Course and year: | BA (Hons) Criminology, Psychology and Social Justice Year 1 |
Module and code: | Introduction to Psychology (CPJ411) |
Brief title: | Annotated Bibliography and Essay |
Teaching staff: | Elina Mitrofanova |
Module Co-ordinator: | Elina Mitrofanova |
Semester & mode: | Semester 1 |
Brief written by: | Elina Mitrofanova Verified by: Lucia Guetcherian |
Learning Outcomes
Identify the main theoretical approaches in Psychology.Describe some of the main theories and findings from each of the main areas of modern psychology.Produce an essay containing relevant psychological findings and arguments in response to a set question or investigation.Illustrate understanding through considered evaluation of evidence and reading.Produce academic work, employing research skills consistent with the conventions of scholarly writing and presentation, including appropriate citation and use of examples in support of evidenced-reasoning.Show awareness of multiple perspectives and differences among critical position. |
IMPORTANT NOTE: This assignment is made up of TWO components: an annotated bibliography and an essay. When you submit your work, you must submit both elements as ONE SINGLE DOCUMENT. i.e. you must include the annotated bibliography (500 words) and the essay (2000 words) as combined in the same document file (2500 words in total). If you try to upload two separate documents, the second one will over-write the first. Be advised that you will be marked for whatever content you have actually submitted online so if part of the assignment is missing you will only be able to receive partial marks. Total word count: 2500. |
According to Freud, our behaviour is determined by the unconscious. Explain what Freud meant and discuss the limitations of psychoanalytic approachPiaget’s theory suggests that cognitive development occurs in stages. Critically analyse whether this is the case. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) proposed a multistore model of memory. Critically discuss its strength and weaknesses. Behaviourists claimed that we are the result of our environment and learning. Critically discuss this claim. Humanistic psychology offered a new way of studying and understanding human behaviour. However, this approach had its limitations. Critically discuss these limitations.Throughout history, brain damage has been associated with changes in individuals’ behaviors (e.g. the case of Phineas Gage). Discuss the role of specific brain regions in human functioning.Early research in Psychology was largely characterized by a lack of ethical considerations for the participants (e.g. Zimbardo’s Prison experiment). Critically analyze the ethical implications. A question of students’ choice with negotiation with the lecturer. |
Tasks 1 – Annotated Bibliography
The components of assessment for this module are both connected. You are required to compile an annotated bibliography on ONE question from the list of questions provided (500 words). Deadline: 8th of January 2021 by 12:00 Midday You annotated bibliography should be clearly marked and should include a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Unlike an abstract, which is a purely descriptive summary, often found at the beginning of scholarly journal articles or in periodical indexes, the purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Therefore, each citation should be followed by a brief (usually about 100 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph: the annotation. Annotations are descriptive and critical; they expose the author’s point of view, clarity and appropriateness of expression, and authority. |
Tasks 2
You are required to write a formal academic essay (2000 words) in compliance with conventions of citation and referencing. In support of understanding the relevance of the latter, students are also asked to produce an indicative bibliography in which the significance of key sources to the essay are briefly accounted for. This assessment is weighted at 100% for the Module Deadline: 8th of January 2021 by 12:00 Midday Essay Instructions: Essays must be approximately 2,000 words. The word limit does not include bibliography. Key arguments must be developed in the body of the essay. The essay must draw from course materials (i.e. required course readings) as well as your own independent research. The essay must be properly referenced, using a consistent academic referencing style (e.g. Harvard Style) and must include a bibliography. Please include specific page numbers for all in-text or footnoted references. Failure to properly reference will result in mark deductions and can result in referral to the academic misconduct committee. For further information, see section on ‘Referencing & Good Academic Practice’ below.The essay must have a clear introduction, overall argument and conclusion. The essay should not simply summarise reading materials, but needs to incorporate your own critical analysis and