[Solved] Bridging the Gap between Strategy and Operation in FM

Bridging the Gap between Strategy and Operation in FM


Executive Summary

ELITEX Company is a company that is based in UK that is based in software development and the testing company. Established in 2015, the company has been delivering good quality service and products to the customer base. The employees use strong expertise in QC, QA, UI Development and Web Development. Mobile and automated testing and on demand testing is taken up by the company. The QA team is dedicated to complete the tasks in an independent manner. The delivery of the good quality product to the market is done as soon as possible. The company is ISTQB certified and follows the guidelines for examination and accreditation. The mission statement of ELITEX Company is to serve as true communication consultants, adding value to clients by providing the appropriate instruments for engagement and payment in order to accomplish their individual goals. Providing customers with quality assurance is part of the company’s objective. The organization aspires to become an integrated part of its partners’ business operations, minimizing costs, maximizing resources, and boosting profits. The vision of the ELITEX organization is to always deliver solutions that go above and beyond customers’ expectations while actively listening to their requirements and concerns. The company supports the solutions with committed staff members, who are aware that the business will thrive and the best solution will be offered if it offers the consumers true value. The main objective of ELITEX is to provide its customers with the best user experience possible through cutting-edge hardware, software, and services. Additionally, creating fantastic goods and services that improve people’s lives and offering top-notch services are the objectives of ELITEX. The goal of ELITEX is to establish a long-lasting relationship with regular customers that are based on solid knowledge, close attention to detail, effective communication, and mutual respect. The operational problem in the company includes overhead management, monitoring of the performance, feedback, cyber risk and cash flow. The bridging of the gap in the problems can be done by the company by taking up a range of solutions that will enable ELITEX in coming u with the problem.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary. 1

Introduction. 3

Overhead management 3

Range of activities for performance monitoring. 4

Risk associated with facility management 5

Tools and techniques in solving the problems. 7

Bridging the gap. 8

Conclusion. 9

References. 10


This paper focuses on facility management and describes the various theories and principles of facilities management. It will also provide a deep insight into the core facility management activities. The risk assessment is done with the help of facilities management and thus the company can operate properly rather than focusing on the workspace. The five problems that have been identified in the company include overhead management, performance monitoring, feedback, cyber crisis and cash flow.  Each and every organization need a proper workspace where it can work properly here Elitex utilizes this facility management to operate its business and thus the organization is able to achieve long-term goals. This will help the company in garnering more amount of revenue by providing a proper workspace.

Overhead management

Professional competency is the first principle of facility management. A component of professional competency is leadership and strategy. One of the key pillars of business services is leadership. In the capacity of a company owner who hires FM, a marketer, or a property investor. In order for real estate to succeed, the facility manager is crucial. Communication is another element of facility management.  One of the professional facility management modules that deal heavily with managing stakeholders is this one. The Mendelow matrix is used to draw conclusions about how to deal with and handle each stakeholder in the facility management value chain. Quality is another factor. The key is quality, which is determined by the various facility managers’ criteria of what is appropriate throughout the breadth of their practices (Chen, 2015). Len management is also the principle of FM. Any step or action that is not necessary to finish a process is considered lean management. Within lean, waste can take eight various shapes and forms: defects in the waste include the presence of goods or services that don’t meet specifications and need resources to be fixed, leading to overproduction. Lean management refers to waste as excess production of a good that aids in facility management, waiting as having to postpone action until the previous stage in the process is finished and unutilized talent (Das Adhikari et al., 2019). This happens when workers are not fully involved in the process. Examples include when workers lack the skills or equipment needed to execute the duties that have been allocated to them. Other examples include transportation, inventory, motion, and extra-processing.

Source: (Chen, 2015)

Lean management also enhances the maintenance quality in facility management in comparison to other principles. Barrett noted that Cotts’ models and experience showed that FM departments varied greatly from one organization to the next due to specific needs; location was likely the main factor influencing how an FM department was organized; a generic model for facilities management systems was discussed as the ideal framework, which was based on case studies and shall require the emphasis to specific activities in reality and the viable system model by Beer the author of the study. The Dependability-driven quality service is another principle of FM (Greenkey, 2021).  Utilizing technology, various processes, and upkeep, dependability is made more successful the ELITEX. In real life, technology is in the spotlight. Because of this, the Facility Manager’s job demands early integration of quality management standards into process design and the function of delivery. The creation of an operationally-specific QMS offers the structure necessary for ongoing management and continual service delivery improvement of ELITEX. Operations and maintenance are the heart of facility management (NG & NOVERA, 2022). A professional facility manager must be able to manage the building’s systems condition, evaluate the structure of the facility, including its inside and outside, and supervise operations and maintenance tasks.  Sustainability-oriented resource efficiency is considered the principle of facility management. This updates assets to boost energy efficiency among the employees. This also helps with the use of eco-friendly cleaning within the organization ELITEX.

