POL 2100-001 Global Politics Final Examination
(20% of thefinalgrade)
Due April 11 (please submit your tests in PDF format via email to XXXXXXXXXXXX by noon.You will receive a confirmation email once your test is received.)
This examination consists of two essay-type questions. You are required to answer one. The length of your essay should be 8-10 pp. or about 2300-2500 words.
The essay questions have been formulated in a broad manner in order to test your specific knowledge and understanding of the course material and your ability to engage with the conceptual and empirical issues discussed in the course in a critical analytical manner. While addressing the questions, make sure that you combine specific knowledge with synthetic analysis.
You are required to draw on the course material only (i.e., textbook, lectures, and videos). Noexternal research permitted!
Make sure you use proper referencing throughout the essay (i.e., use in-text citations that include the name of the author, date and page numbers and provide a full bibliographic list).
The essay will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
- Analysis:
- Is the analysis nuanced, acceptable or superficial?
- Is the engagement with central themes in the course explicit, implicit or superficial? Are the linkages between the student’s argument and the course themes strong, acceptable or tenuous?
- Does the student demonstrate exceptional, strong, good or some awareness of different approaches to the issue and critically evaluates these in the context of the
- Does the student demonstrate exceptional, strong, minimal or no originality in the treatment of the issue?
- Is the argument underpinned by empirical evidence?
- Argument:
- Is the thesis clearly stated or ambiguous? Is the thesis well developed?
- Is the argument exceptionally, acceptably, or poorly developed and structured?
- Writing style:
- Is writing style engaging and appropriate, with virtually no errors or is it inappropriate, with excessive errors?
- Is the essay properly referenced?
- Drawing on the course material, discuss the changing meaning of security. What does it mean that security is a ‘contested concept’? In what kind of historical-political context
did security become contested? What are the different approaches to understanding security? Whose security should be protected and studied? What are the key threats to security? What are the means of achieving security?
- Drawing on the course material, discuss the issues of poverty and development. How do different IR theories approach the issues of poverty and development? Why does poverty persist? What is the role of aid and economic policies in fighting poverty? Can poverty be alleviated within the current system of global economy built on (neo)liberal economic principles? What is the potential of ‘patient capital’ to alleviate poverty?

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