Subject Code and Title | PUBH6000: Social, Behavioural and Cultural Factors in Public Health |
Assessment | Assessment 2: Report ‐ Health intervention in a specific population |
Individual/Group | Individual |
Length | 1,500 words (+/- 10%) |
Learning Outcomes | This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: Analyse the impact of social, environmental and behavioural factors on the health of different populations.Analyse population health outcomes and the major social, economic, political and cultural forces that contribute to health inequalities.Analyse health outcomes in indigenous populations.Analyse theoretical frameworks and models used in public health and health promotion.Apply theoretical frameworks to develop effective health promotion interventions.Demonstrate clear and assertive communication across a range of settings and situations. |
Submission | For 12-week Class Due: End of Module 6.1, Sunday of week 11 at 11:55pm* For 6-week Intensive class: Due: End of Module 6.1, Sunday of week 5 at 11:55pm* |
Weighting | 45% |
Total Marks | 100 marks |
*Please Note: This time is Sydney time (AEST or AEDT).
Please convert to your own time zone (e.g. Adelaide = 11:25pm)
Read the scenario provided by your lecturer and develop a report draw from your critical analysis and applying theory into practice. The scenario will be provided in week 4.
- Seek further information to provide a brief context of the population in the scenario and assess the potential health problem among the population based on the given scenario and context.
- Use the Ecological Model to analyse factors relevant to the scenario that influence health behaviours and health outcomes of the population in the following perspectives
- Intrapersonal level
- Interpersonal level
- Community level
- Critically recommend a health intervention(s) that would be appropriated to address those key social determinants and scenario context. Please specify the approach and level of health intervention.
Please see the template below for more details and guidance on how to address this assessment.
Assessment 2 Template
Please use this template to develop your assignment 2
(Title of your assignment)
Assessment 2: PUBH6000: Student name , Student ID
Provide a short introduction which gives the reader an overview of the whole assignment
Briefly introduce the population and potential public health in the scenario (general information only, you will provide details in the main body not in the introduction). Explain that your report will propose an intervention to address a social determinant of health for this population group.
(Introduction should not longer than half a page)
Context of potential health issue for population
Provide an overview of the population and the potential health issue in the scenario: referring to brief general information of population followed by identified health issue in the scenario. You should summarise and appropriately reference information you have found from sources.
Social determinants of health and its influence on health behaviours
Analyse the social determinants of the health issue in the given scenario and evaluate the influence of those factors on health behaviours which lead to the health outcomes/health issue of the population.
Use the Ecological Model to assist critical analysis and evaluation based on three different perspectives: Intrapersonal level, Interpersonal level and Community level
Make sure you support all your points with evidence from appropriate sources.
Recommendation for Public health intervention
Propose your recommendation for public health practice. The recommendation should be relevant to the scenario i.e., context and health issue of the population, potential social determinants. You should develop recommendations from the scenario combined with your ideas and existing evidence such as research or implemented programs.
Make sure you support all your points with evidence from appropriate sources.
In a short paragraph, provide a useful overall summary of your assignment for the reader. Do not introduce any new information/ideas.
