Assessment Task 1
Assessment name: | Essay – Critical Discussion |
Learning outcomes measured: | 1. Apply specialist, theoretical and technical knowledge of complex health related situations in acute or cancer care nursing to lead, improve and transform person and family centred care across the lifespan. 3. Demonstrate application of skills in developing therapeutic relationships and reflective practice to transfer theoretical and technical knowledge in a range of clinical encounters in the specialty of acute and cancer care nursing. |
Length: | 2,100 words +/10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list). |
Weighting: | 40% |
Individual/Group: | Individual |
Formative/Summative: | Summative |
How will I be assessed: | 7-point grading scale using a rubric |
Due date: | Friday, 3rd September, Week 6, submitted via Turnitin in your NSN726 (AC) Blackboard site by 23:59pm. |
Presentation requirements: | Format of assignment: Your assignment should be written in CiteWrite APA style and prepared as follows: Has a cover sheet with the assessment title, your name, student number, unit code, unit coordinator’s nameyou’re your actual word count.Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code and page number. The ‘footer’ is to start on the first page of text and not the title page.2 cm margins on all sides.Double line spaced text.Page margins are to be justified.Use font Arial or Times New Roman; font size 12 only.CiteWrite APA style referencing only (see http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/)Use only the following headings: Introduction, Case Study, Comprehensive Patient Assessment, Patient experience, Conclusion, References.Bullet points, tables and appendices are not to be used in this essay.Start your reference list on a separate page.Word limits have been set for this assessment – submissions that exceed 10% either side of the word limit will be penalised; e.g. marking will stop at 10% over the designated word limit.Be submitted in electronic format via Turnitin. |
Task description: | You are required to write an academic essay in the form of a critical discussion based on a prescribed topic derived from the unit content. A diagnosis of an acute illness can affect a person’s physical, psychological, spiritual, and social well-being. Unmet psycho-social care needs can be associated with significant morbidity and distress. Distress has been defined as an unpleasant emotional experience of a psychological (cognitive, behavioural, emotional), social and/or spiritual nature that may interfere with the ability to cope effectively with an acute illness, its symptoms, and its treatment. Review and critically reflect on specialist theoretical and technical knowledge relevant to a selected clinical case, identify issues and challenges and make evidence-based recommendations for nursing practice that enhance and impede psycho-social care of a patient with an acute illness experiencing distress. |
What you need to do: | Consider a situation that has occurred in your practice where your patient was experiencing distress associated with their acute illness. Your essay should conform to the following format: Introduction In 250 words, provide a brief introduction and summary of the potential source/s of the patient’s distress, including initial assessment data identified to support your conclusions about these sources of distress. Your introduction should establish the aims and objectives for your essay. Psycho-social care behaviours In 600 words, describe specific examples of the psycho-social care behaviours that should have been used in caring for your patient experiencing distress. Use literature to justify your answer and discuss relevant: screening and assessment information provision interventions and referrals. Enablers and impediments to psycho-social care In 1,000 words, critically discuss the following potential obstacles to effective psycho-social care with patients experiencing distress. Critically evaluate enablers that can be used to help promote effective psycho-social care: physical environment nurse-related obstacles patient-related obstacles cultural or social issues. Conclusion In 250 words, summarise the content of the essay, emphasising the most significant factors that must be considered when providing psycho-social care for a patient experiencing distress. Reference list |
Provide a reference list of all in-text references. The reference list is to start on a separate page from the body of your assignment. It is recommended you access QUT Cite|Write (https://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/write/litreview.jsp) and other resources on the Unit Blackboard site to assist you to write a critical discussion and APA referencing. | |
