To make this assignment (and thus the module) more relevant and interesting for you, rather than give all students the same fixed (and artificial) case study, you will select your own realworld case study and then apply the concepts and techniques you have learned from this module to that case study.
IMPORTANT: The case study you select must not have been used by you, or any other student, in any other module – current or historic. Your chosen case study must be original and unique to you and this present assignment. Do not recycle.
Question 1
This task is broken down into four subsections.
a) Select an industry, market sector or area of life that really interests you. It does not matter what you choose – as long as you are genuinely interested in it. It could be from any area of commercial life, the charity and voluntary sector, sport, leisure and hobbies or some aspect of government or public service. Document why you have picked a particular area – is it because you work in that sector? Is your hobby linked to that sector? Are you seeking to enter employment in that sector? Justify your choice.
b) Within your chosen area or sector, select ONE real-world organisation – it could be a profit-seeking private company, a charity or voluntary group, a sporting team or a public-sector agency like some aspect of the emergency services or a local or central government department or agency. Again, explain why you have chosen it.
c) Write a brief description of this chosen organisation. What do they do? Where are they based? What products, services and markets are they involved with?
d) Provide the web address of this organisation so that the marker can follow it up and, to add visual appeal, include a screenshot of their home page. The above tasks will be marked holistically as a single grade. While their website and other online sources will give you a very good idea of what the organisation actually does, you will have to use your imagination to fill in some missing bits in order to answer the remainder of the tasks in this assignment. Document your own assumptions and fully reference any thirdparty sources that you have used to get additional background information. In short, start the assignment by clearly and fully introducing your selected case study so that the marker can fully understand your subsequent work.
(600 words) (15 marks)
Question 2
Imagine that your chosen case study organisation – which has its own internal IT team – has now employed you as a Systems Analyst. They have several IT projects in the pipeline. In order to help them prioritize projects and allocate resources, briefly describe the various stages of the SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) and the role of the Systems Analyst within it. Support your discussion with suitable annotated diagrams.
(600 words) (15 Marks)
Question 3
Your next task is to help the senior management of your case study organisation compare and contrast the ‘agile’ and ‘waterfall’ philosophies of software development – something they are aware of, but do not understand. Explain the techniques, strengths, weaknesses, and most suitable applications for each approach with regard to your chosen organisation. Again, support your discussion with suitable annotated diagrams.
(800 words) (20 Marks)
Question 4
Based on your advice, the management has now decided that their priority project will be a smartphone application to enhance customer sales and loyalty. The functionality, appearance and precise details of this application is obviously case-study dependant. Using your previous research into this organisation, combined with your own assumptions and imagination, address the following tasks in your role as a Systems Analyst with regards to your chosen organisation: • State the exact purpose of your chosen application (real or imagined) • Describe the stakeholders involved in the use and operation of that application • List a set of functional and non-functional requirements for this application • Produce a Context Diagram (Level 0) for this application • Produce DFD (Data Flow Diagram) – Level 1 & Level 2 for this application • Produce a set of use case diagrams for this application • Produce an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) for this application Each task is worth 5-6 marks each.
(1600 words) (40 marks)
Question 5
Imagine that you are now to present your work to the various stakeholders. Critically evaluate your diagrams. Do you feel they support the original requirements? Are they semantically correct and complete? Is anything missing? How could they be extended or improved? Answer with regard to your chosen organisation.
(400 words) (10 marks)
You must use the Harvard referencing system throughout your assignment

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