Understanding and applying social work theory is critical for consistent and accountable practice. Social workers use theory in many ways including to understand phenomena and the human experience (i.e. explanatory theory) but also by applying knowledge to improve interventions (practice theory). In your placement you will be observing social workers using theory in their work and/or you will be expected to develop an understanding of what theories are relevant to your placement setting, how they can be used and what they offer. Use this template to explore and reflect on your understanding of relevant theory and to think about its application in the context of your placement.
Name of the theory |
Who are/is the author/s? What was the context in which it was created (e.g. when, why)? |
Provide a brief explanation of the purpose. Include whether it is an explanatory theory or a practice theory. |
How is it relevant to the social work context of your placement? Why did you choose it? How does it contribute to your understanding of the person/s, situation / circumstances? How did you feel using it? |
How did you use the theory? How did you observe the theory being used/applied? How did the theory contribute to the assessment and development of the intervention? How did the client respond? |
What were the limitations/challenges of using this theory? |
What questions do you now have about the theory? What do you still need to learn more about? |

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