UV51238 – Action research
1a. Explain the purpose of action research
1b. Analyse key features of the action research process
1c. Analyse the implications of a model of action research
2a. Justify own choice of an area of practice for action research
2b. Plan a clear intervention strategy
2c. Justify the choice and timescales of an intervention strategy
2d. Explain how ethical and political considerations and issues of confidentiality will be observed in practice
2e. Implement a clear intervention strategy
3a. Evaluate methods for action research
3b. Evaluate methods of collecting qualitative and quantitative data
3c. Review ways in which collected data may be analysed
4a. Draw on selected literature relating to an area of practice for action research
4b. Justify own choice of methods selected for action research
4c. Collect data relating to an area of practice for action research
4d. Analyse data collected from action research
4e. Present data collected from action research
4f. Draw conclusions based on findings from action research
5a. Report own findings and conclusions from action research
5b. Justify own recommendations for action to be taken based on conclusions from action research
6a. Analyse the effectiveness of own practice in relation to action research
6b. Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to action research
6c. Plan opportunities to improve own skills in action research
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