Study Smart Course: | You are required to complete the Study Smart program, the online research and study skills tutorial before starting your assignment. The quiz is to be undertaken on completion of the modules in Study Smart and the certificate of completion must be uploaded and submitted with this assignment. You can access the Study Smart website at http://studysmart.library.qut.edu.au/ or by clicking on the Tools icon on the unit Blackboard site. If you are a continuing student from the previous semester, you do not need to repeat this program – you may submit your certificate of completion undertaken in the previous semester. If, however you have returned from a leave of absence from your studies, you will need to complete the Study Smart program and submit your certificate of completion with your assignment. |
What you need to submit: | Upload MS Word document only for your assignment. One MS Word document that contains the Assignment Cover Sheet and your completed assignment. PDF documents will not be marked. One Study Smart Certificate. |
Resources needed to complete task: | QUT Cite|Write APA guide.Turnitin Tip Sheets.Learning and AssessmentStudy SmartAcademic integrityHow can I avoid plagiarism? If you would like support with skills in studying, understanding assessment tasks, academic writing, communication or taking exams, visit the Study page on the HiQ website to access support as well as self-help resources. |
NSN726 Assessment Task 1 Rubric | |
Learning outcomes assessed: 1 & 3 | Weighting: 40% |
Criteria | 7+, 7, 7- | 6+, 6, 6- | 5+, 5, 5- | 4+, 4, 4- | 3 | 2–1 |
Weighting = 50% | 50–42.5 | 42–37.5 | 37–32.5 | 32–25 | 24.5–20 | 19.5–0 |
Advanced Knowledge Demonstrates advanced theoretical and technical knowledge and skills relevant to factors that enhanced and impeded psycho-social care with your selected patient. | Challenged the theoretical and /or conceptual knowledge basis of the patient’s psycho-social care needs and applied or recommended psycho- social care strategies that incorporated all relevant assessment data and identified problems. | Explained through analysis of theoretical and /or conceptual knowledge of the patient’s psycho-social care needs and applied or recommended psycho-social care strategies that incorporated all relevant assessment data and identified problems. | Contextualised theoretical and/or conceptual knowledge basis of the patient’s psycho-social care needs and applied or recommended psycho- social care strategies that incorporated all relevant assessment data and identified problems. | Demonstrated theoretical or conceptual basis of the patient’s psycho-social care needs and applied or recommended psycho-social care strategies that incorporated all relevant assessment data and identified problems. | Lacked coherence when applying knowledge of the patient’s psycho-social care needs and one or more of the psycho- social care strategies were incorrectly identified. | Lacked coherence when applying knowledge of the patient’s psycho-social care needs and one or more of the psycho- social care strategies were incorrectly identified. |
Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in an extensive range of credible literature of factors that enhanced and impeded psycho- social care relevant to your selected patient. | Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in a wide range of credible literature of factors that enhanced and impeded psycho- social care relevant to your selected patient. | Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in credible literature of factors that enhanced and impeded psycho- social care relevant to your selected patient. | Evidenced findings and conclusions grounded in a range of literature of factors that enhanced and impeded psycho-social care relevant to your selected patient. | Drawn on minimal or no evidence of factors that enhanced and impeded psycho-social care relevant to your selected patient. | Drawn on minimal or no evidence of factors that enhanced and impeded psycho-social care relevant to your selected patient. | |
Selects an appropriate case study. | Selects an appropriate case study. | Selects an appropriate case study. | Selects an appropriate case study. | Does not select an appropriate case study. | Does not select an appropriate case study. | |
Consistently links discussion to case study. | Consistently links discussion to case study. | Consistently links discussion to case study. | Links discussion to case study. | Makes minimal or no linkage of discussion. to case study. | Makes minimal or no linkage of discussion. to case study. |
Criteria | 7+, 7, 7- | 6+, 6, 6- | 5+, 5, 5- | 4+, 4, 4- | 3 | 2–1 |
Weighting = 40% | 40–35 | 34.9–30 | 29.9–26 | 25.9–20 | 19.9–16.6 | 16.5–0 |
Critical Thinking and Analysis Demonstrates advanced cognitive, technical and psycho-social care skills to transmit solutions as applied to factors that enhanced and impeded psycho-social care with your selected patient based on critical analysis and evaluation. | Critically synthesised and applied evidence drawing from an extensive range of relevant, seminal and/or current sources to demonstrate how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Synthesised and applied evidence drawing from a range of relevant, seminal and/or current sources to demonstrate how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Synthesised and applied evidence drawing from relevant, seminal and/or current sources to demonstrate how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Appraised and applied relevant evidence with some interpretation to demonstrate how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Provided a description of evidence or viewpoints as fact without questioning how your selected psycho- social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Provided a description of evidence or viewpoints as fact without questioning how your selected psycho- social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. |