Assessment Criteria
Criteria | Mark |
Demonstrate understanding of potential health issue within a specific population (scenario) | 20% |
Apply Ecological Model to analyse social determinants of health issue within specific population and evaluate influence of those factors on health behaviours and health outcomes of the population | 35% |
Apply theory and model of health intervention to propose a recommendation for public health practice in scenario context | 35% |
Assessment fulfils general academic standards and general criteria Provide an introduction and conclusionComply with academic standards of writing, including legibility, spelling, presentation and grammarIncludes at least 10‐12 scholarly sources for this assessment.Use appropriate APA 6th style for citing and referencing researchUphold standards of academic integrity, as demonstrated by an acceptable report from text matching software (Safe Assign). | 10% |
- Use specific template for this assessment
- Use headings as suggested in the template
- Font style : Arial or Tahoma
- Font size: 10 for paragraph, 12 for headings
- Font colour: Black
- Space: 1.5
- DO NOT include running head, table of content, executive summary/abstract
Figures and tables
All figures and tables derived from other works must be presented with citation using APA 6th style
Marking Rubric
Assessment Attributes | Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% | Pass (Functional) 50-64% | Credit (Proficient) 65-74% | Distinction (Advanced) 75-84% | High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% |
Grade Description (Grading Scheme) | Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement | Evidence of satisfactory achievement | Evidence of a good level of achievement | Evidence of a high level of achievement | Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement |
Demonstrate understanding of potential health issue within a specific population (scenario) 20% | The assessment does not display an understanding of potential health issue within a specific population (scenario). There is no attempt to explain the context of population and potential health issue. | The assessment displays a basic level of understanding of potential health issue within a specific population (scenario). There is limited explanation of the context of population and potential health issue supported with some evidence from the research/subject materials. | The assessment displays a sound understanding of potential health issue within a specific population (scenario). There is sufficient explanation of the context of population and potential health issue referred to capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Supported with evidence from the research/subject materials. | The assessment displays a thorough understanding of potential health issue within a specific population (scenario). The context of population and potential health issue are well explained and supported with relevant evidence from the research/subject materials. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Extended reading. | The assessment displays a highly sophisticated understanding of potential health issue within a specific population (scenario). The context of population and potential health issue are very clearly explained Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further Well supported with relevant evidence from the research/subject materials. Extended reading. |
Apply Ecological Model to analyse social determinants of health issue within specific population and evaluate influence of those factors on health behaviours and health outcomes of the population. 35% | The assessment does not demonstrate an ability to apply knowledge and understanding of Ecological Model to analyse social determinants of health issue within specific population and evaluate influence of those factors on health behaviours and health outcomes of the population. | The assessment present limited ability to apply knowledge and understanding of Ecological Model to analyse social determinants of health issue within specific population and evaluate influence of those factors on health behaviours and health outcomes. This is overly descriptive and needs more supported evidence. | The assessment presents a good application of Ecological Model to analyse the social determinants of health issue within specific population and evaluate influence of those factors on health behaviours and health outcomes. The analysis is reasonably well explained and justified by credible evidence. | The assessment presents a excellent application of Ecological Model to thoroughly analyse the social determinants of health issue within specific population and evaluate influence of those factors on health behaviours and health outcomes. The analysis is very well explained and justified with relevant and credible evidence. | The assessment contains a highly sophisticated application of Ecological Model to thoroughly analyse the social determinants of health issue within specific population and evaluate influence of those factors on health behaviours and health outcomes. The analysis is expertly explained and well justified by relevant and high-quality evidence from credible sources. |
Assessment Attributes | Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% | Pass (Functional) 50-64% | Credit (Proficient) 65-74% | Distinction (Advanced) 75-84% | High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% |
Grade Description (Grading Scheme) | Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement | Evidence of satisfactory achievement | Evidence of a good level of achievement | Evidence of a high level of achievement | Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement |
Apply theory and model of health intervention to propose a recommendation for public health practice in scenario context. 35% | The assessment does not demonstrate an ability to apply knowledge understanding of theory and model of health intervention to propose a recommendation for public health practice in scenario context. | The assessment presents limited ability to apply knowledge and understanding of theory and model of health intervention to propose a recommendation for public health practice in scenario context. The recommendation is overly descriptive and needs more supported evidence. | The assessment presents a good application of theory and model of health intervention to propose a recommendation for public health practice in scenario context. The recommendation is reasonably well explained and justified by credible evidence. | The assessment presents a excellent application of theory and model of health intervention to propose a recommendation for public health practice in scenario context. The recommendation is very well explained and justified with relevant and credible evidence | The assessment contains a highly sophisticated application of theory and model of health intervention to propose a recommendation for public health practice in scenario context. The recommendation is expertly explained and well justified by relevant and high-quality evidence from credible sources |
Assessment fulfils general academic standards and general criteria. 10% | Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar. The assessment has no introduction or conclusion. Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are mistakes in using the APA style. | Written according to academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary) and has accurate spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction. Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed. There are some mistakes in using the APA style. | Well‐written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary). Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. | Very well‐written and adheres to the academic genre. Consistently demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements. Shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading. There are no mistakes in using the APA style. | Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre. Demonstrates expert use of high‐quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading. There are no mistakes in using the APA Style. |

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