Weight: | 40% |
Type of collaboration: | Individual |
Due: | 21st April, 11:59pm |
Submission: | Essays must be submitted to Turnitin (accessed through vUWS) by the due date and time. |
Format: | Students should ensure that they list the question they are answering at the top of their essay. The essay should consist of an introduction, body and conclusion, and reference list. All essay submissions should be typed in a 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman) and feature double spacing. |
Length: | 1500 words |
Curriculum Mode: | Essay |
Essay: From set questions on an aspect of contemporary social life
Students are to choose ONE of the following questions to answer in their essay:
- Explain Mills’ ’sociological imagination’. Why is this concept considered foundational in sociology?
- Explain ’social construction’. How might gender or nationality be understood as a social construction in contemporary Australia?
- What are social norms? How do they shape behaviour? Give examples from everyday life.
- What is a social institution? What role do social institutions like the family or education play in socialisation?
- Compare and contrast two of the following: functionalism, conflict theory or symbolic interactionism. How do they view the relationship between individuals and society?
To complete the task, students should follow these steps:
- Identify the key components of the question you have chosen. What is it asking you to do? What are the key words or concepts and theories that it refers to?
- Consider what information is needed to successfully answer the question. As a start, think about the online weekly modules or set readings that are most relevant and review those materials. Bear in mind you will need to go beyond these (and you need to focus on published materials in your essay, so the set readings should be given preference over lecture pods/online materials).
- Begin researching your chosen topic. Use the library databases to identify other academic sources. If you are not sure how to do this see the Tutorial Workbook for tips and/or seek some support from library staff.
- Take notes on the readings you complete, being sure to distinguish between your summaries/paraphrasing and any direct quotes. (There are links to useful note-taking and paraphrasing resources in the Tutorial Handbook).
- Having obtained relevant information to answer the question, draft an essay plan that considers how you might structure your essay.
- Commence drafting your essay. Keep coming back to your essay plan to check that you are still on track as you do so.
- Re-read and refine your essay. As you do so, ask yourself: ’does this answer the question’? ’Are the points I am making, and the significance of them clear’? ’Are the connections between points, particularly between paragraphs, clear’?
- Check your essay for spelling and/or grammatical errors.
- You might consider having someone else proofread your work. If you opt to do this, to avoid potential for collusion, that person should not be from this unit. The library offers support with this if you don’t have anyone at home that you can ask. (See the Study Smart link in vUWS for more information about this service).
Students should base their essays on the reading completed for the unit, and additional research and reading of relevant academic publications (e.g. books, book chapters, journal articles). A minimum of 5 academic references are needed to complete this task. At least two of these should come from sources other than the set readings.
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