Range of activities for performance monitoring

Facility management mainly includes such as lease management, maintaining and performing various operations and this is done to different buildings and real estate. It also involves other core activities such as energy management, employee experience, and managing real estate properties. This facility management also deals with financial management, human resource management, and safety and contract management. Facility management is basically of two type mainly hard facility management and soft facility management. Soft facility management deals with the assets related to wiring plumbing, cooling, and heating. The core activity of facility management is to create a place to work for the employees. They help by serving a different variety of goals such as improving efficiency and productivity and thereby helping in creating a positive work culture. Facility managers are mainly responsible for planning data and thereby help in workplace optimization (Dukes, 2022). The main work of facility management is that they help in the process of improvement of the physical building. They are the ones who help in the process of maintenance of building and repair of the building and thereby help in cultivating partnerships. Facility management involves the facility managers who help in managing space but sometimes it can be a daunting task as these office buildings are made based on budget.

Source: (Dukes, 2022)

Whenever a company first moves to an office space or workspace it needs a plan which will deal with the subject regarding where the employees will sit and where there will be a desk area (Limble, 2022). The companies use this facility management to utilize each and every space properly. Therefore this helps the company to spend fewer amounts of money and time on shifting offices and thus the companies are able to focus their resources on achieving more goals. Facility management also closely works by helping in the proper maintenance of the building as well as other assets of a company. The company Elitex uses facility management in order to manage assets and buildings. The company needs an office or a building this facility management uses helps the company to provide the exact suitable environment which helps the company to focus on its goals rather than on any other offices or buildings, thus this help the company to save a large amount of money and the company can make a huge amount of profits in the long run (Lindsay, 2022). The company has assets that need to be utilized properly the company uses this facility management who help in managing the assets of the company and thus the company can avail those profits at a cheaper rate. Facility management has a vital role in order to make sure that the building is safe and efficient and that it provides a suitable environment so that the employees can work properly.

Risk associated with facility management

The first risk that can be seen in facility management is the lackof Facility Information Availability.  Inefficient or nonexistent access to reliable facility information is frequently brought on by antiquated or paper-based processes, which result in more work and slower operations in ELITEX (Potkany et al., 2015). The lack of information prevents field ELITEX teams from accessing the required facility data and prevents leadership teams from having a comprehensive understanding of operations and any other crucial information required to support decisions. The facilities management at ELITEX should be able to make information accessible online from anywhere to address the issue of lack of access to vital information. Only the authorized individual should have access, though. There can be several levels of access to control what each management level can access. The risk has been seen in Inefficiency facility compliance. The mutual compliance processes that ELITEX must carry out take an unreasonable amount of time to complete (Svensson et al., 2022). Manual reporting and compliance procedures can limit a company’s capacity to succeed in other areas. Such businesses also lack defined policies and procedures for locating and fixing errors. This may lead to a workforce that is less effective and raise the possibility of mistakes and omissions. The solution to this problem is that ELITEX has to rely on almost complete paperless processes rather than relying on outdated procedures because paperless offices are more manageable and also provide more efficient work. The challenge of creating a sustainable workplace is another issue with facility management.

Supply chain operations frequently have a negative influence on the environment, and there is currently much discussion about how they may contribute to climate change. Operating according to environmental principles while ignoring the current ones, however, can result in significant losses for the business. For the solution to this problem, ELITEX has to implement cost-effective strategies to ensure its processes, including its supply chain activity and which will not adversely affect the environment. Constant damage control cannot be done by facility management within the organization, the facility managers always need to be efficient in their job of good damage prevention and control (Svensson et al., 2022). Professional facility managers are required by ELITEX in order for the company to run smoothly, reduce costs associated with damage, and concentrate on its core business operations. Facility managers can expertly keep an eye on the facility’s condition while keeping an eye on and tracking the organization’s resources to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Because of inadequate facility management, the organization also has out-of-pocket expenses, which are related to facility decline. Huge quantities of money will be required to repair the facilities, which have fallen into disrepair so that they are once again usable and up to habitation standards. The majority of the time, these enormous sums is beyond budget, forcing the owners of these facilities to incur irrational expenses. Most of the time, businesses are taken advantage of by dishonest and inept professionals who demand high fees for little or no work (Wilcock, 2022). To fix this problem the organization has to optimum its best and focus on core business activities. The organization also needs to track the resources in order to save the cost of expenses.

