The following table provides an example of the overview of the assessment requirements.
- Assessment 1 : Individual reflexive review
The following table provides an overview of the assessment requirements.
Assignment brief : Individual reflexive review | |
Module code | HRM 4801 |
Module title | Managing and Developing People |
Submission date, time | 01.12.2020 : 11.59pm GMT+4 online. |
Feedback type & date | You will receive written feedback on the 15th December 2020 |
Word count | 1500 words or equivalent. |
Assignment type | Individual reflexive review |
Assignment structure and format | This first assignment is a ‘reflexive review of the behaviours associated with demonstrating value for people in an ethical and sustainable way. You will need to:Review the new CIPD profession behaviours which is an international benchmark for the people profession to enable better decisions, act with confidence, perform at your peak, drive change in your organisation and progress in your career.https://peopleprofession.cipd.org/profession- map?gclid=CjwKCAjwyqTqBRAyEiwA8K_4O5qURUD4rWHGefkMFf3dIysxzyFgc7F E-FSkdmV0zyC8I-b9MJ5uJxoCmFYQAvD_BwE Consider the 8 core behaviours and self-assess to review your areas of strength as well as areas for development to be effective in managing and developing people. Identify 3 areas of strength and present evidence of this with examples of practice. Identify 3 areas for development and provide rationale for your choice. Write an critical reflexive review of how you will continue to build on the 3 strong core behaviours and develop the other 3 core behaviours identified to build on and enhance your future management and development of people. Consider all module content, including practice development sessions and action learning conversations as well as relevant academic underpinning within your review. ( 1500 words) Referencing should be in line with Harvard style – see http://www.citethemrightonline.com |
Assessed learning outcome (s) | LOK1: Analyse the core knowledge and behaviours associated with the people profession LOS1: Use reflective and reflexive practices to critically evaluate own behaviours and their impact on others |
Module weighting % | 40% |
Key reading | Addae-Kyeremeh, E and Rezaie, P. OU Learn: Reflective thinking, Reflective learning |
and | and Academic writing |
learning | https://www.open.edu/openlearn/ocw/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=51386 |
resources | CIPD (2018) New Profession’s Map https://peopleprofession.cipd.org/profession- |
map?gclid=CjwKCAjwyqTqBRAyEiwA8K_4O5qURUD4rWHGefkMFf3dIysxzyFgc7FE- | |
FSkdmV0zyC8I-b9MJ5uJxoCmFYQAvD_BwE | |
Fook, J and Gardner, F (2007). Practicing critical reflection: A resource handbook. | |
London, England: Open University Press. | |
Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and self-identity. Cambridge, England: Polity Press. | |
Jasper, M. (2003). Beginning reflective practice. Cheltenham, England: Nelson | |
Thornes |
Assignment marking criteria rubric : Individual Reflexive Review | |||||
Section/ criteria | 1-4 | 5-8 | 9-12 | 13-16 | 17-20 |
Introduction | Chosen strengths and areas for | Chosen strengths and | Chosen strengths and | Not all chosen strengths and | No mention of chosen |
development | areas for | areas for | areas for | strengths and | |
identified and | development | development | development | areas for | |
their expertly justified | identified and justified | identified | identified | development | |
Reflexivity: | Excellent and well-informed understanding of reflexivity and the concepts involved | A good understanding of reflexivity the concepts involved | Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of reflexivity | Adequate content with limited depth of reflexivity and limited understanding of process | Inadequate content with limited depth of reflexivity and limited understanding of process |
Supported by | |||||
examples; | |||||
correct | |||||
amount of | |||||
detail | |||||
Conclusions: Conclusions with clear personal development goals | Expert conclusion of experiences and future goals | Undertakes a systematic analysis of the experiences and future goals | Clearly expressed with observable structure with limited future goals | Expression is reasonably clear but analysis is unclear and goals unrealistic | Poorly structured and poorly expressed future goals |
References | Broad and relevant readings | Good range of appropriate | Conventional references and | Adequate but limited use of | Report relies on no or one |
examined and | references | readings used | references | reference; | |
used selectively | used during | within the | during the | evidence of | |
in the report | the report | report | report | unexamined | |
personal | |||||
opinion |
Presentation: All components clearly presented | The report is very well expressed and shows understanding of content | The report is very well expressed with some spelling errors | The report is well expressed; understanding of content with spelling and grammar errors | The report is unclear expression of information with several spelling and | The report is unclear and confusing with grammatical and spelling errors |
grammar | |||||
errors |
The following table details the support you will be receiving for this assignment and the feedback opportunities you will have.
feedback opportunities you will have.
