48370: Road and Transport Engineering
Assessment Task 3: Transport Operations Technical ReportDue:29 April2022
This is an individual assignment
Please answer the following questions and present your work in a report formatclearlyincludingyournameandstudentIDonthecoverpage.
Submit a PDF of your report into the Assignment Activity shown on the UTS Canvas page for 48370 by 29 April 2022 (11:59PM).
State all assumptions applied to determine solutions. Ensure you presentmethodology,calculations,drawingsandsolutionsclearly andlegibly.
Late Submission Penalties: (10% will be deducted per day)
The local communities of Allawah, Carlton and Kogarah Bay situated in the Georges River Local Government Area are concerned about road traffic congestion and speeding within the vicinity of Park Road and Princes Highway. The specific area of concern is presented in Figure 1.
The study area consists of a number of different land uses including a schools, commercial and leisure activity centres, and at the northern end of Lancelot Street (north of Park Road), the Allawah Train Station.
Your consultancy firm has been asked by governing authorities to complete an assessment of the traffic conditions to quantify, evaluate and resolve some of the communities concerns. As the lead Traffic Engineer, you are faced with the problems described in the following pages of the brief.
Prepare a response to each of the problems in the form of a brief report (technicalnote).Ensure you succinctly present any working or descriptions of methodology and use summary tables to display your results. Do not provide an excel spreadsheet as aresponse.
Problem 1: Southbound Speeding along Park Road (50 marks)
Residents have noticed the presence of speeding vehicles travelling southbound along Park Road, north of the intersection at Princes Highway (refer to Figure 2).
Figure2: Mapof ParkRoad andlocation ofpneumatic tubesurvey
In order to investigate the complaint, a traffic survey has been conducted on Park Road (highlighted in red). The survey used automatic tube vehicle counts (pneumatic tubes) which collected speed and volume data between 07/03/2022 and 13/03/2022 (7 day survey period). The data is presented in the associated spreadsheet (“48370AssessmentTask 3
- Traffic Survey Data”).
As the local Traffic Engineer, use the data to answer the questions on the following page and address the concerns of the community.
- Within the provided data set are there observations where zero vehicles were recorded (Flow = 0)? Hypothetically if we did observe zero vehicle data, do we include this data in our assessment? Discuss the potential issues of including and excluding these observations within our data set. (4marks)
For the remainder of the questions, remove the observations where zero flow occurs (if they are present in the data set).
- What is the speed limit of Park Road for the direction of travel that residents are concerned about? Is the speed limit appropriate in the context of the adjacent land uses and connectivity to the rest of the road network? Justify your response with clear reasoning. (4marks)
- Determine the daily time mean speeds and the time mean speed for the entire survey period for both directions of travel. (4marks)
- Determine the daily space mean speeds and the space mean speed for the entire survey period for both directions of travel. (4marks)
- Using the data provided, what proportion of average speed (across an hour) measurements were in excess of the posted speed limit (considering both directions of travel)? Is speeding a problem based on the findings of part c), d) and e)? Can this assessment alone validate or invalidate the residents concerns? Justify your response with clear reasoning. (4marks)
- Using the fundamental relationships of traffic flow and linear regression (use Microsoft Excel) define the Greenshields model (speed-density relationship) forONLY the southbound direction of Park Road. Briefly describe your methodology and clearly identify the mathematical relationship. (8marks)
- Is the derived model a good fit for the observed data? Use a statistical measure to justify your answer. (2marks)
- Based on the results of part f) determine the mathematical relationship (present the equations) between speed and flow as well as the relationship between flow and density. (6marks)
- Based on the Greenshields model, calculate the following properties of the southbound direction of Park Road: (6marks)
- Free flow speed
- Jam density
- Capacity
- Considering the analysis completed in parts c) to i), discuss the traffic conditions on Park Road and the response you would provide to the residents regarding their complaint. What further data collection would you complete to provide a more comprehensive assessment? Cleary justify your response (1/2 page, bullet point arguments are preferred). (8marks)
Problem 2: Queuing on Park Road (40 marks)
Residents have also recognised the presence of extensive queuing at the northern approach of the intersection of Park Road and Princes Highway. Of specific concern is the queuing of vehicles travelling southbound along Park Road attempting to turn right into Princes Highway. This means queues exceed the capacity of the right turn bay and affect adjacent through traffic lanes on Park Road (refer to Figure 3).