argumentation. The overall argument needs to be supported by examples and evidence. For general essay writing tips, referencing information and other skills resources please attend all the relevant seminars. Essays should be typed and double-spaced. You should include your student enrolment number (the number on your student ID card) on the header or footer of every page. On the cover you must include the name of the module, the title of the essay, the word count, and the name of your tutor. The file has to be a Word document format.Essays must be submitted electronically via turnitin. You will receive instructions on how to submit your assignment from your tutor.If you fail to submit the coursework before the published deadline due to exceptional circumstances you may be eligible to apply for mitigation in accordance with the University Centre’s Academic Regulations. Submission of your assignment past the deadline may be accepted by Moodle, but will still be a late submission. Coursework may be submitted up to seven days after the submission deadline, but penalties will apply (unless there are mitigating circumstances). Beyond the seven days a non-submission will be recorded with a mark of zero. |
Referencing and Good Academic Practice Good academic practice requires that you provide full and proper references for all materials that you make use of in your written work. Any reference to ideas or material from other sources (including internet sources!), whether in the form of direct quotation or paraphrasing must be acknowledged using properly formatted referencing style. Failure to reference properly can result in plagiarism. The Harvard (Author-Date-Page) Style of referencing is used widely in the field of criminology and you are required to use this style for your assignments Please note that styles can vary in terms of punctuation, capitalisation and formatting, so you may see different variations in different sources. However, for the purposes of your assignments, you are required to use following guide provided by the University of the West of England: UWE General Online Referencing Guidelines: http://www1.uwe.ac.uk/students/studysupport/studyskills/referencing/uweharvard.aspx UWE Quick Guide on Harvard Referencing: http://www2.uwe.ac.uk/services/library/help/printable%20library%20guides/9-uwe-harvard.pdf UWE Full Guide on Harvard Referencing: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/library/resources/general/iskillzone/referencing/referencingcontents/documents/UWE_Harvard_Referencing_Printable_Guide.docx University Center Croydon’s definitions of plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism, tutorials procedures, and penalties for dealing with plagiarism: http://moodle.croydon.ac.uk/mod/page/view.php?id=45064 |
Assessment Criteria:
The assessment criteria for this assignment are as follows: Knowledge and understanding of subject matterCritical Judgment and Analytical AbilityEnquiry and use of sources Written CommunicationApplication of technical skills |
Plagiarism is a serious assessment offence and will be treated as a breach of the Academic & Assessment Regulations. The submitted assessment must be your own work. You must ensure you use your own words. Paraphrasing is still regarded as plagiarism if a candidate fails to acknowledge the source for the ideas being expressed. The use of quotes, paraphrasing, etc., must be clearly indicated using the Harvard system both within the text and in a separate detailed bibliography. Remember, referencing and the proper use of quotations provides evidence of reading and research. To help you ensure that you work is properly referenced you must submit it through Turnitin before making a final submission. |
MARK CRITERIA – 2019/19 BA(Hons) Criminology, Psychology and Social Justice
This information gives an example of the Quality Code for HE applied to modular marks within Level 4
90-100% | EXCEPTIONAL work which reveals more developed creativity.97-100% |
EXCEPTIONAL work based on extensive research consistently applied. Research may be initially tutor led but demonstrates Sustained independent practice and a deep understanding and application of concepts, methodologies, skills and content relevant to the subject and to its representation in oral, visual and/or written forms as appropriate. Analytical and/or critical thinking and synthesis of material is consistently applied. Levels of creative development obtained through independent insight and the presentation of the work is exceptional and it is fully referenced 93-96% | |
EXCEPTIONAL work which reveals less developed creativity. 90-92% | |
80-89 | OUTSTANDING work which reveals more developed creativity and synthesis of materials.87-89% |
