Centre No: 04943
Technical Education Centre for Online Learning
Assignment Brief (Learner to fill in all parts highlighted in yellow)
Programme Title: | BTEC Level 3 Certificate/Diploma in Engineering | Programme No: | L3E: (RTD06/ TJH22/25) |
Unit Number and Title: | 18: Features & Applications of Electrical Machines | Edexcel Unit Code: | D/600/7115 |
Coursework Title: | Electrical Machine Control & Legislation | Coursework Number: | U18A2 |
Date issued / downloaded | Duration | 4 weeks | |
Student Name | Assessor | G Tweed |
Task No | Assessment criteria covered | Date Achieved | Feedback |
1st Attempt | 2nd Attempt* | Comment Attached? | |
Grading criteria: P1, P2, P3, P9, M1, M2, M3, and D2 | |||
1 | P1: Identify the hazards that may exist when working with two different pieces of electrical apparatus | ||
2 | P2: List the control measures that should be used to reduce the risk of harm to self and others when working with two different pieces of electrical apparatus | ||
3 | P3: Describe the aspects of legislation, regulations and standards that relate to work being carried out on two different pieces of electrical apparatus | ||
4 | P9: Describe the operation and use of a stop/start/ retain relay control circuit for an AC or DC machine. | ||
5 | M1: Explain the operational features of a speed control system for an AC machine. | ||
6 | M2: Explain the operational features of a speed control system for a DC machine. | ||
7 | M3: Explain the use of a safety relay system and how its use addresses the issues raised in relevant legislation, regulations and standards. | ||
8 | D2: Compare the construction and operation of two different types of stop/start/retain relay control circuit for either an AC or a DC machine | ||
Scenario: You have be appointed as a maintenance technician in a production facility where you are responsible for a range of industrial machines. Part of your job is to assess and control electrical hazards and ensure they comply with current legislation. In addition you also involved in the selection of control systems | |||
Evidence you must produce for this assignment: Written report with appropriate calculations. Also a copy of computer circuit simulator files. | |||
Sources of information: Unit 18 course notes sections 3 and 4. Smarajit Ghosh, Electrical Machines – (Pearson 2012) A Ramesh, R, Balamurugan; Electrical Engineering ( Theory 1) – (Tamilnadu 2010) | |||
*Re-submission Conditions: Only one opportunity to re-submit work will be allowed for each task. All three of the conditions below must be met if this is to be allowed: These are that: You have met the original ‘deadline’ date or agreed extension date. The normal extension on receipt of approved extenuating circumstances will be 5 daysYour tutor judges that you will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance Your tutor can be sure that the evidence submitted is your own work, and that you have signed a declaration of authenticity declaring that it is your own work. A resubmission date will be set for 15 working days after the assessment has been returned to you. |
Coursework Internal Verifier : Sign | (WWatson) | Date (revision) | 28/6/21 (r2021a) |
Assessment Record Sheet
1. Learner to fill in on first submission:
Task ref(s) | Evidence submitted (e.g. written report, calculation, file name). | Task ref(s) | Evidence submitted (e.g. written report, calculation, file name). |
Additional learner comments to the assessor: | |||
Learner Declaration on Submission I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice. | Learner Signature. | Date. | |
2. Assessor to fill in on first submission:
Task ref(s) | Assessor comment on task(s) | Task ref(s) | Assessor comment on task(s) |
General feedback from the Assessor: Remember to complete your Skype call for this unit, as detailed below | |||
Has an extension to the deadline been approved by the Assessor due to extenuating circumstances? | |||
Assessor Declaration on Submission I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s own. If it is not their own work, then this is clearly explained and detailed in the feedback and comments above | Assessor Signature. | Date. | |
3. Learner to fill in on resubmission:
