Unit / Module details | ||||
Assessment details | ||||
Assessment instructions and criteria | ||||
Task No. | 1 | Task Title | ACMWHS301 Online Assessment | Due Date |
Qualification/Course | Code | ACM30117 and ACM40412 | ||
Title | Certificate III in Animal Studies and Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing | |||
Unit/Module | Code | ACMWHS301 | ||
Title | Contribute to workplace health and safety processes | |||
Assessor | Assessor’s name | Assessor’s phone | ||
Assessor’s email | ||||
Elements / Learning outcomes | This assessment covers the following elements and performance criteria: 1. Plan and conduct work safely 2. Support others to work safely 3. Contribute to work health and safety participative processes 4. Contribute to hazard identification, work health and safety risk assessment and risk control activities 5. Participate in the control of emergency situations | |||
Task overview (see below for specific instructions and criteria) | You must supply evidence of your understanding, skill and knowledge of the Unit of Competency by answering the questions under the assessment criteria (below). You should be sure to answer each question as thoroughly as you can, using your own words and where applicable, using industry-specific terminology. | |||
Assessment conditions | Complete all questions listed under the assessment instruction and criteria (below). Written questions are to be completed individually and in your own time, using the resources provided to you via MyLearning and in class. You may also access appropriate resources on the internet, provided that you interpret the information and answer all questions in your own words. Do not ‘cut and paste’ from ANY source. You MUST reference all external materials that you have used to complete the questions. For external references you should provide the following information: Name, link and access date for websites Title, author, edition number and page number for booksTitle, author, volume, edition and journal name for academic articles You are required to answer all questions correctly. If incorrect answers are provided, your assessor will identify the gaps in your knowledge and understanding and contact you to discuss reassessment. There will be 3 (three) opportunities for reassessment provided. | |||
Resources | You can use the following resources to complete the questions, along with any other appropriate resources you find (as long as they are properly paraphrased and referenced). Classroom Handouts, Activities, and Notes you may have takenPower Point presentations | |||
How to submit | Submissions must be uploaded to the appropriate submission link on MyLearning – preferably in .docx format. Please contact your Assessor if you wish to upload the document in another format. Email or hard copies will NOT be accepted. | |||
With competency based assessment all assessment requirements for each assessment task must be assessed as satisfactory (S) for a competent (CA) result to be recorded. If an assessment result for any task is assessed as not satisfactory (NS) a resubmission will be required for the outstanding (NS) assessment task. | ||||
For this assessment you will need to answer the following questions. These tasks will need to be completed and submitted in a professional, word processed, format. Be sure that you fully address the question in your answer. ***NOTE: The terms Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Work Health and Safety (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. Although the title of the unit refers to WHS, in Victoria the legislation is Occupational Health and Safety, so therefore the term Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) will be used more frequently throughout assessments and resources. | S | NS | ||
Question 1a | List the current OHS legislation (Act and Regulations), OHS Codes of Practice (Compliance Codes in Vic), and Australian Standards that apply to your workplace. NB – Your workplace refers to a workplace in the animal care industry | |||
Answer | Act: Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 Regulations: Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2019 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Domestic Fowl) Regulations 2016 Codes of Practice/ Compliance Codes: Code of Practice for Debarking of Dogs Code of practice for the Welfare of Film Animals Code of Practice for the Welfare of Horses Code of Practice for the Public Display of Exhibition of Animals Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals in Hunting Code of Practice for the Welfare of animals at saleyards Australian Standards: | ☐ | ☐ | |
1b | Why is it important that you understand the above when working in the Animal Care Industry? How do the above impact on your work practices? | |||
Answer | So, everyone has the same acts and regulations to follow so all the animals are treated well and with respect. | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 2 | Where could you find additional OHS information? Identify at least three other sources of information within your workplace and external to your workplace. Note – a source can be a person or written documents | |||
Answer | Within in the workplace Managers/ supervisors OHS Manuals within the companyStaff room Their colleagues External sources of OHS information Work safe Vic Government documents and publications OHS websites | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 3 | Identify at least 4 methods you can use to identify hazards? | |||
Regular inspections at the workplace ConsultingRegular data training Risk assessment | ||||
Question 4 | If you are not able to control a hazard or risk in the workplace, who should they be reported to? | |||
Answer | They should be reported too your supervisor, manager, OHS safety officer and health and safety representative | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 5 | What is the Hierarchy of control? Include in your answer: Hierarchy of control is a way to control a risk in the work place, it is a step by step guide to help reduce and eliminate risks and it also ranks it in forms of highest level of protection through to the least reliable of protection | |||
What is the Hierarchy of Control used for and how should it be implimented: Use the following table to document each level of control and provide an explanation of each Elimination Physically remove the hazard Substitution Replace the hazard Engineering controls Isolate people from the hazard Administrative controls Change the way people work Personal Protective Equipment Protect the worker with PPE | ||||
