Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce
Unit Outline
Unit Code & Name | International Marketing (TMKT301) |
Year | 2021 |
Term | Semester 1 2021 |
Unit Coordinator | |
Location | Sydney |
Welcome to the Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce (IMC) and International Marketing (TMKT301). This document provides you with information relevant to the successful completion of this unit including learning outcomes, schedule of lecture topics, prescribed texts and recommended readings, assessment tasks and policies, examinations and learning support facilities.
Academic Administration Office
The Academic Administration Office will be located in Bay 3, Locomotive St. when renovations are complete. The administration office is your point of contact for advice, enrolment and access to student support facilities. IMC’s staff is available to assist you personally during office hours.
Unit Description
This unit introduces students to the concept of International Marketing with basic knowledge and understanding of core marketing theories and concepts relating to cross-border/International Marketing. How the core marketing concepts can be applied in an international environment, especially in some of the key strategic decision-making situations such as selecting a market and an entry method are covered with an aim of developing relevant skills. Students will learn about planning to enter into a new market by analysing the Political, Environmental, Social and Legal frameworks whilst targeting the correct and targeted consumer, establishing the suitable pricing, logistics and promotional strategies.
AQF Level
The teaching, the required learning and assessments are conducted at Level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework. https://www.aqf.edu.au/
Assumed Knowledge
Units of Credit: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | TMKT101 |
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: | 4 |
Unit Overview: | The aim of this unit is to provide students with basic knowledge and in-depth understanding of core marketing theories and concepts relating to cross-border marketing. How the core marketing concepts can be applied in an international environment, especially in some of the key strategic decision-making situations such as selecting a market and an entry method, are also covered with an aim of developing relevant skills. This unit also aims to provide students with the theoretical foundations and practical skills needed to be successful in international markets/marketing. |
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes (i.e. goals and objectives) of this unit are related to the learning outcomes of the overall course (or program) of study. In turn, both unit and course learning outcomes are designed to enhance each student’s acquisition of desirable graduate attributes. The table below shows the alignment of unit learning outcomes with course learning outcomes and their contribution to achieving graduate attributes.
Unit Learning Outcomes | Course Learning Outcomes achieved | Graduate Attributes achieved |
After successfully completing this unit students will be able to: | ||
Understand the nature and importance of International Marketing for a country and an organisation in context with today’s world and globalised economies | Acquire knowledge of theory and practice in International Marketing | – Global Perspectives – Disciplines needed – Personal development – Knowledge |
Demonstrate a working understanding with key International Marketing concepts and strategic issues and challenges | Analyse Issues, derive solutions and implement plans | – Commercial awareness and perspective – Disciplines needed – Critical thinking |
Understand key techniques that are relevant to the needs of an organisation’s management (research and analyse marketing situations, prepare recommendations and entry strategies for a marketing plan) | Think independently and critically to understand the situation and solution | – Commercial awareness – Discipline – Critical Thinking |
Demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills and an ability to present arguments on issues and recommendations relevant to marketing, strategy, marketing plans and defend them when required. | Apply knowledge and skills to problem solving in real world understanding. | – Leadership – Teamwork – Communication |
Class Times
Lectures: Tuesday, 2.00 pm (please see weekly schedule, discussed later in this guideline)
Videoing of Lectures
All Lectures will be recorded on ZOOM and downloaded onto Moodle. Should you miss a lecture, need to reconsult with some lecture material, or for any other reason, you can view the lecture on Moodle and revisit the notes and information you require.
All Lecture slides will also be published on Moodle.
Tutorial: There is no Tutorial in this unit. Instead the Lecturer is available for Consultation, as per appointment.
Consultation: By appointment vis sent email. Owing to the current situation, consultation with the Lecturer and Tutor can only be by email. You can communicate with me via ZOOM or SKPE, however, this would require an agreed appointment time. Please notify Glenn Parnaby that you require a meeting with him. Please be prepared to nominate a time and date for consultation
It is expected that you will be punctual in arriving at classes. To facilitate learning and remove disturbances to class you may be refused entry while the class is in progress if you are more than 10 minutes late.
