Accra Business School
ASSIGNMENT – January 8, 2023
Select twoleaders who are either:
- Leaders from your organisation and/or
- Popular figures from an industry
The two leaders can both be from your organisation, or they can both be popular figures from an industry, orbe one of each type. The leadership roles of the chosen persons should be comparable.
It is preferred that you are familiar with the organisation/industry and the leaders. The popular figure can be a politician, sportsperson, business tycoon or social worker. The important thing here is that the popular figure is widely known and regarded as a leader.
Using relevant theories and models, critically evaluate, compare and analyse the leaderships of the two individuals you have selected.
Your report must include the following:
- A clear description of both leaders and the organisation/industry they are associated with. Please remember that a situational background can also be added to this section, if required.
- An individual evaluation of the two leaders which compares and contrasts their leadership. The similarities and differences of the two leaders must be highlighted. The comparison of the leaders should be performed by referring to concepts and theories covered in the subject (e.g. style, behaviour, traits, attitudes, power).
- A discussion on which leadership aspects of the two leaders you would like to incorporate into your own leadership.
It is important to demonstrate your knowledge about leadership and to clearly reference your sources. Read about leadership in journal articles, books (including the textbook), and business literature. Note the sources and use them throughout the report.
Remember that pure description and paraphrasing is not sufficient. A good report will clearly take an analytical approach and demonstrate application of leadership concepts/theories.
Please remember to clearly link theory with practice throughout the report.
Important assignment instructions
- The required word length for this assignment is 2000 words(plus or minus 10%).
- In terms of structure, presentation and style you are normally required to use: o ABS preferred Microsoft Word settings
o Author-date style APA referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list). Note that you are required to use 6-12 references (in-text with full reference details in the reference list).
o All references must be from credible sources such as books, industry related journals, magazines, company documents and recent academic articles.
- Your grade will be adversely affected if your assignment contains no/poor citations and/or reference list and if your assignment word length is beyond the allowed tolerance level.
- All assignments must be submitted by 10.00 pm on 19THJANUARY2023
- All assignments must be in word format, submitted online to ABS LMS
- Run your work through the Turnitin platform before the final submission is done. The tolerance level is 25%
- No late submission will be tolerated.

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