Figure 3: Intersection of Park Road and Princes Highway (Depiction of Right Turn Movement from ParkRoadto PrincesHighway)
Assess the following scenario using a Deterministic Queueing Analysis:
- The intersection of Park Road and Princes Highway is signalised and the conditions for the right turn movement from Park Road to Princes Highway received the following timing pattern:
- Effective Green Time (includes the green phase plus a component of the amber phase): 10 seconds
- Effective Red Time: 80 seconds
- In general, during peak periods, a flow rate of 360 vehicles per hour travel south along Park Road and turn right into Princes Highway. Assume a uniform arrival pattern.
- The capacity of the right turn bay is 10 vehicles.
- The signalised intersection can service 4 right turning vehicles during a 10 second effective green period (consider linear service rates).
- As signalisation is based on the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic Systems (SCATS), when queuing is greater than the capacity of the right turn bay, the timing pattern “adapts” to clear congestion. The modified timing pattern is as follows:
- Effective Green Time: 25 seconds
- EffectiveRedTime: 65seconds
- Themodifiedtimingpatternisactiveuntiltherearenovehiclesqueuingattheturnbayat the conclusionof an effectivegreenphase.
- Assume that there are zero vehicles queuing at the outset of your assessment andthe first phase encountered by the right turning vehicles is a “red phase” (effectiveredtime).
Given the above conditions answer the following questions?
- How many vehicles queue in the turn bay at the conclusion of the first cycle length of the assessment (at the conclusion of the first effective green time period)?
(2 marks)
- When the modified timing pattern is activated, how many vehicles can be cleared from any queue present at the right turn bay? (2marks)
- Draw the cumulative arrival and cumulative departure graph for the queuing scenario. The drawing must present cumulative arrivals and departures until the modified signal timing plan is deactivated. Use the time unit of “seconds” when preparing the graph. Clearly present the arrival curve and the departure curve (in different colours) and label both axes (include units).
(10 marks)
- Does this example depict a sustainable queueing event? Clearly explain your response by defining sustainable queuing and then presenting evidence.
(4 marks)
- What is the maximum queue of vehicles? What time does it occur (measured in seconds from the time of beginning the assessment)? Approximate the queue length (in metres). Does this queueing event confirm residents’ complaints of excessive queuing? (8marks)
- How long does it take for the queuing event to clear (deactivation of the modified timing plan)? What is the total delay of the queuing event? Calculate the number of vehicles that will be affected by the queuing event and the average individual delay of the vehicles affected. (6marks)
- Propose two possible traffic management solutions to alleviate the queueing concerns raised by the community. (8marks)
Problem 3: Proposals for “Shared Space” concept applications (10 marks)
The Allawah, Carlton and Kogarah Bay study area contains a number of “Local Area Traffic Management” features to improve road safety, encourage pedestrian and cyclist movements and achieve a more accessible township.
However, as described in the complaints from the previous problems, residents are still concerned about operations and, more importantly, safety. Therefore, it is necessary to determine further solutions to alleviate community concerns.
a) Propose 2 “Local Area Traffic Management” features (devices) that support the objectives of managing traffic local area traffic. Clearly note the device used, the intended purpose of the device, and the location of the device (this can be presented on a map, you can use Google Maps).
(10 marks)
Note:The“studyarea” considersalltheroadsegmentspresentedinFigure1.
The following guidance documents (available on Canvas) may assist in answering the above questions:
- Austroads Guide to Traffic Management: Part 7 – Activity Centre TransportManagement(Previously referred to as “Traffic Management in Activity Centres)
- Austroads Guide to Traffic Management: Part 8 – Local Street Management
(Previously referred to as “Local Area Traffic Management”)
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