Attendance records will be kept, via Zoom attendance notifications. If Zoom does not recognise your attendance, you will be marked as absent.
You are expected to demonstrate courtesy to the lecturer and other students by muting your computer, turning off your mobile phone and any internet-connected device in class unless the lecturer permits their use for teaching and learning purposes.
A roll of attendance will be taken for each Lecture. Zoom will advise me as to which students are active and on line. Each student is expected to attend all lectures and ask for Consultation time with me. If you are unable to attend, please make contact with the respective Lecturer.
It is expected that you will be punctual in logging into Zoom for each lecture.
Important – Please ensure your computer microphone is switched off so that background noise does not disturb the rest of the class with your unwanted background noise.
If you want to ask a question, please do. You may let me know of this via Zoom, during class, using the “Poll” menu.
Teaching Strategy
The learning outcomes in this unit will be achieved through a combination of face-to-face (ZOOM) classes, supported by online learning resources through Moodle, Library resources and the availability of staff consultation. Achievement of learning outcomes requires you to prepare for each class, complete all assessment tasks and undertake adequate private study.
As a guide, you should expect to allocate 10 hours each week to study this unit adequately:
- 3 hours of lectures/seminars/classes
- 1 hour of tutorial quizzes
- 4-6 hours per week of preparation and private study
Prescribed and Recommended Readings:
Prescribed Textbook:
- International Marketing – An Asia/Pacific Perspective. 7th Edition
- Authors – Richard Fletcher and Helen Crawford
Recommended Reference Books and Journal Articles:
- Meisner, H.G. (2012) Strategic International Marketing. Springer Science and Business Media.
Recommended Readings from the TOP Library:
- Czinkota, M., & Ronkainen, I. (2012). International marketing. Cengage Learning.
- Bradley, F. (2005). International Marketing Strategy. (5th Ed.), Harlow: Pearson Education.
- Fletcher, Richard, and Heather Crawford. International marketing: an Asia-Pacific perspective. Pearson Higher Education AU, 2013.
Students are strongly recommended to purchase have access to the abovementioned textbook. In addition to providing additional reading material to supplement lecture material.
A copy of each book is available for reference in the TOP library.
For remote Students, please contact the School Library for access to the “e” Library
Assessment Tasks
- Summary
Assessment tasks are an integral part of the learning framework. Assessment tasks are designed to measure student progress in achieving competency in all or selected unit learning outcomes. Unless otherwise stated, the pass mark in each assessment task is 50%.
Assessment type | Week assessment is due | Proportion of total marks | Unit Learning Outcomes assessed |
Class Participation | Weeks 1 -11 | 10.0% | Marks will be allocated based upon Lecture Attendance, Consultation initiatives, emails sent to Lecturer, seeking assistance, answers to your own questions to lecture information conducted from weeks 2-11 and student class attendance. Rolling Tutorial Quizzes will also form part of this Assessment, with students required to complete these quizzes and return answers to the lecturer. Rolls will be marked each week for Lectures and Tutorials |
Assessment 1 – Individual Assignment | Week commencing 26th April 2021 | 20% | Due in week 5, this assessment task will be based upon lecture and tutorial materials and learning from week 1 to week 4. Please see section headed “Assessment task, Assessment 1” for more details. |
Assessment 2 – Individual Assignment | Week commencing 8th June 2021 | 30% | Due in week 11, this assessment task will be based upon lecture and tutorial materials and learnings from weeks 1-4, PLUS weeks 5 to 10. Please see section headed “Assessment task, Assessment 2” for more details. |
Final Examination | Week commencing 14th June 2021 | 40% | The exam will be based upon Lecture material and teachings as set out and performed during Weeks 1 -11 |
- Constructive Alignment
Each Assessment Task, as listed above, is designed for the Student to gain maximum benefit from this Unit’s information base, application to meaningful practice and the student’s ability to apply the learned theory into reality
Class Participation
This gives the student the opportunity to ask questions, participate in discussions about lecture materials, theories and points of view.
Assessment No.1 and Assessment No.2.
