2022/23 Semester 2 First sit
MODULE TITLE: Strategic Brand Management
TITLE OF ASSESSMENT: Brand Audit Report (100%)
COURSE(S): Various Masters courses.
SUBMISSION BY STUDENTS: 10th May 2023 by 2pm
SUBMISSION LOCATION: Uploaded to Turnitin on Module Page
This brief requires you to produce an individually written Brand Audit Report on one of the brands shown in the table below. The purpose of this report is to provide an in-depth Brand Audit Report on your chosen brand using a range of strategic brand management concepts and special interest areas as a framework for the audit. Your report should assimilate your findings and translate them into justified, relevant and realistic recommendations (with metrics where applicable) that are designed to support ongoing strategic brand development. Your 6,000 word report should respond to all of the requirements stated in this assignment brief.
DHL | Jack Wolfskin | KFC | Kiehl’s |
Skagen | JBL | Alfa Romeo | Lululemon |
Section 1: Introduction and Context Setting (20%)
1.1 Introduction: Firstly, introduce the report and state it’s purpose, scope and aims. Following this, you are to provide sufficient information to enable the reader to understand the organisation and the brand. This should include brief details of history, heritage and ethos, as well as an indication of the organisation’s current strategic direction.
1.2 Context Setting: Provide concise information to enable the reader to understand the broader context; including information about organisation size and legal structure, current performance statistics (operational / financial / market related), geographical presence, product/service range, target market, competitive landscape, as well indicating any relevant contemporary marketing environment considerations. Furthermore, please include a diagrammatic representation of the organisation’s current brand architecture structure and details of its current brand positioning stance.
Section 2: Brand analysis: (40%)
2.1 Critical Analysis of Strategic Brand Management Concepts and Special Interest Areas:
Critically analyse an appropriate selection of the strategic brand management concepts and special interest areas that have been covered in this module. Extensive use of academic theory to underpin your work is expected, as is the integration of contemporary practitioner perspectives.
2.2 Application of Concepts and Special Interest Areas: For each concept or special interest area covered in 2.1, you are to put forward applied work in relation to your chosen brand. In-depth brand knowledge, extensive assimilation of information and intelligent synthesis of your findings should be demonstrated here. The aim is to enable the reader to fully understand the brand and its strengths and limitations in relation to the organisation’s current strategic direction.
Section 3. Recommendations and Conclusions: (30%)
3.1 Recommendations: You are to put forward three detailed, relevant, realistic and fully justified recommendations. They should be designed to support strategic brand development with the aim of further strengthening the brand as well as addressing any brand related limitations identified in Section 2. Within each of your recommendations, include – where relevant – details of suitable branding metrics, and for each recommendation indicate the required integrated management activities to support successful implementation of the strategic brand management recommendations.
3.2 Conclusions: Draw your report to a close with a concise conclusion.
Writing, presentation and referencing (10%):
Your assignment should be written in report format. Your work must follow the sequence of requirements as indicated above. It should be presented to a professional business report standard; clarity and cohesion of written expression are expected along with logical flow and sequence of discussion. Harvard Referencing must be used and your report should be proof-read to ensure it is free from typographical, layout and syntax errors. Please refer to the Assessment Criteria for more details of writing, presentation and referencing requirements.
Notes for Students:
- This assessment is worth 100% of the marks for the module.
- The word count is 6000 words +/- 10% (Words within tables are included in this word count as are in-text citations and quotes). Any words over the upper limit will not be assessed.
- The word count does not include words in the title page, executive summary, contents page, bibliography or appendices.
- Extensive use of academic theory to underpin your work is expected throughout, as is the integration of contemporary practitioner perspectives.
- Appropriate use of a wide range of secondary research to support your work is expected throughout. Primary research is NOT permitted for this report.
- Ensure you use page numbering, and that you use numbered headings and subheadings.
- Display your report in either 12-point Arial or Verdana font with line spacing of 1.5.
- All references (in-text citations and bibliography/reference list) must adhere to Harvard Referencing rules.
Date generic feedback will be available: | To be confirmed. |
How generic feedback will be returned to you: | Announcement on the module page on MyBeckett. |
Date provisional marks will be available: | To be confirmed. |
How provisional marks will be returned to you: | Announcement on the module page on MyBeckett. |
Date individual feedback will available | To be confirmed |
How individual feedback will be returned to you: | Individual feedback will be written / recorded within the Turnitin ‘Feedback Summary’. |

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