Professional Development Resource: Narrated PowerPoint |
Due date: Thursday 15th September 2022 at 4pm |
Weighting: 50% |
Length and/or format: Narrated PowerPoint equivalent to 1500 Words +/- 10%8-10 Slides Including Title Page and ReferencesDiagrams and images can be used please include references as per APA7No longer than 8 mins Recorded Narration o The Marker will stop listening to your narration at the 8-minute mark, any content delivered after this time will not be assessed |
Purpose: To promote best practice and demonstrate your understanding of the palliative care approach to nursing, students will create a professional development resource presented as a narrated PowerPoint supporting ongoing professional development for peers on ONE of the provided topics. Application of the National Palliative Care Standards and other relevant contemporary evidence-based literature will support your professional development resource. The intended audience for this resource is third year undergraduate students and/or graduate RN’s. |
Learning outcomes assessed: LO2, LO3, LO4, LO6, LO7 |
How to submit: Students need to submit x2 documents, both will be reviewed for Academic Integrity and need to be academically presented with appropriate APA7 referencing.Two dropboxes will be clearly labelled on each Campus tile for Assessment task 1Narrated PowerPointProfessional Development Resource Script as a Word Document via Turnitin submission Drop Box on their specified campus Leo Tile. |
Return of assignment: Grades and feedback will be returned electronically via Turnitin. These will be available 3 weeks post the date of submission as per ACU Policy. Assessment criteria: The assessment will be marked using the criteria-based rubric. Please note that all content is to be referenced according to ACU’s APA 7th referencing guidelines. |
Rubric: The assignment will be marked using the criterion-based marking rubric in Appendix A of National Extended Unit Outline (NEUO) |
Assessment Task 1 Topics, NRSG374, 2022 |
Select ONE topic below for your professional development resource: You are required to create a narrated PowerPoint that you can present at a professional development session to your peers and registered nurses. This is a professional development resource, ensure that your language is professional and aimed at the correct target audience Cultural Considerations when caring for Australian Indigenous Peoples in the Palliative Care Setting Grief and Bereavement support for patients and/or significant others receiving palliative care Multidisciplinary Teams approach in Palliative Care |

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