MSc Nursing (Adult/ Child / Mental Health/ Learning Disabilities)
Guidelines for the Completion of a Recognition of Prior Learning [RPL] and Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning [RPEL] Claim
These guidelines are designed to help applicants make a successful claim for recognition of prior learning [RPL] and recognition of prior experiental learning [RPEL] in order to gain entry to one of the following programmes of study:
MSc Nursing (Adult)
MSc Nursing (Child)
MSc Nursing (Mental Health)
This is the process by which the faculty recognises an individual’s previous certified learning,
arising from an assessed programme of study (e.g. a degree).
This is the process by which the faculty recognises an individual’s previous, relevant
informal learning, arising from personal experience outside a formal assessed programme of
Pre-registration nursing programmes should normally be no less than three years in duration. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) permit us to offer a programme over two years to those applicants who can show evidence of prior learning that is relevant to the programme. The NMC guidance makes it clear, however, that this is not a simple shortening of the programme.
Applicants who wish to be considered for the two year MSc programme must demonstrate that they have gained the same knowledge and skills as those students who undertake the full course. Credit is given for evidence of learning and not for experience alone.
Making a claim for RPEL requires effort and commitment on your part as you will have to
compile a portfolio of evidence to show how you have met the programme’s outcomes and
the NMC Standards. We will assist you in this process but you must be ready to put in that
All offers of places for the programmes are conditional on you submitting this
portfolio by the agreed date and the portfolio passing the RPEL process.
RPEL claims must demonstrate acheivement in the following criteria
Currency – you must write about your recent experience and show contemporary knowledge and skills. The claim should therefore focus on activities within the last 5 years. This does not mean you cannot make reference to any signigicant learning acquired before that time, but you must be able to show that you have continued to use and update this learning.
Validity and Relevance – you must be able to show that your prior learning is valid (i.e that it genuine) and related to the field of nursing you are applying for.
Authenticity – you must present work that is entirely your own.
Focus and Clarity – the work that you present must be comprehensive and you must make clear links to evidence (i.e. referencing)
Sufficiency – the portfolio must demonstrate enough learning from your previous experiences to be valid.
You can submit your profile at any time.
The final deadline for its submission is …………1.5.23
Your profile must be contained in one electronic word document that is suitable to be sent as an email attachment. Consequently all your evidence must be scanned and included in the document.
Please submit it to the following e mail address only
You will receive an automatic reply which is the receipt for your submission. If you do not receive the confirmation email please check your spam folder, and check the email you sent has been successfully delivered. Email attachments that are too large will not get through the university’s server and may have to be sent as separate attachments.
DO NOT use this email address for any other correspondence.
DO NOT send attachments in zipped format or using Google Drive.
It is your responsibility to ensure your document is submitted correctly, on time and in a format that can be opened and read.
If your profile is deemed to have passed you will have met this condition of your offer. Assuming you are not awaiting any other qualifications you will then be made an unconditional offer in UCAS, you will need to accept this offer either as your first (firm) choice or your second (insurance) choice. Once you have accepted your offer you will be sent joining instructions which include details of the occupational health assessment, the DBS process and completing the first part of registration.
If your profile is not deemed to have passed you may be offered a place on the BSc programme. You will receive a notification of this change from UCAS and you must respond to it promptly in order to secure your place, otherwise you will be rejected by default.
If you have any queries about your offer, then contact the MSc pre-registration nursing programme leader – Debbie Johnson d.johnson@gre.ac.uk
The portfolio is made of three sections that require evidence.
Section One
Relevant Practice Experience (minimum 700 hours) – this section is where you evidence your relevant experience through providing the following:
- A reference from a manager or equivalent that verifies the number of hours worked and the activities carried out during that work. The reference must be on headed paper and signed by line manager/equivalent, or an email from your line manager’s (or equivalent) work email address
- Further information that outlines how you achieved these hours including the types of activities undertaken in your role in preparation for studying nursing
- A job description/role specification
Section Two
Prior learning and experience (which will be equivalent to 968 hours of theory) that demonstrate underpinning knowledge that will provide a good grounding to address the following topics whilst you are on the MSc programme:
- Becoming an accountable professional
- Promoting health & preventing ill health
- Assessing needs and planning care
- Providing and evaluating care
- Communication
Throughout this part of the portfolio you should draw on relevant, published material and reference your work using the Harvard referencing system.
Please take care not to breach patient / client confidentiality in your work.
You may write in the first person.
Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology Workbook
Below is a workbook that must be completed. You will need to open it and save it to your own computer.
