Contribution to Final Module Mark: 100%
Description of Assessment Task and Purpose:
Write a 3000-word conference-style paper that critically examines a contemporary issue in the Visitor Economy (make sure it is relevant to your programme).
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO1 evaluate the tourism industry’s response to regional, national and global events;
LO2 assess the key issues in the national and international debate on the development of tourism in relation to economic, social and environmental impacts;
LO3 analyse the complex inter-relationships between the public and private sectors in tourism and hospitality development;
LO4 evaluate philosophical issues concerning the development of tourism and hospitality in different cultures and societies.
Knowledge & Skills Assessed:
Being able to:
Explain and challenge theories and concepts which ae used to understand tourism/events/visitor economy
Use a range of source material in investigating tourism/event
Demonstrate and understand the relationship between tourism and environment
Other transferable skills such as organisation, communication, perseverance & initiative, problem solving etc.
Assessment Submission Instructions:
Type of Assessment: word document of a conference paper
Length of Assessment: 3000 words
Conference papers are to be submitted in electronic form to the Blackboard site by 12 Noon (Midday) on Wednesday 24th May 2023. Please ensure that you take careful attention to instructions provided at the time of submission
The Resit will be the same assessment
Date for Return of Feedback
Noon 14th June 2023 and in accordance with the University Assessment Policy to return marks/feedback within 15 days from the date of submission.
Format for Assessment:
Please follow to the formatting guidelines:
Font / Size: Arial or Times New Roman / 12
Spacing / Sides: Double
Pagination required: Yes
Margins: At least 2.54 to left and right and text ‘justified’ to the left
Referencing: Full compliance with Harvard protocols
Note usual practice is to allow +/-10%. If you submit an assignment which exceeds the prescribed word limit, marking will cease at the point at which the limit has been exceeded and the mark will be awarded on the basis of the extent to which the criteria for assessment have been met up to that point.
Marking Criteria for Assessment: See Appendix Three
Please see criteria grid attached
Please note that all work is assessed according to the University of Lincoln Management of Assessment Policy and that marks awarded are provisional on Examination Board decisions (which take place at the end of the Academic Year.
Feedback Format:
Session 5 formative peer and tutor feedback on a paper plan
Session 9 supported session to develop mini presentation
Session 10 formative peer and tutor feedback on a mini presentation
Session 12 Guided assessment writing session
Summative written feedback on your assessment

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