University of East London
Assessment Guide – Component 2: Individual Report
Module Code: FN7226
Module Title: Managing Resources in the International Business Environment
1500 words individual report | Weighting: 50%: |
Submission deadline: 12th January 2023 – 4pm |
Learning Outcomes Evidenced by this assignment:
- Make informed strategic choices based on an understanding of the financial and economic environment and of key institutions within it
- Determine the likely impact of changes in financial and economic circumstances on organisations and industries with which they are associated
Thinking skills
- Appraise the financial performance and standing of a business or business unit
- Determine the likely impact of changes in financial and economic circumstances on organisations and industries with which they are associated
Subject-based practical skills
- Critique and contribute to project appraisal decisions
- Assess the appropriate means whereby international businesses can raise and manage financial resources
Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Make informed contributions to policy debates within their industry or sector.
- Communicate effectively on financial and economic matters to both expert and non-expert audiences
Submission procedure:
Each student will turn his/her report in via TURNITIN.
Submission links will be made available according to Seminar Groups.
Return of feedback and marked work:
All feedback and marking will be online and preliminary results will also be published online, 2-4 weeks after the submission deadline.
Details of the task.
You are International Business Manager at a UK based company. Your company has identified USA and Europe as potential markets and wish to expand asap and plans a full-scale expansion. You are requested to analyse both projects and advise.
In considering such large project, you must work out the risk of each project, cost of capital and NPV. Allocate discount rate for each project according to current international business climate and justify why you allocated the discount rate for each region. Discuss how you aim to manage international risks.
Projected cash flows in respective currencies:
Year | Net Cash Flow – USA USD | Net Cash Flow – EuropeEUR |
0 | -20 million | -20 million |
1 | 2 million | 2 million |
2 | 4 million | 3 million |
3 | 5 million | 4 million |
4 | 6 million | 8 million |
5 | 8 million | 8 million |
- Briefly discuss viability of both projects in today’s global business context. Based on your discussion allocate and justify discount rate for both projects. (30 Marks)
- How much investment (GBP) is needed for each project and what is the NPV of each project? Use spot and forward exchange rates to discuss. (30 Marks)
- Considering current world economic climate, the future exchange rates are uncertain. How would you analyse/anticipate the change in exchange rates? Write a brief proposal to mitigate impact of possible exchange rate fluctuations (30 Marks)
- Discuss your calculations and advise which project should be selected. (10 Marks)
(Total up to 1000 words + calculations = 1500 Words)
WORD LIMIT: as above
Feedback will be given 2 weeks after submission
General Presentation
The report must be word processed, double spaced with 25mm margins. The font size must be such that the project is easily readable e.g. a font size of either 12 or 14 point (excluding headings). Use widely-used fonts such as Times New Roman, not those that might be considered informal or unusual. Pages must be sequentially numbered.
Chapters, sections and sub-sections must be clearly identified and sequentially numbered or lettered, with separate chapters beginning on a new page.
Diagrams, graphs, figures, tables, pictures and charts must be incorporated into the report and they should be clearly labelled and referenced.
References must be accurately provided in the text using the Harvard System (see Saunders et al., 2009). All quotations must be acknowledged and correctly presented within the text i.e. other than very short ones, quotations should be indented and in single spacing. (See Saunders et al for further details).
Number of words should be mentioned at the end and before any bibliography.
Skills Advice
Refer to your material provided in your skills modules to make sure that you have conformed to academic conventions
The university expects students to use Harvard referencing as specified in the book ‘Cite Them Right’.
- Refer to further advice and a link to an online version of Cite them Right
- You should be careful to include citations within your work as well as a reference list at the end. Unreferenced work will fail.
- Your word count should not include your abstract, or reference list. You should provide your word count at the end of your report.
- Should not exceed the word count by more than 10%; if it does, it will result in a penalty of 10% of your marks for your work.
- If your work is significantly shorter, then you will probably have failed to provide the level of detail required.
Submission to TURNITIN of Work Submitted for Assessment
Our policy on the use of TURNITIN recognises the educational desirability that all of our students should enjoy the opportunity to self-submit their work to TURNITIN (before submitting for assessment). We also recognise that TURNITIN Originality Reports will sometimes assist in the identification of plagiarised work submitted for assessment.