Tools and techniques in solving the problems

In today’s world different facility management tools are used in order to optimize office space some of them are workplace analytics platforms and these platforms basically help the business to leverage data and thereby integrate into cloud base technology such as meeting room platforms. Based on the needs of the workplace these analytics help in the process to identify the patterns which help in improving productivity. Therefore this tool helps the facility manager in optimizing their facilities. Task management software mainly consists of various tools that help the end users to organize and thereby manage their internal responsibilities (Ops, 2022). Therefore this kind of software helps the managers to track the exact process of the project and thereby helps the business leaders to set deadlines. The facility managers utilize these tools in order to plan workplace transition projects. These facility managers also perform duties that involve the process of monitoring and assessing of building. Another tool is the inventory management system which involves the process used by leaders and managers in order to track and control the stock with the help of the supply chain. With the help of the supply chain and the inventory management systems, the users are thereby able to understand how a budget is being allocated and thereby help in improving their efficiency. As the workplace starts to grow gradually the employees perform their function which helps them to grow. Some top inventory management helps the user to track and identify inventory needs which helps the business that it does not become overstocked (Sheynkman, 2022).

The asset management system is another tool utilized by the facility management in order to perform their day-to-day function. This company Elitex utilizes the use of asset management software in order to perform its operation. Therefore this asset management helps by providing insights into the workplace and thereby helps the workplace to improve its inefficiencies. This asset management system also serves as the main location in order to store information regarding specific buildings. There are many top asset management software and this software help the company such as ELITEX to support their virtual as well as physical assets thus it also helps in maintaining a proper relationship between the IT, facility management, and other leadership teams. Last but not least the tool used by the facility management is by building an automation system. As the business gradually involves more and more leaders are utilizing these automation systems in their workplace and thus they can achieve their goals. There is various automation system and this system helps any company to operate its business smoothly thus this helps the company to achieve its goals rather than focusing on any other resources (VergeSense, 2022). The facility manager’s main role is to manage the assets and this can be done with the help of that software and thus the company can expand its business. The facility management utilizes the tools that help the strategists as well as the business leaders and managers to tailor their workspace into a better working place rather than focusing the employees to suit a particular new environment (Zwick, 2022). To evolve this workplace into a positive work environment the facility management utilizes these tools and this support the employees in doing their work.

Source: (Sheynkman, 2022)

Bridging the gap

The first risk that has been considered is the overhead management in the facilities management. The facility management cost can be seen as the overhead cost. This is because the business expenses that is ongoing and is not directly attributing to the creation of service or product in the organization. The solution is that predictive maintenance planning will help in the substantial savings that are connected to the assets within ELITEX. The reactive maintenance can be used in savings of the overhead costs (Freshbooks, 2020). I feel that the optimization of the space and the management of the space can help in the facilities management. The remainder of the space that is used in the organization contributes to nothing but costing more money on the part of the company. The jumping off of the costs from balance sheet in terms of procurement cots as well as wastage can be seen but the addition of these expenses results increased cost on the part of the company. The automation of the tasks that are time consuming can be removed. Use of spreadsheet to store data, checking and rechecking inventories and completion of the sales invoice can help in the reduction of the overhead cost. For the management of the performance the monitoring of the tools like automatically discovers servers, devices and the application within the organization (BDC, 2022). Tracking of the specific metrics like memory usage can help in the measurement of the KPIs within the organization. Datadog log analytics, Gibraltar software and various other tools can be sued for the assessment of performance by the company.

With the help of feedback the company can have a clear understanding of the workings of the employees. By beginning of the asking of the questions and understanding of the expectations can be understood. Asking about the opinion of the business initiatives of the employees will help n making the process of feedback and the incorporation of the engagement tools of the employees can be taken up (Schooley, 2020). Connection of the important points and discussion of the perspective of the employees can help in the solving of the problems. Asking the employees about the ways the feedback can be improved can help in the engagement of the workers in the process. Creation of the strategy that will take up cyber security measures and policies can be taken up by ELITEX. Implementation of training in terms of security management of the data can be taken up by the company. The risk assessment of the security that has been taken up allow the company to install spam filters and anti malware software where required. The cash flow within the company can be solved by payment of the bill strategically within the company operations. Cashing on the assets and the reduction of the costs can be taken up by the company.


This paper describes the various principles of facility management one of them is professional competency which is based on the use of skills of leadership and strategies. The main pillar that the company utilizes here is leadership skills and thus the company can earn huge amounts of revenue. These principles can be followed only with the help of the employees when they are interested in working in that process. Facility management mainly involves a facility manager who assists in managing the condition of the building. They are the ones who help in evaluating the structure of the building and thereby supervising other operations for the well-being of the company.

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"[Solved] Bridging the Gap between Strategy and Operation in FM." Universal Assignment - July 27, 2024, https://universalassignment.com/solved-bridging-the-gap-between-strategy-and-operation-in-fm/
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"[Solved] Bridging the Gap between Strategy and Operation in FM." Universal Assignment - Accessed July 27, 2024. https://universalassignment.com/solved-bridging-the-gap-between-strategy-and-operation-in-fm/
"[Solved] Bridging the Gap between Strategy and Operation in FM." Universal Assignment [Online]. Available: https://universalassignment.com/solved-bridging-the-gap-between-strategy-and-operation-in-fm/. [Accessed: July 27, 2024]

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