwsamljwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ. |
5 | Mattke,A, | 2019 | Mayo Clinic Guide to Raising a Healthy Child: Ages 3–11 – Nutrition for growing kids | Mayo Clinic Children’s Clinic | Part. 3 Chapter 13 P.199-216 | no | nil | https://www.google.com/search?q=+mayo+clinic+guide+to+raising+a+healthy+child&rlz=1C1GCEA_enAU968AU968&ei=xRVGY9arNMrqjuMP0Za4kA4&ved=0ahUKEwiWounNwtn6AhVKtWMGHVELDuIQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=+mayo+clinic+guide+to+raising+a+healthy+child&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQguEIAEMgUIABCABDIGCAAQFhAeMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDOgoIABBHENYEELADOgYIABAHEB5KBAhBGABKBAhGGABQ5YMMWOWDDGCVmgxoAXAAeACAAa8BiAHLApIBAzAuMpgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz |
6 | Margerison,C, Worsley, A | 2022 | Ways to improve secondary school teachers’ confidence in teaching food and nutrition subjects | Taylor & Francis online journal | Yes | 60 | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20004508.2022.2116865 | |
7 | De Silva-Sanigorski, Andrea M, Bell, A, Kremer,P Nichols,M, Crellin,M, Smith,M, Sharp,S, de Groot, F, Carpenter, L, Boak, R, Robertson, N, Swinburn, B, | 2010 | Reducing obesity in early childhood: results from Romp & Chomp, an Australian community-wide intervention program | The American journal of clinical nutrition | Vol.91 No. 4 p.831-840 | yes | 51 | https://academic.oup.com/ajcn?login=false |
8 | Heale, J | 2015 | Obesity and Overweight | The Spinney Press | Vol.380 No.1 P.29 -60 | yes | 28 | https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/unisa/reader.action?docID=1899259&ppg=33 |
Source 1
Summary and Evaluation
Mattke (2019, p219) in included the levels of childhood obesity are increasing at alarming rates in Australia, according to H Australia (2021) — In Australia, around 1 in 6 children aged between 4 and 15 years are considered overweight, one in 14 in this age range are obese in 2002, further highlighting its relevance to the research topic. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children, a child or teenager who is obese or overweight will carry more body fat for their age. There are many reasons can cause of childhood obesity, according to Mattke (2019), some of the main reasons including diet, non-knowledge of nutrition, regularly eating high-calorie foods, such as fast foods, baked goods and vending machine snacks, can cause your child to gain weight, lack of exercise, family factors, psychological factors, socioeconomic factors, certain medications. The Author has published and presented extensively on their research relating to raising a healthy child, early elementary school years of being younger, fitter and stronger, improve knowledge of nutrition of eating well, it also alert relationship and responsible of being a parent and school need improve about the way raising the children to avoid overweight and obesity. The article was published in Mayo Clinic, a peer-reviewed journal and has been cited Cited by 77- Nassan. With the pace at Childhood obesity is on a rise, issues always identified for many years to current, it is clearly need to improve the nutrition knowledge and early health education in schools, to avoid rising number of overweight in children and raising the next generation with healthy food for a better future.
Source 2
Summary and Evaluation
Margerison & Worsley(2022) conducted that School food and nutrition education plays an important role in imparting food-related knowledge and skills to students to avoid childhood obesity. The results are relevant to the research topic as they address nothing provides more of an immersive experience for children than the time they spend in school. This means schools have a rich opportunity to improve youth health and tackle obesity at the ideal point in time-before problems take hold. The study was conduct at School of Exercise and Nutrition Science, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia (Margerison & Worsley 2022), The authors has published and present extensively on their research relating Teachers’ suggestions to improve their confidence in food and nutrition teaching, food and nutrition knowledge and skills, the status of food and nutrition subjects , focusing on the ways to improve secondary school teaching preventing obesity in children. The article was published in Taylor & Francis Online for academic education. The authors used 60 references to developed their journals. The research does have any citation yet because recently published in August 2022, but has been 143 views. With the source of research recently, result showing the important role of schools teaching to develop the knowledge on nutrition, prevent childhood obesity rate in Australia.
Source 3
Summary and Evaluation
Larsen,M, Elbe,A, Madsen,M, Madsen,E, (2021) study showed that “Health education through football’ programme for children aged 10–12 years old is one of the most successful program to improves health knowledge related to hygiene, nutrition, physical activity and well-being Vol.55 (16), p.906-9. The results are revenant to the research topic as they addressed the effects on health knowledge and enjoyment of learning playing and having fun of an 11-week program ‘health education through football’ programme physical activity for children aged 10–12 years old to encourage children learn outdoor activities to get away from screen time. The program was conducted at Danish school (Larsen,M, Elbe,A, Madsen,M, Madsen,E, 2021). The authors have published and presented extensively on their research program relating health education of childhood obesity, with focus on children 10-12 year of ages. The article was published in England by BMJ Publishing Group LTD, a peer-reviewed journal, and has been cited 7 times. With health education in schools program improves the health of Australian children through physical activity of football and it is importance to consider to institution conducting to all schools in Australia from the young age to ensure reduction rate of obesity childhood. Research shows that children who engage in regular physical activity and improve their physical literacy, reap the numerous health benefits, special decreasing number of obesity children.

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