Question 6 | Identify 3 items of PPE used in the workplace and how each item should be used | |||
Answer | PPE Correct use Closed toe boots Place feet in boots and tie tight to avoid stepping on sharp objects or dropping heavy equipment on feet avoid injury’s Hand protection Slip on your gloves or other type of hand protection for surgery or handling a animal with a disease etc. Hearing protection You can wear ear muffs or plugs when working in the kennels with all the dogs barking to reduce the amount of noise | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 7 | If an incident or injury occurs in the workplace, who should you report it to within your workplace? | |||
Answer | If an incident or injury dose happen at the workplace then you should report it to your manager/supervisors, OHS representatives and all incidents must be reported to Work safe Victoria | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 8 | Identify at least 4 signs of stress and fatigue. Identify at least 3 ways you can monitor your own level of stress and fatigue Why is it important to identify your own levels of stress and fatigue? | |||
Answer | Signs of stress and fatigue 1. Sleep deprived 2. Anxiety 3. Headache 4. Muscle tension Ways to monitor own stress and fatigue Take a break! Talk to professionalDo something that relaxes you everyday eg: bath Why is it important to identify your own levels of stress and fatigue? It is very important to identify you levels of fatigue so you be can more motivated to do your daily activities and so you can have a quick response to dangerous situations such as crossing a road, but mainly you need to have a good mental health to get through life and be stress free and know when to take a break and to avoid to burn out | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 9 | List 5 common hazards that may occur in in the animal care industry and what control measures you could put in place to address these (remember to refer to the Hierarchy of Control when considering your control measures). | |||
Hazard Control measure 1 Animal bites Ensuring that your wearing the correct PPE equipment (long sleeve, gloves & boots), know how to restrain the animals your working with and to place a muzzle on the animal if needed 2 Loud dog barking/ noises Loud noises can affect your hearing and do possible damage inside so its recommend to wear ear muffs 3 Wet Slips Making sure that when mopping or you see a slip on the floor, you put a wet floor sign and clean it up before someone gets slips 4 Manual Handling Making sure that everyone is lifting with their knees and not their backs to prevent injuries, and to use mechanical lifting aids or equipment when required such as trollies. 5 Animal escaped Making sure that all gates and doors are closed and/or locked when leaving animals unattended | ☐ | ☐ | ||
Question 10 | Identify 4 emergency situations that may occur in your workplace | |||
Answer | Emergency Chemical spills Fire Flooding Animal Bites | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 11 | Provide an overview of SafeWork Australia. What is their role in regards to Occupational Health and safety. | ☐ | ☐ | |
Safe Work Australia is an Australian government statutory agency and their prior role is to improve health and safety and workers compensation across Australia | ||||
Question 12 | According to the legislation, what are the OHS responsibilities of the following: Include in your answer what ‘Part’, ‘Division’ and ‘Section’ of the OHS Act that you referred to | |||
Answer | Health and Safety Representative Responsibilities include representing a designated workplace employee on Occupation Health and safety matters, inspecting any part of the workplace the designated work group, accompany an inspector of a workplace at which a member of the work place works Work Health and Safety Act 2011 OHS Committees Facilitate co-operation between the employer and employees in instigating, developing and carrying out measures designated to ensure the health and safety of the employees. Review employees standards, rues and procedures relating to health and safety. They must meet once every 3 months. 2004 OHS Act. Employer An Employer must, so far as is reasonably practicable, provide and maintain for employees of the employer a working environment that is safe and without risk to health. This includes monitoring health, monitoring conditions and providing information. Fair Work Act 2009 Employee Take reasonable care for the health and safety their own safety and the safety of others within the workplace. Co-operate with their employer with respect to any action taken by the employer to comply with a requirement imposed by or under the OHS ACT 2004 or OHS Regulation 2017. | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 12 | It is your responsibility to ensure that you are up to date with any changes to legislation relevant to your own role. Provide a list of at least 4 actions you can take to ensure you keep up to date on any changes that occur. | |||
Answer | Professional development (PD) Subscriptions sent to emails Check monthly online for changes Speak to your manager | ☐ | ☐ | |
Question 13 | Where would you find OHS information relevant to your work role? Information can be provided by written documents or verbally from other people. | |||
Answer | The company OH&S guidelines and manualCompany reportsIncident reportsOther staff members including other team leaders, OH&S representative and human resources staff. | |||
Student details | ||||
Student’s name | Renee Bilal | Student’s ID | 100613561 | |
Unit/Module details | ||||
Unit/Module | Code | ACMWHS301 | ||
Title | Contribute to workplace health and safety processes | |||
Task title | Task 1 ACMWHS301 Online Assessment | |||
Assessment feedback / comments | ||||
Re-submission (where applicable) | ||||
Unsatisfactory tasks are to be re-submitted according to the details below. Type NA if not applicable. | ||||
Task (or component of task) to be re-submitted | Additional evidence required | Re-Submission date | S | NS |
☐ | ☐ | |||
☐ | ☐ | |||
☐ | ☐ | |||
Result for this assessment task | ||||
Your final result for this unit will be provided on the Unit Result Record at completion of all assessment tasks | ||||
Result | Choose an item. | |||
Assessor’s signature | Date |

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