Social media has both great and bad impact on today’s generation. It is now used for spreading important information among people and awaring them about the latest news and active matters through their online platforms.
As our culture and people perception is mostly influenced by the online social media platforms. So a brief description with people opinions and its analyzation is done for better understanding effect of sociology of media and culture.
Here a great explanation about how socializing everything we do daily on online platform can impact us in bad rand different people perception with analyzation is done for better understanding of reader.
Along that explanation of how culture is used in today’s generation on social media and its impact on today’s generation.
People are now badly impacted by the abuse called picture based abuse. In which the changes are done in photo of someone to make it more attractive without thinking its impact on the person whom photo is edited(Dostie & Jayaraman, 2009).Where as cyber bullying has other bad impacts on the so cial media users.Media is now used for emerging people and making them famous but because of this some wrong people have become famous and influencers and are impacting social media users badly.
Wrong facts and videos are spreaded in name of culture and lead to many improper activities.In total social a big way to influence people contains high risks and problems.Alcohol related social media problems.
Alcohol related problems on social media:
As we all know that alcohol is now highly consumed liquor and is liked by most of the people around us.
Let’s explain it through the examples of crimes that can help us in understanding the impact of alcohol consumption related problems.
If we are talking about India at there in every 96 minutes one person die due to alcohol related crimes.
Many cases we see daily where people are arrested after driving the car or any vehicle because of consumption of alcohol and this lead to destruction of courier of many people along that many people killed some people due to high consumption of alcohol and lost their control on them.
As above photo explains that how person has highly consumed alcohol and unable to control on him and this lead him to be arrested by police and highly risks his courier.
But along that it has bad impact on the physical body of individual so for that some acts and various gatherings are done to inform its wrong impact on people health.
But social media various influencers are enhancing their followers to drink it and people are becoming habitual of taking it because they think that these things are fashionable and cool.
Wrong mentality and social values are uinherite3d by people through social media and had impacted a large scale of population to drink liquors by attractive posts and stories(Baer, 2014).
So to overcome this problem we need to created well established system toi verify each post by keeping in mind the future outcomes of that individual post and most importantly these activities should be banned because our most of young generation are on social media and future of each country depend on the youngsters.
People are badly impacted due to crimes related to alcohol. As many crimes happened in today’s scenario are due to huge intake of alcohol.
People who consume alcohol badly impact people who are not having mistake. They generally kill those people in accidents because they lost control over them.
Secondly after drinking people generally lost control over what they are saying and they those words that can impact people mentally and socially.
Most people suggest to create more rules that can lower down the alcohol consumption.
Many people suggest to stop drinking and all and should invest that amount on food to maintain healthy life and can help in enhancement of body.
Actually most people are unhappy with selling of alcohols as their children are becoming habitual to that. Due to this many people have created many logos to stop its consumption as like below photo explain the intention of people well.
Perception of people on social media:
Since we all know that on social media various issues and crimes are raised so that can not be hidden from people and various discussions are done, but with all that those matters some times transform to big matters.
Let’s understand this in brief. In social media not all users are well aware about the problem or issue and they just put on their views just to proof them active or even without reason and those views had a real bad impact on the other person perception an lead to arguments between people that was earlier a discussion.
Some time these things are done with some wrong intentions for some people profits and satisfaction(Gardner, 2014).
Along that social media handlers should keep their on the raising issues on their platform keeping in mind the brief of issue an d its further future outcomes and should block or ban activities on tits platform can lead to conflict, influences and create social or mental problems.
We need to have a online platform that can help us all in having a positive and happy life and is well secured from the threats that can lead to problems in future. That contains systematic procedure for account verification along with all posts , stories and all stuff that can influence people
- Some new rules and laws should be created in social media for protecting people from future outcomes.
- Should contain advance features and functions with different working uses that automatically locate wrong users and should be punished accourdingly.
A well established and comfortable social media platform should be created where everything should be well authenticated and secured.
Along that each social media user should understand and know his/her duties and should keep in the the terms and conditions of each social media they are using.
- Baer, J. (2013). Youtility: USA, Penguin. Available from
- Gardner, S. (2014). The Road to Social Media Success. Available from
- Fitzpatrick, P. (2014).The Art of Social Media: Scotland,Penguin. Available from
- Dostie, B., & Jayaraman, R. (2008). Organizational redesign, information technologies and workplace productivity. Available from
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