Work that is submitted to TURNITIN generates a TURNITIN originality report, showing which parts of it have been reproduced from which sources. The system compares submissions to material that is to be found: on the world-wide web; in its database of previous submissions; and in its growing number of databases of published articles. You should not assume that a TURNITIN originality report with a low similarity index is evidence that the piece of work concerned is free from plagiarism.
Our policy provides that a Module Leader may decide, in accordance with the policy of the school of Business and Law, that all student submissions for a particular component of assessment should be submitted to TURNITIN, provided that the relevant Module Guide includes a notice to that effect.
Notice is hereby given that all submissions of reports for this Module must be submitted to TURNITIN. Detailed guidance on how to submit your work to TURNITIN will be made available on this Module’s Moodle page.
If you fail to submit your report to TURNITIN, in accordance with the guidance on the Moodle page, you will be awarded a mark of 0 for the component.
If you have any questions about TURNITIN, you should go to “Frequently Asked Questions” at http://www.uel.ac.uk/aple/studentsupport/esubmission/
The material that you submit to TURNITIN will be marked. The deadline applies so you are advised not to submit after 11.00 p.m., because it could take some time for your submission to upload, and the delay could cause the work to be received after 11.59. A late submission will receive a mark of 0.
Please be aware that the TURNITIN site will advise you that late submissions are accepted. This is only for the purposes of allowing students who are claiming extenuation to submit their work.
Please read the material in the submission folder and make sure that you attach the feedback sheet as requested and save the document using the format for the name of the document as specified.
No hardcopy submissions via the Helpdesk. The school of Business and Law has a zero tolerance on late work. A 10% mark will be deducted for late submissions.
You cannot submit your work in separate pieces, only one file, as your last submission will overwrite your previous ones.
MARKING CRITERIA – AT-A-GLANCE GUIDE In deciding the mark you will are to be awarded for an essay, report, test or examination, staff in all your modules are guided by the following assessment criteria | ||||||
70% AND ABOVE | 60-69% | 50-59% | 40-49% | 35-39% | 34% OR LESS | |
Coverage of question Relevance to question | Comprehensive Entirely relevant | Broadly Relevant | Reasonable Not always directly relevant | Incomplete Includes irrelevant material | Patchy Doesn’t address question | Complete inability to understand the question |
Structure of discussion Clarity of discussion Originality of discussion | Good Clear Shows original thought | Good Clear No/little originality | Reasonable Lacks precision No originality | Reasonable Incomplete No originality | Poor No clear structure No originality | No structure |
Understanding of technical complexity | Thorough | Sound grasp | Reasonable grasp | Some understanding | Inadequate grasp | Failure to grasp |
Coverage of appropriate reading | Wide coverage | Solid coverage | Some coverage of essential reading | Inadequate coverage/ reading | Minimal reading shown | Minimal reading shown |
Understanding of content of reading | Ideas from sources carefully and accurately explained, in context, achieving a synthesis | Good understanding, with accurate exposition | Some understanding, but incomplete and unclear explanation | Confused exposition, with inaccuracies | Confused Unable to see key connections and fails to grasp context | Very confused |
Correct referencing /documentation | Comprehensive Correct | Good | Adequate | Incomplete Minimal | Poor documentation /none | No documentation Reliance on paraphrasing from texts and/or direct copying from texts |
Extenuating Circumstances
Extenuating Circumstances are circumstances which:
- impair your examination performance in assessment or reassessment, or
- prevent you from attending for assessment or reassessment, or
- prevent you from submitting assessed or reassessed work by the scheduled date
If you need to apply for extenuating circumstances please find the relevant information
Re-assessment of work
You will need to retrieve this assignment if any of the following occur during the semester:
- You fail to achieve 40% or more for this assignment
- You fail to achieve 50% for the module and you failed to achieve 40% or more for this assignment.
You will be expected to do this piece of work for resit. Your assignment brief will be available on moodle.
Student Appeals
Students who wish to appeal against Field and Award Boards decisions can find the relevant information

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