Support and draft feedback sessions for the Critically reflexive review |
Coursework briefing Briefing for this assignment will take place on 16th or 18th of November 2020. |
Sample assignments As this is a personal account, no sample assignments are available |
Draft feedback opportunities See summative assessment details |
Additional support Students should also use the Learning Enhancement Team to ensure they are producing assignments with the correct formatting, referencing, and use of English |
- Assessment 2 : People Management and Development Report
Assessment Briefing: People Management and Development Report | |
Module code | HRM 4801 |
Module title | Managing and Developing People |
Submission date, time | 16.05.2021 |
Feedback type & date | You will receive written feedback on the 30.05.2021 |
Word count | Main body of the report 2,500-3,000 (+/- 10%; not including title page, contents, Executive Summary, List of References or Appendices) |
Assignment type | Report |
Assignment structure, format and details | ‘As people professionals, it’s critical that we understand organisations– their purpose, future direction, priorities and performance – as well as the external influences and trends impacting them’ (CIPD website) Log onto https://www.weforum.org/ and register for a free account |
Choose one of the insight areas as the basis of your report and recommend a Workforce development and management plan suitable for the 4th Industrial Age. | |
Using theoretical concepts and analytical tools and frameworks explored in the module illustrate what your analysis has highlighted and make and justify key recommendations for an organisation operating within this sector. | |
Assessment Guidance | |
Choose one of the WEF interest areas and the organisation that will be the focus of report. Students must inform the Module Leader by the end of Week 5 indicating their chosen interest area and the organisation they intend to use for their report | |
As part of your introduction you should justify your choice in terms of why you are interested in the sector. | |
Your report must make reference to the CIPD core knowledge areas: | |
People practiceCulture and behaviourBusiness acumenAnalytics and creating valueDigital workingChange. | |
Referencing should be in line with Harvard style – see http://www.citethemrightonline.com. | |
Assessed learning outcome (s) | LOK2: Critically explore the relationship between business strategy and the development and management of people |
LOK3: Critically evaluate the impact of contemporary people management and development practices on individual and organisational performance LOK4: Compare, contrast and evaluate data and information to construct coherent people management and development strategies LOK5: Critically evaluate organisational strategies LOK6 Select and use appropriate people practices and strategies to fit the organisation context LOK7: Identify, classify and manage stakeholders to lead individuals, teams and organisations through change | |||||
Assessment weighting % | 60% | ||||
Key reading and learning resources | The key resources are those associated with your selected organisations e.g. company web sites, Annual Reports, etc. These should be used to illustrate and evaluate the extent to which the organisations demonstrate the theories discussed in lectures. | ||||
Assignment marking criteria rubric : People Management and Development Strategy Report . | |||||
Section/ criteria | 1-4 | 5-8 | 9-12 | 13-16 | 17-20 |
Introduction: A clear rationale for the topic choice | Outstanding discussion and justification of topic selected | Thorough discussion and justification of topic selected | Evidence of some discussion and justification of topic selected | Adequate discussion and justification of topic selected | Discussion and justification of topic selected is inadequate |
Discussion: Content: relevant and informative, applying depth of knowledge and understandin g | Excellent and well-informed understandin g of theories and concepts involved in effective people management and development | Good understandin g of theories and concepts involved in effective people management and development | Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understandin g theories and concepts of effective people management and development strategies | Adequate content; limited depth of knowledge and understandin g shown of effective people management and development strategies | Inadequate content; limited depth of knowledge and understandin g shown of effective people management and development strategies |
Conclusion: | Tightly | Undertakes a | Sound | Adequate | Inadequate |
Clear | structured, | systematic | conclusions to | conclusions to | conclusions to |
conclusions | logical and | analysis of the | the topics | the topics | the topics |
from the | draws | issues and | covered | covered | covered |
literature | coherent | draws | |||
conclusions to | coherent | ||||
the topics | conclusions to | ||||
covered | the topics covered | ||||
References: | Broad and | Good range of | Conventional | Adequate but | Review relies |
Reference to | relevant | appropriate | references | limited use of | on no or one |
sources | readings | references | and readings | references | reference; |
including directions for further study | examined and used selectively in the work | used during the review | used within the review | during review | evidence of unexamined personal opinion |
Presentation: | Very well | Very well | Well | Unclear | Several |
Clearly | expressed | expressed; | expressed; | expression of | spelling and |
presented | and | good | understandin | information; | grammatical |
with limited | understandin | understandin | g of content | little | errors |
spelling and | g of content | g of content | with several | understandin | |
grammatical | with limited | with some | spelling and/ | g of content; | |
errors | spelling or | spelling and/ | or | several | |
grammatical | or | grammatical | spelling and | ||
errors | grammatical errors | errors | grammatical errors |
The following table details the support you will be receiving for this assignment and the feedback opportunities you will have.
Support and draft feedback sessions for the People Management and Development Strategy Report |
Coursework briefing Briefing for this assignment will take place on 29th or 31st of March 2020 |
Sample assignments N/A |
Draft feedback opportunities See summative assessment details |
Additional support Students should also use the Learning Enhancement Team to ensure they are producing assignments with the correct formatting, referencing, and use of English |
9.2. Feedback on your assignments
You will be provided with feedback on all coursework that is helpful and informative, consistent with aiding the learning and development process.

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