Submit 500-700 words individual written assignment addressing the following task:
1. Present an outline of your proposed research topic, including research aim and objectives. Your outline should include a brief presentation of the topic and brief general background/context. Try to be specific about the intended scope of your research (e.g. geographical scope, industry/sector, etc.).
2. Discuss the rationale for selecting the topic and potential benefits that your research may create
Remember that the research topic that you will choose will be the research topic of your Dissertation/Applied Management Project.
You should use relevant literature and evidence to support your thinking and your choice of research topic.
Reference all sources in line with the requirements of Harvard Referencing.
Submit a Proposal for your Dissertation Project, that is based on the area of Research defined on the above.
Draft Literature Review
Submit 500-700 words individual written assignment addressing the following task:
Prepare a brief draft literature review on your chosen research topic. Select 5-6 sources of literature (mainly academic) connected to your proposed research and critically discuss the main ideas presented in these sources and the knowledge contribution that these sources are making on your proposed topic. Analyse the sources to show how your research will attempt to contribute to existing knowledge. You should aim to compare and contrast the sources and make appropriate links with your proposed research. Make sure to cite and reference the sources according to the University of East London Harvard referencing style.
Reference all sources in line with the requirements of Harvard Referencing.
Formative Task: Finalising Research Aim, Objectives and Hypotheses
The research proposal was requested to be submitted 500-700 words.formative task
Formative Task: Finalising the Research Methodology
Submit 500-700 words individual written assignment addressing the following task:
Provide an outline of the research methodology for your research project. Your outline should include the following:
i. Discussion of the research methodology and justification
ii. Outline of the types of data that you are planning to collect
iii. Outline of the sources of data
iv. Brief discussion of limitations of the proposed approach
Please use relevant literature and evidence to inform your thinking about your research methodology
Further information that will assist you in the development of this week’s tasks is located in this week’s topic overview.
Reference all sources in line with the requirements of Harvard Referencing.
Please note: wri
Formative Task: Details on Secondary Data Collection
Provide a list of all your online sources that will help you to collect secondary data. Be specific about the sources that you will be using (for example: e-library, websites, engineering analytics, etc).
Further information that will assist you in the development of this week’s tasks is located in this week’s topic overview.
Reference all sources in line with the requirements of Harvard Referencing.
Farris KB, Demb A, Janke KK, Kelley K, Scott SA. Assessment to transform competency-based curricula. Am J Pharm Educ. 2009;73(8) Article 158.
Greenhill N. An Exploration of Pharmacist-Patient Communication in Clinic-Style Consultations [doctoral thesis]. University of Nottingham, England; October 2010.
Giuliano, G., Gordon, P., Pan, Q., Park, J. and Wang, L. (2010) Estimating freight flows for metropolitan area highway networks using secondary data sources. Networks and Spatial Economics, 10(1), pp. 73-91.
Kurtz S, Silverman J. The Calgary-Cambridge referenced observation guides: an aid to defining the curriculum and organizing the teaching in communication training programmes. Med Educ. 1996; 30:83–89. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
Formative Task: Presenting the Research Results and Findings
After the collection of the data, the way in which this data will be presented must be thought out. For this week’s formative task, please carefully consider the order in which the data of your research will be presented. This may include the selection of graphs, tables, figures, schematics, and other ways of presenting data.
submit a document that contains a representative sample of the data you have collected, presented in a way you consider the most suitable. Please make sure you accompany your figures, tables, diagrams, etc. with appropriate labels and self-explanatory titles that best describe them, in order to guide the reader.
Formative Task: Data Analysis and Discussion
After the collection of the data, you are required to start your data analysis and discussion of the results. You are welcome to select the types of Data analysis methods and justify your selection by highlighting the best way that reflects the nature of your data.
You may write between 500 -700 words to address your data analysis and discussion.
Formative Task: Drafting the Conclusions and Recommendations
For this week please submit the Conclusion of Dissertation, Recommendations future research and practical Implications for the industry.
Your conclusion should explicitly address your research objectives. It is often a good idea to re-state the research objectives at this point and then explain exactly how and, to what degree, they have been addressed. You are also advised to include a series of recommendations.
Indicatively, this section of the Dissertation Report should answer to the following questions:
- In what ways did the study achieve its goals and aims?
- What answers to the research questions does the study provide?
- What are the major conclusions of the study?
- What general conclusions may be drawn about the study process itself?
Your recommendations may include reflection on how future research might further develop your research and/or address the limitations of your research. In your recommendations, any challenges that remain unsolved can be stated, and suggestions can be made regarding future research and reevaluation and enlargement of any theories, frameworks, or models used in the study. The practical implications may involve advice as to how the Construction industry might wish to act in light of your findings.
The structure of the Conclusion section should be as follows:
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Recommendations for future research
6.3 Limitations and practical Implications of the research
Formative Task: Submission of Draft Dissertation Report
Please upload your Dissertation by the end of Week 22 for your tutor’s feedback.
Prior to submitting PLEASE make sure of the following:
1) Your submission falls within the required word limit (15000 words +/-10%)
2) It is typed carefully
3) It includes ALL revised chapters (from previous formative submissions).
4) All the sections are included and consistently divided (Cover page, Abstract, list of contents and page numbering, chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Literature Review, Chapter 3: Research Methodology, Chapter 4: Research findings, Chapter 5: Analysis of research findings, Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendations, reference page, appendices)
5) To acknowledge all sources by citing and referencing them.
6) That the formatting of your citations and references is always in the line with the requirements of the Harvard Referencing System.
Formative Task: Drafting the Research Presentation
In this page, you are required to present and explain your results and findings. Let it be clear in your presentation whether you used qualitative or quantitative by interpreting and giving meaning to your results and findings.
Choose the best words and sentences by paying attention to your audience and make it relevant to the audience what you want to influence and explaining how the research was done.
Length: at least 5000 words, and a maximum of 15000 +/- 10% (which is the word count for the Summative Dissertation Report)
The Summative Assessment is comprised of two parts, as follows:
Part 1: Summative Dissertation Report (weighing 90% of the total module mark)
Part 2: Presentation of the Process (weighing 10% of the total module mark)
Each part of the Summative Assessment has its own Assessment Brief and Submission Link. Therefore, please ensure you submit Part 1 and Part 2 through the correct, corresponding Submission Link.
The Assessment Briefs contains detailed instructions, guidelines, and marking criteria, so these must be read carefully before submitting the two parts of the Summative Assessment.