OUTSTANDING work of a highly distinguished quality consistently applied throughout based on extensive research. Research may be initially tutor led but demonstrates an independent, creative application of concepts, methodologies, skills and content relevant to the subject and to its representation in oral, visual and/or written forms as appropriate. Analytical and/or critical thinking and synthesis of material is evidenced. Creative development through independent insight is clear. Work is fully referenced 83-86% | |
OUTSTANDING work which reveals less developed creative development obtained through independent insight.80-82% | |
70-79 | Work of an EXCELLENT quality which reveals greater insight and creative development. 77-79% |
EXCELLENT work based on wide ranging research that may be initially tutor led. There is a clear insight, understanding and application of taught ideas and content and a very well developed ability to analyse and synthesise material relevant to the subject and to its representation in oral, visual and/or written forms as appropriate. in, oral, visual and/or written forms as appropriate. Taught skills show a high level of competence. Work is referenced. 73-76% | |
Work of an EXCELLENT quality which reveals less developed analytical and/or critical thinking. 70-72% | |
60-69 | Work of VERY GOOD quality which reveals insight and more developed competencies.67-69% |
VERY GOOD work based on good research which may be tutor led. There is a clear understanding of taught ideas and content and a good ability to analyse and synthesise material in oral, visual and/or written forms as appropriate. Taught skills demonstrate competence and the work is well presented and referenced 63-66% | |
Work of VERY GOOD quality where the ability to analyse is less developed and competencies are less effective60-62% | |
50-59 | Work of GOOD quality which contains a greater degree of skill and analytical skills 57%-59% |
GOOD work based on satisfactory research. Taught ideas and content are understood, but the understanding lacks complexity. There is an ability to analyse and synthesise material in oral, visual and/or written forms as appropriate, but on a somewhat basic level. Taught skills are used fairly well and the work is presented to a fair standard and referencing may contain slight errors or omissions 53-56% | |
Work of a GOOD quality which reveals less developed analytical skills and competencies. 50%-52% | |
40-49 | Work of ADEQUATE quality which reveals more developed analytical skills and competencies 47%-49% |
ADEQUATE work based on minimal research which may be tutor led. There may be some misunderstanding of taught ideas. There is some ability to analyse and synthesise material in oral, visual and/or written forms as appropriate, but this is basic and can be inconsistent with some omissions and errors. Taught skills are used but the execution can be inept although appropriate. The presentation may be weak and referencing may contain errors or omissions. 43-46% | |
Work of ADEQUATE quality which reveals less developed analytical skills and is flawed by many omissions and irrelevancies. Taught skills and presentation are weak. 40% – 42% | |
35-39 | UNSATISFACTORY work of limited amount that does not cover the basic requirements of the level. It is characterised by minimal research, a lack of understanding and application of concepts, skills and methodologies and very limited evidence of the selection of relevant materials. Visual, oral and/or written skills as appropriate are weak. There is little or no evidence of analysis or synthesis of material and a high proportion of omissions or irrelevancies. The work is badly presented and may be unreferenced. |
25-34 | POOR work of limited amount that does not cover basic requirements. It is characterised by minimal research and an obvious lack of understanding of taught ideas and content. Oral, visual and written skills as appropriate are poor. Analysis and synthesis are generally inappropriate and misinformed. Taught skills and presentation are poor and any referencing may contain errors and/or omissions. |
10-24 | VERY POOR work which does not cover the basic requirements of the level. Any work that is submitted is of extremely poor quality and covers less than the basic requirements. There is very little or no evidence of attempted engagement with taught ideas that are vaguely relevant but is marred by errors. Oral, visual and written skills as appropriate are extremely poor, and there is little or no evidence of analysis or synthesis of material. Taught skills are incompetent and presentation is extremely poor if referenced may contain errors and/or omissions. |
1-10 | EXTREMELY POOR work. Little or no work is submitted and does not cover the basic requirements of the level. There is no evidence of research. There is little or no evidence of oral, visual and written skills as appropriate. There is no evidence of understanding of taught ideas or content. There has been no attempt to analyse or synthesise material. Taught skills are incompetent and there is little or no evidence of any attempt at organised presentation or referencing. |

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