Section One: Relevant Practice Experience
1. | Provide a reference from a manager or equivalent that verifies the number of hours worked and the activities carried out during that work. The reference must be on headed paper and signed by line manager/equivalent, or an email from your line manager’s (or equivalent) work email address – How to embed a document in Microsoft word as an object: From the toolbar – Click Insert (left hand side) – click Object (right hand side) – click create from file (in dialogue box) – click browse (find the file from wherever you saved it & double click) – click display as icon – click change icon (choose the icon (pic) you want, delete the wording in the caption box & put a ‘space’ in) – click ok – click ok again – the file should appear in the document. To remove an embedded file from the document – ‘right’ click & cut | |
I confirm I have achieved …….. (insert number here) hours of relevant practice and this is verified by my manager. I confirm I have attached verification provided by …………………. (insert name of individual). It includes hours worked and activities carried out. Name and address of organisation(s) where this relevant experience has been obtained (insert here): | Yes / No Yes / No | |
2. | Please provide further information that outlines how you achieved these hours, including the types of activities undertaken in your role in preparation for studying nursing (max 200 words) | |
3. | I have provided a job description/role specification | Yes / No |
Section Two: Relevant Prior Learning from Experience
1. | Becoming an accountable professional |
Learning outcomes Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the values and beliefs that underpin professional practice Discuss expectations of professional behaviour in practice Recognise the emotional intelligence required in order to be resilient when making judgements and complex decisions | |
Read the NMC Code https://www.nmc.org.uk/standards/code/ Using examples, describe how your previous experience of providing care to others relates to the Code (max 500 words) | |
Discuss your understanding of the expectations of professional behaviour in practice, and how you will demonstrate them (500 words) | |
REFERENCE LIST (list full references here to identify those used within the text) |
2. | Promoting health and preventing ill health |
Learning outcomes Describe the aims and principles of health promotion, protection and improvement and the prevention of ill health when engaging with people Discuss the determinants of health and apply this to an understanding of global patterns of health and wellbeing outcomes Recognise the importance of early years and childhood experiences and the possible impact on life choices, mental, physical, and behavioural health and wellbeing Demonstrate the use of up to date approaches to behaviour change to enable people to use their strengths and expertise and make informed choices when managing their own health and making lifestyle adjustments | |
Choose one of the following and describe how it impacts on human health (300 words) Diet Smoking Alcohol and substance use | |
Using examples from your relevant experience, discuss how you have helped someone to improve their physical or mental health by addressing a health-related issue (300 words) | |
Thinking about a health issue that relates to your chosen field of nursing, how is it currently being address nationally or locally? (300 words) | |
REFERENCE LIST (list full references here to identify those used within the text) |
3. | Assessing needs and planning care |
Learning outcome Understand the concept of homeostasis and normal body function Identify appropriate opportunities and make reasonable adjustments to enable individualised healthcare |
Describe the techniques you have used during your relevant experience to assess patients / client for one of the following (300 words) Pain Nutritional intake Anxiety | |
REFERENCE LIST (list full references here to identify those used within the text) | |
4. | Providing and evaluating care |
Learning outcomes Describe partnership working with individuals, families, and carers to support them to make decisions including people’s needs and preferences Promote holistic outcomes by understanding and explaining the principles, practice and evidence-base for health and wellbeing programmes | |
Using examples from your relevant experience, discuss the benefits of ensuring that individuals, their families and carers are consulted about and included in the care that you give (500 words) | |
Using examples from your relevant experience, describe how you know whether the care you have given has been successful (300 words) | |
What do you understand by the term “evidence based care”? Why is it important that the care we give is based on sound evidence? (200 words) | |
REFERENCE LIST (list full references here to identify those used within the text) | |
5. | Communication |
Learning outcome Demonstrate the communication skills and strategies needed to work effectively will all people across the lifespan | |
Using examples from your relevant practice experience, identify what you understand by the following (500 words): Appropriate use of touch Type of questioning Caring conversation techniques The use of personal communication aids Alternative communication techniques | |
REFERENCE LIST (list full references here to identify those used within the text) |
Section Three: Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology Workbook
3. | Assessing needs and planning care |
Learning outcome Understand the concept of homeostasis and normal body function | |
Complete the Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology Workbook (see page 4) Once completed, the workbook will need to be attached to this document as an appendix or embedded here as an object. How to embed a document in Microsoft word as an object: From the toolbar – Click Insert (left hand side) – click Object (right hand side) – click create from file (in dialogue box) – click browse (find the file from wherever you saved it & double click) – click display as icon – click change icon (choose the icon (pic) you want, delete the wording in the caption box & put a ‘space’ in) – click ok – click ok again – the file should appear in the document. To remove an embedded file from the document – ‘right’ click & cut |
Submission Checklist
Section One
Have you included? | ||
1. | Enhanced reference from employer confirming experiential hours | Yes / No |
2. | Further information about the role(s) | Yes / No |
3. | Job description | Yes / No |
Section Two
Have you completed? | ||
1. | Becoming an accountable professional | Yes / No |
2. | Promoting health & preventing ill health | Yes / No |
3. | Assessing needs and planning | Yes / No |
4. | Providing and evaluating care | Yes / No |
5. | Communication | Yes / No |
Section Three
Have you completed? | ||
1. | Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology Workbook | Yes / No |
I declare that this is my own work and I understand that the evidence submitted will contribute to my Nursing and Midwifery Council registration.
An electronic signature is acceptable

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