The Student is expected to choose a Branded Product, Service or Event to be exported from a Foreign country into Australia. Assessment No.1 will encourage the student to identify and report upon the learned theory of International Marketing and how they relate the theory into real life decision making processes that are directly relatable to International Marketing.
In Assessment No. 2 the Student, having made several decisions based upon theory and the application to real life situations (in Assessment No.1), will be responsible for progressing the theory and learnings and creating a real life scenario for launching a Product/Service or Event into an International Market Economy (Australia).
The Final Examination will test all learned theory from weeks 1 – 11 and how they relate to the International marketing of brands, products, services, events and how the strategies of these brands are used to communicate with consumers and generate sales results.
- Details
Assessment Tasks: Details
Title | Assessment 1 – Exporting into New Nations and New Markets. A Branded Product, Service or Event”. From China to Australia |
Task | Topics to be covered: Many products, services or events provided by Chinese companies are not available in Australia. Many Chinese companies would like to expand their market places to include Australia. The student is to select from the topics below, a “branded” product, service or event that is not currently available to consumers in Australia. Based upon the learnings from Lectures 1 – 4, the student must make and present a case as to why they have selected their product, service or event and what decision-making processes they have undergone to have determined that the product, service or event can be successfully exported to Australia and be adopted by the local people and population. Added to this, why you have determined that the product they have selected is suitable for this Assessment Task. You must select one only, from the following topics and submit (Via email to the lecturer) your topic, prior to starting your Assignment. (Warning, be quick with your submission for approval. Only five (5) students will be available to do each topic) The lecturer will respond to your email with approval, or if the maximum numbers for the topic is already achieved, advise you to select another topic. Your topics available are as follows: |
Description and Purpose | Description: Your selected product, service or event has to be agreed by the Lecturer. Hence you must email the Lecturer with your selection. The Lecturer will return this email to the student as to whether your selection has been approved. You cannot progress this assignment until you have formal agreement from the Lecturer. Hence the quicker you can identify your Topic and brand, have it agreed by the Lecturer, the more time you will have to successfully complete the task. If the maximum numbers per topic have already been nominated the Lecturer will inform the Student of this and another topic and brand must be selected and nominated. Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to increase your level of understanding of the lecture material delivered during the weeks of teaching. |
Length | You are to present your case via a “report” format. The report is to be 1,500 words. (+/-10%) Not including The Executive Summary. Bibliography or references pages. An example of the Assignment Layout will be listed on Moodle. (It is not mandatory to follow) Please Note – This is a report and not an Essay. This is to be your work and not the work of others. Hence quotes from other text books, authors, etc are not warranted or required. Where you have researched and obtained findings, you are expected to cite the sources. |
Criteria to grade quality | The following criteria will be used to assess the project: |
Submission | The completed report must be handed in on Tuesday 27th April. The handing in of this assignment is set out below: (any exceptions must be cleared by the Lecturer, prior to 26th April 2021) |
Return and Feedback | A Marking Guide will be published on Moodle for this Assessment Task. All assignments will be marked against the criteria listed above and discussed by the Lecturer during the Semester. The assignment will be marked and comments made. The assignment will be emailed back to you within 2 weeks of the submission date. Marks will be recorded and added to your final Semester mark. |
Please note, attachments must be in WORD form – not PDF |
Assessment Tasks: Assessment 2 – Individual Assignment
Title | Assessment 2 – Selection of Branded Product/Service to be Exported to Australia. Step 2, what to do once the decision to export has been made – “Product / Service / event Commercialisation Proposal, & supporting decision processes” |
Task | Topics to be covered: As in “Assessment Task -1” and having already selected an existing branded product, service or event (the same branded product/service/event as selected and reported in Assessment Task 1) You must now present a case as to how you would proceed to commercialisation. This must include all material covered in Lectures from Lectures 1-4 as well as Weeks 5-10. Using the same product/service/event reported upon in Assessment Task 1, you no longer require approval from the Lecturer to proceed with your choice. Subject areas for inclusion are, but not limited to: Export/Manufacture methodCompany set up, partnershipCompetition, distribution channelsMarketing methods, technology, research and strategyCultureSales Revenue methods, Measurement Based upon the learnings from Lectures 5 – 10, you must make a case for your International Marketing strategies, entry methods and success within the new market. How will you measure the efforts of your endeavours? The essay must make the case to why you have selected your strategies and what decision-making processes you have undergone to have determined the commercialisation process. |
