Literature Review: The first step in any research proposal is what is called a literature review. A literature review is a targeted description of research studies and valid information that inform and lead a researcher to [develop] an original research question. This paper is part two of the final research proposal that you will complete. At the end of the literature review, you will pose an original and informed research question that has not been studied yet in published research or has not been studied in the manner you will propose to study it.

This paper is worth 25% of your final course grade and is due via Moodle submission. You will receive feedback on the literature review that you will use to revise this section when you write up your research proposal*. You must have your research question approved before you can begin the full research proposal. It will be communicated to you if your research question is approved or not in your literature review feedback. Your literature review is due on February 9, 2021 at noon.
Following are the requirements for your literature review. Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in a penalized grade. In cases where minimum standards have not been met, papers will not be graded. Please read and observe the following very carefully. Your literature review must contain the following:
A title page with your name, course name and number, my name, title of paper and a specific wordcount, double spaced, in 12 pt font, times new roman. An introduction that specifies the nature of your paper and identifies the parameters of inquiry; A methodology that briefly explains the nature of your data collection (the retrieved literature constitutes data in a literature review); A review of the literature that is organized into three to four sub-categories or themes, and a conclusion.
At the end of the literature review, you will pose an original and informed research question that has not been studied yet in published research or has not been studied in the manner you will propose to study it.
Please use headings and sub-headings in your written work (introduction, theme 1, theme 2, theme 3, conclusion).
The reviewed literature must be integrated (as opposed to summarizing a list of articles one after another as in the case of an annotated bibliography). Literature reviews do not typically devote lengthy sections to a single source; they tend to integrate a number of sources during each area of discussion. Lengthy quotations (anything longer than one sentence) are to be avoided and the number of quotations must be kept to an absolute minimum (your review should not be a cut and paste of other people’s work).
The review must be 100% in your own words (mere paraphrasing will not be accepted). APA 7 edition formatting must be followed throughout your assignment; A conclusion that pulls together the state of the literature in the particular area you have chosen, identifies the major findings and issues, and makes recommendations with respect to further inquiry into the chosen subject matter. A list of references as per APA format is required.
You are required to retrieve and review a minimum of 6- 10 scholarly articles for this assignment. Magazines, newspapers, Wikipedia and anything else not considered “scholarly literature” or “academic sources” is unacceptable. Submissions with fewer than proper sources will be considered not to have met minimum requirements. This is not an Internet research assignment. Internet sources should be used very sparingly and carefully as they most often do not meet the criteria stipulated for this assignment. Other than scholarly journals that have been uploaded to subscribers, Internet sources are unlikely to satisfy the research requirements.
Word count MUST be between 700 – 1000 words (excluding your list of references and title page). Papers not meeting this requirement will not be graded and will be given a score of zero. Late assignments will not be accepted and extensions will not be granted.
*Research Proposal*: To demonstrate your ability to explain and apply concepts from this course, you will complete a full written research proposal. Your textbook discusses the different components of a research proposal. In the proposal, you will propose an original research study related to criminology and describe specifically how you would conduct that research in a scientific and accurate manner. Building on the literature review that you will have completed, you will describe how you would explore your original research question in a research study. Please note that a research proposal outlines research that is intended to be conducted – you will not be collecting data from participants for the proposal. This research proposal is worth 30% of your course grade.

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