Task ref(s) | Evidence submitted (e.g. written report, calculation, file name). | Task ref(s) | Evidence submitted (e.g. written report, calculation, file name). |
Additional learner comments to the assessor: | |||
Learner Declaration on resubmission I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice. | Learner Signature. | Date. | |
4. Assessor to fill in on resubmission:
Task ref(s) | Assessor comment on task(s) | Task ref(s) | Assessor comment on task(s) |
Resubmission feedback from the Assessor: Remember if not already done, complete your Skype call for this unit and access to your next. Please read over your answers before making your call | |||
Does the learner need to attempt an assessment Retake? Y/N | Date of Retake: | ||
Assessor Declaration on Submission I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s own. If it is not their own work, then this is clearly explained and detailed in the feedback and comments above | Assessor Signature. | Date. | |
Sample Type: (First or resubmission) | Samples IV Signature: | Date: |
Skype Call Required (shown in assessment 2 only)
Access to your next unit will be setup during your Skype Authentication call for this unit
All assessment grades are subject to authentication, which normally requires a Skype call. This should be ideally done after each unit, and at least after every 2 units
A Skype call can be made any time after the 2nd assessment has been submitted (you don’t have to wait for it to be marked) to any of the following tutors whose skype names are:
‘Geoff.tweed2’ (Mon-Tue), or ‘Billtecol’ (Wed-Thur)
Typical times for authentication Skype calls are: 12.30-13:30, and 18:30-20.00 and who will ask the following questions:
General unit/assessment questions
1. What was easy and what was difficult?
2. Did you attempt all tasks?
3. Where you unsure about any tasks in particular?
Specific assessment questions
You will be asked two specific questions from your assessments, and you will be expected to answer these without simply reading them off your assessment during the Skype call. So be prepared before calling.
4. From assessment: U18A1 –
5. From assessment: U18A2 –
Assessment grading instructions:
Tasks 1 to 4 are required for PASS (P) grade and must be attempted
Tasks to 5 are 7 also required for MERIT (M) grade (optional)
Tasks 8 is also required for DISTINCTION (D) grade (optional)
Work for Merit/Dist grades should also be supported by fully referenced evidence
Please carefully read your course guidance and add all your written work below the tasks. Remember to sign (not typed) the learner section of assessment record sheet above
TECOL uses a PLAGERISM Checker, so it is Important All answers must be your own worK
Assessment Tasks
Scenario for tasks 1-3
The Maintenance Manager has asked you to review the planned maintenance (PM) procedure for 2 pieces of equipment in the factory.
- The 1st piece of equipment is a conveyor system used to transport product between process steps. The conveyor also contains a number of elevators driven by 230 v ac/dc speed control drives and dc brushless motors. Various sensors are used to control the motors via PLCs.
- The 2nd piece of equipment is a mixing tank agitator driven by a 400v induction motor controlled by a variable speed drive. The tank is made of stainless steel and contains acidic chemicals when in use.
Task 1 [P1]
As part of the review you will need, for each apparatus, to identify the hazards (together with the activity) that exist when a planned maintenance (PM) is being carried out for each machine. These are hazards posed to anyone in the area, not just the electrical technicians carrying out the PM. So include the person(s) and how their activity exposes them to the hazards. Give at least 2 mechanical and 2 electrical hazards for each machine (8 in total, with none of the 4 electrical hazards being the same).
Guidance: These shall be given in the form of a risk assessment along with task 2 control measures using the RA spreadsheet template provided on Moodle.
Checklist of evidence required: T1 –(Snip) Image of risk assessment and copy of spreadsheet
Task 2 [P2]
From the information in task 1 you must also specifically list the control measures required to eliminate or manage the risks to the Maintenance Technicians and others.