Purpose and Description. | Description: Utilising the same product/service/event from Assessment Task 1, you must analyse the new target market to totally understand the entry requirements, barriers to entry, culture/s, market strategies, sales techniques, revenue generation and more. An essay sample will be placed on Moodle. (not mandatory follow this) Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to assess your level of understanding of the lecture and tutorial material delivered during the weeks 5 – 10 of teaching. |
Length | You are to present your case via report format. The essay is to be 2,000 words +/- 10%. (Not including Executive Summary or bibliography/references) You are expected to prepare an Executive Summary (Not included in 2,000 word limit) |
Criteria to grade quality | The following criteria will be used to assess the project:1 Demonstrated links to appropriate readings The scope and depth of analysis and links to theoryPresentation of a convincing argument and error free language Clear recommendations based on analysis, argument and clarity of expression |
Submission method | The completed essay must be handed in on Week 11, 2.00pm, Tuesday, 8th June 2021. The handing in of this assignment is as set out below: (any exceptions must be cleared by the Lecturer, prior to 8th June 2021) A copy of your Assignment must be emailed to the Lecturer before the commencement of lectures on Tuesday, 8th June e.g. assignments to be emailed to glenn.parnaby@imc.edu.au before 2.00pm, Tuesday, 8th June. No assignment will be accepted for marking after the cut off time of 2.00 pm. Failure to meet the above schedule will meet with a mark of zero being recorded against this task. |
Return and Feedback | All assignments will be marked against the criteria listed above. The returned assignments will contain the lecturer’s comments. All assignments will be returned within 1 week of submission. Marks will be recorded and added to your final Semester mark and be known to you prior to your final exam. |
Please note, attachments must be in WORD form – not PDF |
Assessment Tasks: General Information
- Late submission of assignments: It is IMC policy that assignments cannot be submitted late without prior approval of the unit coordinator and only in extenuating circumstances supported by evidence. Assignments submitted late without prior approval will not be graded.
Schedule of Topics
Date of Lecture | Topics | Readings | Special Instructions | |
Week 1 | 30-3-21 | Rationale for International Marketing 9.00 am | Chapter 1 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle |
Week 2 | 6-4-21 | International Politics, Foreign Governments and Economies 9.00 am | Chapters 2 & 3 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 3 | 13-4-21 | Cultural and Social Environments | Chapter 4 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle Tutorial Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 4 | 20-4-21 | Market Research and Market Segmentation for Selection and Market Entry | Chapters 7 & 8 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 5 | 27-4-21 | Competitive Strategies | Chapter 9 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 6 | 4-5-21 | Globalisation | Chapter 11 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 7 | 11-5-21 | Product Modification for new markets | Chapter 13 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 8 | 18-5-21 | International Price Strategies | Chapter 14 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 9 | 25-5-21 | Product Distribution and Logistics | Chapter 16 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 10 | 1-6-21 | Marketing Strategies, Services and Promotions | Chapters 12 & 15 of Text Book | Lecture Notes will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 11 | 8-6-21 | Summary of International Marketing | All Chapters of Text Book | Lecture Notes and Final Examination topics will be available on Moodle. Homework Quiz and revision of Lecture |
Week 12 | W/C 14-6-21 | FINAL EXAMINATION |
Tutorial or Weekly Assignments
These will be set out on each lecture and due for return before the next lecture. These will also contribute to the Student’s Class Participation mark.
Requirements to Pass the Unit
To achieve a passing grade in this unit, a student must:
- Attempt all within-term assessment tasks to the satisfaction of the lecturer-in-charge.
- Attend the final examination and submit a completed examination script; and
- Achieve an overall mark of at least 50% in the unit.
A final grade and mark will be awarded in the unit as follows:
Grade %Mark
High Distinction (HD) 85 – 100
Distinction (D) 75 – 84
Credit (CR) 65 – 74
Pass (P) 50 – 64
Fail (F)* 00 – 49
*The alternate grades of Fail Absent, Fail Incomplete and Fail Withdrawn may be awarded in appropriate circumstances.
