Learning Outcomes: This assessment will specifically address the learning outcomes 1, 2, 3
Format: Group Presentation + Handout
Submission: via Canvas
Length: 25 minutes (including questions and feedback to class)
Due: All presentations and handouts submitted 23:59 Sunday 12 September
Presentations will be during designated tutorials in weeks 6 and 7
Value: 20%
Assessment details
During the first tutorial (week -2), students will allocate themselves into groups of 5-6 students (depending on class size). Each group will be randomly allocated a week for their presentation (submission date is the same for all groups). Three group presentations will occur during tutorials in weeks 6 and 7.
The Unit of Study Coordinator will assign the presentation topics for each group and post in Canvas.
Each group presentation topic will relate to associations between mental and physical health conditions in different populations. Groups will be assigned to one of the topics below:
- Depression and anxiety in parents during the perinatal and postnatal period.
- Adverse health outcomes attributable to alcohol and/or other drug misuse in people diagnosed with severe and enduring mental health conditions.
- Metabolic conditions in people diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
- Risks related to infection with blood-borne viruses such as Hepatitis C and HIV in people diagnosed with a mental health condition.
- Oral health issues among people experiencing serious mental health conditions.
- Sleep disorders and their association with mental health and physical health issues, as both a cause and symptom.
- Smoking-related respiratory conditions in people with serious mental health conditions.
For this assessment task, each student group will:
- Develop and record a PowerPoint presentation (10 -15 slides including title and reference list slides)
- Develop a double-sided, A4 ‘fact sheet handout’ that summarises key information related to the overall topic, includes key references (not all references), and clearly identify each group member’s contributions. The submitted PDF will be made available to each class member and the Tutorial Facilitator by the Unit Coordinator.
As registered nurses you will be expected to work within nursing and multidisciplinary teams to plan health care interventions, provide education to colleagues and other stakeholders, and promote health and well-being with consumers and their families. For this assessment, you are required to work collaboratively with other students, to research and prepare a short presentation that is aimed at increasing the awareness and understanding of your peer group about the health issue that you have been assigned.
Your presentation should therefore include:
- A description of the health issue, prevalence data, and any associations between the physical and mental health condition that you have been allocated
- Contemporary theories that have been proposed to explain the relationships between the physical and mental health co-morbidities
- Overview and critique of the main treatment approaches available to assist individuals to manage the issue, (include information regarding the effectiveness of treatment and consumer perspectives)
- Provide examples of how nursing practice can contribute to effective treatment and health promotion with your chosen health condition and population
- Examples of how nurses may promote therapeutic engagement, conduct person-centered assessments, and/or use health promotion strategies specific to your health issues and population group – This may be presented as practice Do’s and Don’ts and can include role play demonstrations or other creative presentation methods
Your presentation should
- Provide a clear introduction to the topic, group members and each person’s role in the presentation.
- Identify three objectives (what do you hope your audience will know / understand at the end of your presentation).
- Include reference to the research literature throughout, in-text citations and reference list should use APA 6th Style
- Include three open-ended questions to test the impact of your presentation and/ or engage your audience. Questions should meaningfully test peers understanding (not just recall) of the topic.
- Questions may be asked during the presentation or at the end.
- Group members should facilitate brief discussion based on the responses to the three questions.
Written materials (e.g. PowerPoint slides; handout) developed for Assessment 2 are required to be submitted to similarity detecting software. One representative from each student group will be required to submit their group’s work (on behalf of the entire group) through the Canvas site for this unit of study prior to the class presentation.

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