- Please use APA referencing convention (APA 5th, 6th, or 7th edition styles are fine). The example essay plan and essay provide an indication of how to use referencing. DOIs are not necessary.
Word count: 500 words (worth 10%).
Due date: Thursday August 25th (by 12pm).
The essay plan is an exercise in structuring your essay and developing argument. The objective here is for you to: (i) structure your introductory paragraph, essay body [in this case: two paragraphs], and concluding paragraph; (ii) and to also plan for developing your own position on the essay topic.
There are essentially three main parts of an essay: an introduction, essay body, and conclusion. For this task, you will need to structure each of these sections in point form. The written points should be written in full sentences.
The essay plan will take the following format:
· Opening line [general statement outlining significance of the topic].
· Introduce the controversy.
· Outline ‘sides’ of the debate.
· State the aim of the essay.
· State how the aim will be achieved.
· [optional] Outline what position will be reached.
Body of the essay [two paragraphs; please note that for the actual essay, you will need to write more than two paragraphs for the body of the essay]
· Direct statement of the point of the paragraph (topic sentence).
· [where relevant] Clarify the topic, define, and indicate relevance.
· Outline a position (evidence/argument).
· Develop an argument for/against the point of the topic sentence.
· Finish the paragraph with your explicit evaluation in relation to the essay topic
· First line concluding statement (a statement directly addressing your stance on the essay topic).
· Next sentences summarising the major reasons/points for reaching that conclusion.
· Acknowledging limitations (e.g., limits of scope of analysis).
· Final sentences should indicate meaningful future directions.
· The essay plan assignment must be presented in point form and be written in full sentences.
- The title page must include a word-count of the plan. All in-text referencing used in the plan (from beginning of the introduction to the end of the discussion) is included in the word-count. The title page and reference list are NOT included in the word-count. There is no need for a running head/page header (it will eat into your word-count).
- The plan should include in-text references (included in the word-count) and a final reference list (not included in the word count).
- The material from this first assessment can be incorporated into your essay.
- This project is designed to give you feedback on your essay writing and direction of thinking, etc. You can, of course, choose an essay topic for the final essay that differs from the one covered in the essay plan.
Frequently asked questions
How many references should I use for the ESSAY PLAN?
Generally, 5-7 references will be sufficient for writing a good essay plan, although it is always best to consider quality of use rather than quantity. The starter references will generally be sufficient for writing the essay plan, but you can read beyond them and use other sources.
Should I include a title page?
Yes, please include a title page indicating the topic choice, your name, and the word count. This title page is not included in the word count.
Can I use the essay plan material in my essay, and if I do, won’t Turnitin pick up the similarity?
Yes, you can use the essay plan material in your essay, and no, Turnitin will not record any similarity.
Do in-text references count in the word count?
Yes, all in-text referencing used in the essay plan are included in the word-count (i.e., everything from the beginning of the introduction to the end of the discussion is included in the word count). The title page and reference list are NOT included in the word-count. There is no need for a running head/page header (it will eat into your word-count).
This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
- Gain a basic insight into central issues in contemporary personality research within a global context.
- Learn of the variety of approaches to the study of personality, and their relevance to understanding psychopathology, everyday life, and research.
- Learn how to read critically, to take your own stance on an array of issues in writing and in discussion with your peers.
- Write an essay that synthesises a body of material and argues for an original position.
- Acquire enough background knowledge to direct further studies in the area.
- Learn how to communicate effectively during group discussions in seminars.

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