The definition and interpretation of the above grades can be found in Assessment Policy and Procedure (Coursework) on IMC’s website
Academic Integrity Module (AIM)
All IMC students are required to complete the Academic Integrity Module (AIM) before submitting their first assignment in their first unit of study (which may be this unit or another unit). AIM is an online module available through Moodle that introduces the principles of ethical academic practice and IMC’s values and expectations of correct academic conduct. There are no credit points awarded for completing AIM, but your successful completion of the module will be recorded on your Academic Record for future reference. If you have not completed AIM by week 6, your results for the assignment will be withheld. Students are asked to attach the email confirmation of successful completion to their first assignment.
Recent Changes to this Unit
The following recent changes have been made to improve and/or update this unit:
Assessment Tasks 1 & 2 have been altered this Semester so that all students can be assessed more accurately against the learned theory, its application to real life and the marking criteria, as published to the Student.
Online Learning Support
A great deal of online learning support is provided. A list of subject-specific and general information guides containing the best databases and resources available are accessible via the Library website: library.top.edu.au. The online Library Course available on Moodle is useful for learning about available services and how to conduct research successfully. Many useful support materials can also be located within the Academic Skills Development Module on Moodle.
For more information or further support, please contact our English Language and Academic Skills Coordinator at learning@imc.edu.au
Academic English Support Program
An extensive Academic English program is provided. This program is aimed at developing skills and understanding of the rules and conventions that form the basis of academic work. The program includes:The Academic Skills Development Module (available on Moodle)
- Academic English and Study Skills workshops held throughout the term
- Individual consultations available by appointment
- Academic English Support Guide (accessible in the online Library)
If you have any queries or would like to book a consultation, please contact our English Language and Academic Skills Coordinator at learning@imc.edu.au
Additional Tutorial Support
Support for this unit may be provided by IMC’s Duty Tutor who provides general assistance and personal advice on academic matters in a selection of undergraduate and postgraduate units. The Duty Tutor is available for consultation by contacting pass@imc.edu.au. [Staff: delete Duty Tutor if this does not apply to your unit or this is a postgraduate unit]
Early Intervention for Students at Risk
Your performance within each teaching period will be monitored to assist you towards successful completion of the units in which you are enrolled. Students whose performance is such that they are deemed to be at risk of not successfully completing the unit will be identified through IMC’s early intervention strategy. Indicators of students at risk of not successfully completing the unit include:
- Not attending lectures and/or tutorials
- Not performing adequately in assessment tasks
- Lack of engagement in the learning process
- Poor language skills
Where you are identified as being at risk of failure, you will be advised by IMC of an appropriate remedial strategy and provided access to support services appropriate to your needs.
Policy on Special Consideration for Examinations
Students may apply for a Special Consideration when they are unable to sit an examination or if their performance in the examination is severely affected by extraordinary circumstances beyond their control. Students are not allowed to decide whether or not they will sit an examination. Students may only apply for special consideration when they have evidence that they could not sit for the exam owing to significant unforeseen circumstances
Acceptable evidence of a student’s inability to sit an exam, or a severe adverse effect on their performance in an examination, include a stamped medical certificate with the date of consultation, the state or extent of the medical condition, and the period covered by the doctor’s certificate. IMC administration staff will contact the medical professional’s office to verify the authenticity of the certificate. Only medical certificates that involved a personal (not online) consultation with a medical professional will be accepted. Please note:
- Misreading the examination timetable is not sufficient reason for the award of Special Consideration.
- Sitting consecutive exams (e.g. two exams on one day) is not a sufficient reason for the awarding of Special Consideration.
An application form for Special Consideration is available from Moodle. Applications for Special Consideration must be received by the IMC Academic Administration Office no later than five (5) working days after the last day of the examination period.
If Special Consideration is deemed to apply in a final examination, in normal circumstances, a student will be permitted to sit a Supplementary Examination. For mid-term exams, the unit coordinator has the discretion to determine how Special Consideration, if granted, will be applied.
