Assessment 2 has two parts. Part 2A: Video Presentation
Impact Report Type: Individual reportoutcomes assessed 1, 2, 3 & 4
Due Date: Week 7 (Due 5th September Sunday by 23:55 PM)
Task Weight: 2A. Video Presentation 30%
2B. Forum Discussion 10%
Impact grading: Refer to the grading criteria in this document
Submission: LMS Dropbox
Assignment description:
Background Commentary
The Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Industry is a large and diverse industry and is comprised of a number of sectors:
- Food & Beverage
- Hospitality
- Events and Exhibitions
- Tourism and Travel
All sectors cater to both domestic and international markets and are significant in driving economic growth in Australia. These sectors represent a range of business types and services, which in many cases are interconnected. For example, Tourism incorporates a complex combination of overlapping sectors including those listed above (e.g. Events and Exhibitions, Hotels, Holiday Parks and Resorts, etc) and impacts the Transportation and Retail Sectors. Events and Exhibitions draw on various services, including marketing, audio-visual systems, catering, transport and accommodation. Economic activity is therefore extensive across all these interrelated sectors and additionally impacts many secondary industries.
The World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism in the following manner:
“Sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity, and life support systems.”
While tourism is welcomed almost universally for the benefits and opportunities it creates, there is growing recognition of the need to see tourism in its environmental context, to acknowledge that tourism and the environment are interdependent, and to work to reinforce the positive relationship between tourism, the environment and poverty reduction.
Outline of the assessment task – Approach and Requirement:
Warning and advice:
There are many sources of information available on the internet. You need to avoid plagiarising other people’s materials – do not exceed the cut-off limit of a 20% similar score. If you do not understand the requirements of the assessment task, please ask the lecturer for clarification. If you need help with paraphrasing, please seek help at student services. If you have issues with time management, the best approach is to have a note book and list down the due dates of all Assessment task and start working on the tasks from the first day be adding snippets of content into the outline of your report.
Part A Task Description:
Assessment 2A: Video Presentation
For this assignment, you are required to:
- Research an Australian sector which could be a tourist destination / accommodation establishment / events and exhibition /tourism and travel / food and beverage / food agriculture.
(Note: The hospitality industry must take environmental and societal responsibility and integrate sustainable management into its daily operations and practices.)
Discuss the traditional principles that this sector have considered about its environmental and societal responsibility by integrating sustainable management into its daily operations and practices.
(estimate 2 – 3 hours)
- Define what is the greenhouse effect and discuss the outcomes of climate change. Identify and describe the human activities of this sector which negatively influence the environment. Discuss the opportunities for it to develop activities to achieve positive contributions to the environment.
Your discussion should explain:
- The difference between non-renewable energy sources and renewable energy sources.
- Give examples and elaborate on at least 3 renewable energy sources and how to achieve them.
(estimate 2 – 2.5 hours)
- Discuss the challenges and opportunities for this sector to play an important role to the development of the potential economic and socio-cultural impacts.
- Demonstrate an understanding of impacts on the sector and host communities.
- Identify the areas (the what and how) that are most impacted to the sector and its host communities
(estimate 2 hours)
- Define the 3 Pillars of sustainable Tourism: environmental sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability. Provide recommendations of how to improve sustainability, by providing at least 2 ideas of each pillar, for future management for positive impacts.
(estimate 2 – 2.5 hours)
- You will create a video presentation using MS Powerpoint to present your report. Your slides will have the key points and your video presentation should be around 5 minutes. Avoid using text as a narration tool. (estimate 2 – 3 hours)
Assessment Criteria – 2A Video Presentation (30 marks):
- Research was excellent as evidenced by the detailed and comprehensive explanation of the traditional principles that this sector has considered about its environmental and societal responsibility. You have correctly identified the sustainable management activities into its daily operations and practices.
- marks)
- Excellent explanation of the greenhouse effect and discussion about the outcomes of climate change. You have identified and described the human activities of this sector which negatively influenced the environment in a detailed and comprehensive manner. You have demonstrated excellent understanding of the opportunities for it to develop activities to achieve positive contributions to the environment. In addition, you have an excellent grasp of the difference between non-renewable energy sources and renewable energy sources.
(12 marks)
- explanation of the greenhouse effect and discussion about the outcomes of climate change. (3 marks)
- described the human activities of this sector which negatively influenced the environment. (3 marks)
- the difference between non-renewable energy sources and renewable energy sources. (3 marks)
- elaborate at least 3 renewable energy sources and how to achieve them. (3 marks).
- Excellent definition of the 3 Pillars of Sustainable Tourism: environmental sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability. Provided excellent recommendations of how to improve sustainability, by providing at least 2 ideas of each pillar, for future management for positive impacts.
(6 marks)
- The video presentation was excellent where the summary of the content in the powerpoint slides is relevant and the video presentation was excellent with relevant images and you spoke in a clear and audible voice. The transition is excellent and logical and the reference list has 3 academic references. APA referencing used throughout is consistent and accurate and demonstrated ability to reference a range of both primary and secondary sources both in-text and using a reference list. (7 marks)
Submission Instructions
The link to your Video Presentation must be submitted in LMS by Week 7 (Due 5th September 2021 Sunday by 23:55 PM)
Feedback and Return of Work
Feedback and marks will be provided via LMS within 2 weeks of the due date.
Estimated Student Workload: 10 – 13 hours
Part B Task Description:
Assessment 2B: Response Discussion Forum
An online forum provides the opportunity for students to comment and respond to each other’s writing. It creates a virtual classroom discussion and gives students who are not able to talk in a classroom setting an opportunity to voice their opinion. Some students also prefer to formulate and structure their thoughts in a writing format.
- Topic development
Write an executive summary, of at least 150 words, of your report from Part 2A. This summary must be relevant and reflective of academic critical thinking.
As the executive summary will be the topic of your discussion forum, you need to develop a thesis, argument or question in order to attract some form of response from other students. (estimate 2 – 3 hours)
- Response Discussion
The main objective of a discussion forum is for you to comment on other students’ topics – you are required to comment on at least 5 students’ discussion forum.
In order for you to receive an appropriate response from your peers, you are required to make meaningful academic comments, of at least 50 words, by first reading their topics insightfully and asking relevant questions in order to invoke an appropriate response. (estimate 4 – 5 hours)
Assessment Criteria used to grade this task:
Assessment 2B Forum Discussion 10 marks
- Topic Development: The executive summary of your video presentation is concise and relevant with comprehensive evidence of academic critical thinking. (5 marks)
2. Response writing: You have commented on 5 students’ Discussion Forum topics in a relevant and meaningful manner reflective of academic critical thinking. A complete set refers to the comment you have made and the corresponding response you receive from the student. Both of your comments made and responses received have a minimum of 50 words. You will receive 1 mark for each complete set for a maximum of 5 marks. (5 marks)
You must post your Executive summary, which is the Topic of your Discussion Forum by Week 7 (Due 5th September 2021 Sunday by 23:55 PM).
You have 1 week to complete this assessment task. It is your responsibility to ensure that you inform the student whose Discussion Topic you have commented on to write a corresponding response to complete the set.
You can ‘copy and paste’ the executive summary and the 5 sets of comments and responses in a Word document and submit it in the LMS dropbox by Week 8 (Due 12th September 2021 Sunday by 23:55 PM)
Feedback and Return of Work
Feedback and marks will be provided via LMS within 1 week of the due date.
Estimated Student Workload for this assessment: 6 – 8 hours
See Marking Rubric for the detailed marking allocation

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