Articulated a persuasive position taking into account contextual complexities through critical interrogation and evaluation of the credibility and rigour of available evidence to develop a coherent analysis demonstrating how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Assimilated a range of perspectives to strongly argue a position by appraising synthesised knowledge, ideas and applications demonstrating how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Argued a position demonstrating emerging critical thinking e.g. synthesis of ideas and/or solutions to problems, or a wider applications of a proposed strategy demonstrating how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Presented a position and identified implications of an argument or position to draw defensible conclusions from a few credible sources demonstrating how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Taken a position on an argument that is basic and related complications, outcomes and implications are oversimplified and you have not demonstrated how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. | Taken a position on an argument that is basic and related complications, outcomes and implications are oversimplified and you have not demonstrated how your selected psycho-social care strategies related to the assessment data and identified enablers and impediments provided within the scenario. |
Criteria | 7+, 7, 7- | 6+, 6, 6- | 5+, 5, 5- | 4+, 4, 4- | 3 | 2–1 |
Weighting = 10% | 10–8.5 | 8.4–7.5 | 7.4–6.5 | 6.4–5 | 4.9–4 | 3.5–0 |
Professional writing / communication Demonstrates clarity of expression and adheres to information literacy standards in communication of health data and information to others. | Presentation of document consistently meets academic standards. | Presentation of document meets academic standards. | Presented with an introduction, body, conclusion which reflects organisation and coherence. | Presentation is organised and coherent. | Presentation of document lacks organisation and coherence. | Presentation of document lacks organisation and coherence. |
Writing style is analytical, clear and coherent. | Writing style is analytical and clear throughout. | Writing style is analytical and ideas are mostly clear. | Writing style is clear, concise and analytical approach attempted. | Writing style lacks clarity or an analytical approach. | Writing style lacks clarity or an analytical approach. | |
Logical and succinct flow of content throughout. | Logical and succinct flow of content is usually evident. | Logical flow of content is evident. | Logical flow of content is usually evident. | Logical flow of ideas is not evident. | Logical flow of ideas is not evident. | |
Application of English conventions of grammar and spelling consistently meets expectation. | Application of English conventions of grammar and spelling meets expectation. | Application of English conventions of grammar and spelling consistent and mostly correct. | Application of English conventions of grammar and spelling with few errors. | Application of English Grammar has many errors distracting the content. | Application of English Grammar has many errors distracting the content. | |
Acknowledges all sources and meets CiteWrite APA referencing standards with no errors. | Meets CiteWrite APA referencing standards with 1 or 2 errors. | Mostly consistent in meeting CiteWrite APA referencing standards with 2 or 3 errors. | Mostly consistent in meeting CiteWrite APA referencing standards with 3 or 4 errors. | Many errors in CiteWrite APA referencing standards with >4 errors. | Many errors in CiteWrite APA referencing standards with >4 errors. | |
Uses language of the discipline and non- discriminatory, culturally safe language. | Uses language of the discipline and non- discriminatory, culturally safe language. | Uses language of the discipline most of the time and non- discriminatory, culturally safe language. | Uses lay language at times and non- discriminatory, culturally safe language. | Uses lay language. Uses some language that is discriminatory and/or culturally inappropriate. | Uses lay language. Uses some language that is discriminatory and/or culturally inappropriate. | |
Total Score: / 100 | Unit Weighting: / 40 |
Feedback for continued improvement:
Study Smart Certificate attached: | Yes / No |
Word count adherence | Yes / No |
Similarity report: % | Comment: |
Strengths of your work | |
Suggestions for future work |
Marker & Signature: | Date: |

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