A student can take only one supplementary examination in this unit each term.
Re-sit Assessment Task
If a student has achieved an overall mark between 40% and 49%, or a Fail Incomplete grade with an aggregate mark of at least 40%, a re-sit assessment task may be prescribed by the lecturer-in-charge to determine whether acceptable competency in expected learning outcomes has been achieved. The assessment will typically be in the form of a re-sit final examination. Still, it might be another form of re-sit evaluation if the student has performed satisfactorily in the first attempt at the final examination.
Student Satisfaction Survey
At the end of each term, students will be asked to complete a Student Satisfaction Survey. Student responses will assist IMC and its teaching staff in making improvements to teaching and learning content and processes. The survey will include questions about unit content, the assessment system, teaching quality and other items. Students will also have an opportunity to make open-ended comments. Student evaluations are important to IMC and are taken seriously. All student evaluations are anonymous to ensure privacy.
Academic Misconduct
- Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the use of another person’s ideas or work without appropriate acknowledgement or credit. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional.
Intentional plagiarism is deliberately using text, ideas or concepts attributable to another person obtained from any source (including internet sources) without referencing the author and the publication. Intentional plagiarism is a serious matter, amounting to academic fraud. Student work established and proven as containing deliberate plagiarism will result in a zero grade and be reported to the Dean of School. The student’s enrolment in the unit will be reviewed.
Unintentional plagiarism may occur if you do not understand appropriate ways of acknowledging sourced reference materials. If you are unsure, you should consult the lecturer, IMC’s academic skills coordinator and available publications to learn how to reference appropriately.
All written assignments must be submitted online through the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software (unless otherwise advised by the lecturer). The link for Turnitin can be found on IMC’s Moodle site.
- Cheating
Cheating is an attempt to gain an unfair advantage over other students. Cheating includes copying, plagiarism and third-party assistance in preparing assignments. All work submitted must be a student’s own work. In an exam, cheating includes communicating with anyone other than supervisors during the exam period and the use of dictionaries, electronic devices, books or notes in the exam room where these not authorised. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated at IMC. Any student caught cheating on an examination will be given a FAIL grade in that unit, and the incident will be reported to the Dean of School for further action.
- Third-party assistance
Academic misconduct includes the submission of work that has been prepared or assisted by a third party (e.g. through the purchase of assignment submissions). Where a lecturer has evidence that a submitted assignment is not the student’s own work, the lecturer may interview the student to ascertain whether third-party assistance has been obtained and, if so, report the incident to Dean of School for further action to be determined.
Students are required to read and understand IMC’s Academic Integrity Policy and ensure that all the work complies with the policy before submitting assessments
Graduate attributes are human characteristics that IMC endeavours to develop in its students as they progress through a program of higher education. Graduate attributes nurtured within IMC’s environment of advanced learning are integrity, capability, curiosity, and responsibility. Graduate attributes are fostered through a framework of learning outcomes starting with graduate learning outcomes (or goals), through to course and unit learning outcomes (or goals). The learning outcomes framework, together with unit content and assessments that encourage and measure the achievement of learning outcomes are aligned to assure competencies are achieved at each level. IMC expects its graduates to have achieved a measure of each of the four graduate attributes through completion of any of IMC’s AQF Level 7 or higher-level courses.
Graduate Attributes (GA) | Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) |
Integrity | Act honestly, ethically and morally in personal and work contexts. |
Manage personal and professional development to maintain discipline knowledge and skills | |
Capability | Apply discipline knowledge, principles, concepts and skills |
Think critically, analytically, creatively, strategically and reflectively | |
Solve problems and make sound decisions based on theoretical foundations and discipline-specific knowledge | |
Apply interpersonal skills to work constructively as a team member | |
Communicate effectively in personal and work contexts | |
Engage with transformative digital technologies | |
Curiosity | Commit to continuous learning and intellectual curiosity |
Derive knowledge through systematic and scientific methods of enquiry | |
Responsibility | Apply knowledge and skills in a manner that demonstrates national, international and intercultural awareness and understanding |
Take leadership roles in the workplace and community, and engage constructively on local, national and global issues |

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