Peer Assessment of ES1 (2000 words). Swap your draft assignment with someone
Students Name: ………………………………………………………….. Peer Assessors Name: …………………………..……………………. | Provide your classmate with some feedback on their assignment. What Grade would you give them?How can they improve their work? |
Marking Criteria | Constructive Feedback (Strengths and areas for Improvement) |
An introduction/overview to rugby union Brief account of the type of sport (intermittent, collision etc..) groups of players. Include references Include purpose of the essay ~150 words so don’t include shape of ball, pitch size, posts etc… | |
Need analysis for rugby union (sport analysis, physiological analysis, injury analysis and biomechanical analysis) What are the needs of the sport, be position specific, use findings from research e.g. if they sprint; how fast? What distance? Is this different for positions? Levels of players? Sexes? Include references Don’t waste too many words on injury- incidence and main injuries would be fine | |
Explanation of sport-specific field and/or laboratory assessments of rugby relevant components of fitness Linking to the needs- what tests are suitable for assessment of specific components of fitness, e.g. why a mid-thigh isometric pull is suitable for max lower body strength; muscles used, movements in the sport, range of motion of test etc… Include references | |
Discussion of the sport-specific assessments to determine strengths and weaknesses in fitness components and the strengths and weaknesses of specific performance assessments What are the advantages and disadvantages of the tests you have highlighted? Link to the needs of the sport. You can use validity and reliability studies, findings from research Compare and contrast to other similar tests, argue why your particular test is the most suitable, Include references | |
Discuss how the data from specific assessments could be used to inform training of athletes So now you have argued the suitability of the tests How can the results from the testing be used to inform training, ie 1RM used for %RM, retesting needed etc… | |
Conclusions Conclude by linking the last paragraph to the first, perhaps by reiterating a word or phrase you used at the beginning. What are the main take home messages about the needs of rugby union and fitness training assessments use of data? Avoid phrases like “in conclusion”, “to conclude” | |
Referencing, Punctuation, Grammar, Spelling and Presentation |
Use the Marking Rubric below to grade your classmates essay
Learning Outcomes addressed through this assignment… | No submission / no evidence (G) | Fail (F- to F+) | Pass (D- to D+) | Commended (C- to C+) | Merit (B- to B+) | Distinction (A- to A+) |
LO a Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the selection and use of field and laboratory based fitness assessment, the rationale underpinning this selection, the administration and data collection as well as the training methods used to develop a structured training programme from the analysed data. | Work submitted is of no academic value / nothing submitted. | Poor evidence of understanding of the selection and use of field and laboratory based fitness assessment, the rationale underpinning this selection, the administration and data collection as well as the training methods used to develop a structured training programme, but fails to demonstrate a threshold level of understanding and/or quality | Satisfactory evidence of understanding of the selection and use of field and laboratory based fitness assessment, the rationale underpinning this selection, the administration and data collection as well as the training methods used to develop a structured training programme, that demonstrates a threshold level of conceptual understanding and/or quality | Sound evidence of understanding of the selection and use of field and laboratory based fitness assessment, the rationale underpinning this selection, the administration and data collection as well as the training methods used to develop a structured training programme, that demonstrates a sound level of conceptual understanding and/or quality | Good evidence of understanding of the selection and use of field and laboratory based fitness assessment, the rationale underpinning this selection, the administration and data collection as well as the training methods used to develop a structured training programme, that demonstrates a high- quality level of conceptual understanding and/or quality | Very good evidence of understanding of the selection and use of field and laboratory based fitness assessment, the rationale underpinning this selection, the administration and data collection as well as the training methods used to develop a structured training programme, that demonstrates a very high level of conceptual understanding and/or quality |
LO b Critically analyse evidence to produce a line of argument associated with the rationale for and the application of specific fitness assessments and the structure, content and periodisation of a subsequent training programme. | Work submitted is of no academic value / nothing submitted. | Poor evidence of producing a line of argument associated with the rationale for and the application of specific fitness assessments and the structure, content and periodisation of a subsequent training programme but, fails to demonstrate a threshold level of knowledge and understanding. | Satisfactory evidence producing a line of argument associated with the rationale for and the application of specific fitness assessments and the structure, content and periodisation of a subsequent training programme, demonstrates a threshold level of applied knowledge and understanding. | Sound evidence of producing a line of argument associated with the rationale for and the application of specific fitness assessments and the structure, content and periodisation of a subsequent training programme, demonstrates a sound level of applied knowledge and understanding. | Good evidence of producing a line of argument associated with the rationale for and the application of specific fitness assessments and the structure, content and periodisation of a subsequent training programme, demonstrates a high-quality level of applied knowledge and understanding. | Very good evidence producing a line of argument associated with the rationale for and the application of specific fitness assessments and the structure, content and periodisation of a subsequent training programme, represents a very high level of applied knowledge and understanding. |
LO e Identify and critically appraise problems, concepts and principles associated with the subject content and create clearly defined solutions to these problems | Work submitted is of no academic value / nothing submitted. | Poor evidence of identifing and critically appraising problems, concepts and principles associated with the subject content and create clearly defined solutions to these problems | Satisfactory evidence of identifing and critically appraising problems, concepts and principles associated with the subject content and create clearly defined solutions to these problems | Sound evidence of identifing and critically appraising problems, concepts and principles associated with the subject content and create clearly defined solutions to these problems, | Good evidence of identifing and critically appraising problems, concepts and principles associated with the subject content and create clearly defined solutions to these problems | Very good evidence of identifing and critically appraising problems, concepts and principles associated with the subject content and create clearly defined solutions to these problems, |
Academic / Professional quality. | Unsatisfactory command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline. | Poor command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline. | Satisfactory command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline. | Sound command of academic / professional conventions sufficient and appropriate to the discipline. | Rigorous command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline. | Authoritative command of academic / professional conventions appropriate to the discipline. |

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