A 1000-word paper, identifying and arguing an error of commission: that is, a specific claim, or specific line of argument, or body of evidence, that you consider to be wrong in the debates provided by Cordelia Fine and Holly Lawford-Smith
For this task you will search and identify a particular fault – that is, an argument or a body of evidence that you think is faulty in a significant way. A good way to organise this would be to:
identify the line of argument, the logic, or the body of evidence that you think is faulty. (Make sure you haven’t misunderstood the argument being made).say why this line of argument, logic or body of evidence is faulty. What evidence do you have to the contrary? What line of argument do you have to the contrary?
say what difference it made to the case as a whole and how it weakened the argument in an important way.
The error must be argued by you, not a repeat of an argument made by the opposing debater.