La Trobe University
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
CSE4IFU Website Design Assignment 20% of your IFU grade
Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of website analysis and design.
Due Date
10:00 AM August 29, 2022 via the LMS.
Delays caused by computer downtime cannot be accepted as a valid reason for a late submission without penalty. Students must plan their work to allow for both scheduled and unscheduled downtime.
The LMS will be configured to allow you to submit as many times as you like, the most recent version will be marked.
Late submissions will incur a 5% penalty for each day that it is late.
If you change your submission after the due date it is considered a late submission and will incur a 5% penalty for each day that it is late
Assignments will NOT be accepted after 5 days past the due date.
Copying, Plagiarism
This is an individual assignment. You are explicitly instructed not to work in groups.
DO NOT COPY & PASTE FROM WEBSITES! It must be in your own words.
Plagiarism is the submission of somebody else’s work in a manner that gives the impression that the work is your own. For individual assignments, plagiarism includes the case where two or more students work collaboratively on the assignment. The Department of Computer Science and IT treats plagiarism very seriously. When it is detected, penalties are strictly imposed.
Submission Guidelines
You can put your answers in either this document (after each question) or a new MS word document (just your answers).
You are required to upload the word document to LMS.
Problem Description
You will be designing a functioning online shopping system for an online business. This particular business doesn’t have a physical store and functions entirely online. For this reason it is very important for them to have a well-designed web page.
The online shopping system should have the following functions. Note that some functions are different from the shopping system introduced in the lecture.
- The shopping system has two roles of users: customers and managers.
- Customers can view all products.
- Customers can register and sign up the website.
- After signing up, customers can add interested products to the cart. Customers can view the cart and process the order or empty the cart.
- Managers can do all what customers do.
- In addition, after signing up, managers can add or delete products, view the customer list and the order list (having all orders by customers).
Task 1: Website Analysis
To plan and design your website, the first task is to analyse competitor sites and summarize your analysis for your website development.
- Please analyse the following three websites with detailed explanations in terms of the seven measures below. Apart from these three websites, you can also analyse other websites you are interested in. You can refer to lecture 3, lab 3 and the paper below the assignment materials on LMS to complete this task.
- You need to analyse pros and cons of one or two pages (like homepage) for each website in terms of the seven measures. For example, regarding “balance”, you can present some parts of the page which follow the measure and do not follow with explicit explanations.
Balance –
Predictability –
Sequentiality –
Economy –
Unity –
Proportions –
Task 2: Wireframe User Interfaces
Wireframe the user interfaces (detailed interface mockup) according to the problem description listed in this document. You can refer to lecture 3 and lab 3.
Note: you need to consider what user interfaces (UIs) you will use for your website. You can think about the UIs according to the problem description. Note that you can wireframe the UIs according to your understanding and preference.
Task 3: Designing a database for your website
Designing a database consists of 4 basic steps.
Task 3.1: Complete the following questions according to the problem description
- Identify the possible entities in the problem description.
- Identify the attributes in the problem description.
- Identify how the entities relate to each other (the relationships)
- Identify what attributes could be used as primary keys for each entity.
Task 3.2: Create an ER diagram
You can do this in any program of your choice (e.g. MS Word).
Task 3.3: Convert the ER Diagram into a Table
This is a step by step process:
- Create one table per entity.
- Each attribute of the entity is represented as a column in the table.
- Define the primary key columns (underline them)
- Add the foreign keys.

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