Guidance: In particular give a detailed range of control measures to prevent/reduce the risk of the hazards given in task 1. This should be done by assessing the hazards/risks and existing controls using the RA spreadsheet template and updated with additional controls as appropriate
Checklist of evidence required: T2 –(Snip) Image of risk assessment and copy of spreadsheet
Task 3 [P3]
A quality and safety audit is to be carried out on all the maintenance procedures in the factory. The Maintenance manager has asked you to describe with reference to 4 different pieces of safety legislation, regulations or standards, how these might apply to the 4 electrical activities/hazards described in task 1
Guidance: You should apply different legislation/BS specifically to the above case study (not generally) and by referencing specific regulations legislation or standards e.g. Activity 1: (electrocution / safe isolation) ref- E@WR Regs 4(3) and 12(1b) (400 words), Activity2 – BS7671:2018-(531.3), etc
Checklist of evidence required: T3 –400 word written report with specific references
Task 4 [P9]
From workshop audit you have been asked to:
- Draw a start/stop/retain relay control circuit that could be used for the safe and emergency operation of a 3-phase drilling machine or lathe in the workshop.
- Describe how the circuit and relay/contactor would operate for the machine. Include the principles of operation for electro-magnetic-mechanical relay.
- Describe with an example, what types of commercial relays/contactors could be selected for the task.
Guidance: 4a. Circuits must show control & 3-ph, and include 2 emergency stop positions in addition to the normal start/stop. Provide evidence of an appropriate commercial relay with a copy of an extract of its specifications and not a just a reference(300 words)
Checklist of evidence required: T4 –300 word written report and technical diagram with appropriate examples
Task 5 [M1]
The production manager also wants your help in deciding the best type of motor system for controlling the speed of a new automatic conveyor line. He has asked you to explain with the aid of a diagram, example and research evidence, a variable speed drive (VSD), in particular
- the operational features (how it works with a circuit diagram)
- how it can be applied a conveyor (with a schematic diagram of a VSD connected to a conveyor)
Guidance: Requires a schematic/circuit diagrams of the conveyor installation and key elements of an electronic VSD. Application should also show and an extract (snip copy/paste) of a suitable commercial VSD (400 words)
Checklist of evidence required: T5 –400 word written report and technical diagrams with appropriate examples
Task 6 [M2]
As an alternative to the AC system in task 5, you have also been asked to produce a circuit design that can control the speed and direction of the conveyor such as an AC to DC motor thyristor and transistor H-bridge drive system. With reference to appropriate diagrams, an example and research evidence discuss
- the operational features (how it works with speed and direction circuit diagrams)
- how it can be applied a conveyor (with a schematic diagram of the controller connected to a conveyor)
Guidance: Requires schematic/circuit diagrams. Select electronic drive/controls rather than mechanical relays and resistors (400 words)
Checklist of evidence required: T6 –400 word written report and technical diagrams with appropriate examples and references
Task 7 [M3]
A new robot cell has been installed to operate along with the conveyor system above. You have been asked to explain:
- with the aid of a robot cell layout, the operation of a safety relay system used on a robot cell in the diagram shown: (start with closing the door and pressing the start button). (200 words)
- how this system addresses the hazards and control measures by also referencing relevant legislation/standards such as the Machinery Directive/Regs or IEC61508. (300 words)
Guidance: for 7a:You should have a diagram of the robot cell highlighting the types of safety devices, followed by a diagram on how a safety relay can be electrically connected to these devices in order to control them (at least 3 devices). For 7b legislation should follow the machinery directive and any specific regulations that apply to robot cells
Checklist of evidence required: T7 –500 word written report and technical diagrams with appropriate examples and references
Task 8 [D2]
To ensure that the conveyor system is safe and complies with legislation,
- compare the construction and operation of two different types of stop/start/retain relay i.e. an electro-magnetic relay system with an electronic logic or PLC system control circuits for suitable for a 3-ph 400v AC machine as in task 6.
- Include a wiring diagram for the electro-magnetic relay system
- Include either a truth table and logic circuit, or PLC ladder logic and hardware wiring diagrams.
- Include advantages/disadvantages in your explanation
Checklist of evidence required: T8 –600 word written report and technical diagrams with appropriate examples and references
The END of Assessment brief
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