Art Appreciation College: HUM102 Graded Project
Lesson 7 Overview
Throughout this course, you were exposed to various artists, movements, and mediums, looking at art from around the world throughout history. For this project, you’ll continue your study of artists throughout the major periods of art history, from the 1700s through the 1900s.
Your textbook covers the most renowned artists of each period.
However, there are other artists who changed the landscape of art and added a significant number of other well- known works that your textbook doesn’t cover thoroughly. You’ll now be tasked with researching some of these artists to see how they influenced their respective movements.
7.1 Analyze the work of 10 artists from various art movements studied throughout this course
HUM102 Graded Project
Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore will take up to a few weeks to grade. Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:
Your name
Your student ID number The exam number
Your email address
To submit your graded project, follow these steps:
Log in to your student portal.
Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.
Find the exam number for your project at the top of the Project Upload page.
Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam.
Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!
For this project, you’ll answer seven questions about artists from ten of the art movements you studied throughout your course. You must select one artist from each of the following movements to research:
- Neoclassicism
Benjamin West Angelica Kauffman Antonio Canova
- Romanticism
Caspar Friedrich Henry Fuseli Théodore Géricault
- Impressionism
Berthe Morisot Mary Cassatt Alfred Sisley
- Post-Impressionism
Pierre Bonnard Paul Sérusier Emilé Bernard
Expressionism and Fauvism Franz Marc
Georges Rouault André Derain
- Cubism and Futurism
Sonia Delaunay Alice Bailly Gino Severini
- Dada and Surrealism
Max Ernst Hannah Höch Yves Tanguy
Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art Cy Twombly
Joan Mitchell James Rosenquist
Minimalism and Post-Minimalism Robert Ryman
Robert Morris James Turrell
Postmodernism and Deconstructivism Yasomasa Morimura
Daniel Libeskind David Salle
Once you’ve selected the 10 artists you would like to focus on, you’ll need to research answers to the following seven questions or question groups:
- What’s the year of the artist’s birth (and, where applicable, death)?
- Where was the artist born? Where did he or she create the majority of his or her work (if at a different location than this place of birth)?
- What medium did the artist use? Did he or she use more than one main medium?
- Which art movement did the artist contribute to? If he or she contributed to more than one movement, where did this artist make the greatest impact?
- What are some of the artist’s most famous works of art? Choose one of these works. In what ways is the piece characteristic of the movement specified above? (Include an image of the chosen piece.)
- What challenges, if any, did the artist face that may have affected his or her work? What was happening in the world at that time that influenced the
artist’s work?
- What’s innovative about the artist’s work for that time period?
You’ll then write an essay of 1,000 to 1,200 words that includes an introduction, one paragraph about each artist, and a conclusion. Answer each question using complete sentences.
Answer the questions in essay format; donot answer them in list format.
You’ll need to find at least one source for each artist from the Internet, a library, or elsewhere. Be sure to use reputable sources when searching for information on your selected artists.
Writing Guidelines
- Your essay should be approximately 1,000 to 1,200 words.
- Your essay should be double-spaced, with 1″ margins and 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Your entire project should be contained in one (1) Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format file.
- Your essay should include a cover page and works cited page using APA formatting.
Grading Rubric
Skill Realized A | Skill Developing B | Skill Emerging C | Skill Not Shown F | |
Organization The student clearly identifies which 10 artists are discussed in the project. | 35–32 | 31–28 | 27–25 | 24–0 |
Content The student answers all seven questions for each selected artist. Paragraphs are composed in essay format. Reputable sources are used, and all sources are listed on the works cited page. | 40–35 | 34–30 | 29–26 | 25–0 |
Writing The student uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The student makes correct word choices, defines unfamiliar terms, and conveys a clear message. The student has edited and proofread the essay. | 15–14 | 13–12 | 11–10 | 9–0 |
Format The student met the required essay length (1,000–1,200 words), used the assigned font and margin requirements, and included a title page and references page. | 10–9 | 8 | 7 | 6–0 |
As you read and research for this project, gather your sources’ information. Bookmark and save all URLs.
List all sources cited in your essay (including images). Begin your list on a new page after your conclusion paragraph. List sources alphabetically by author’s last name (or title if author is unknown). Capitalize the first word of the title plus all major words except articles and prepositions.
Titles of books and websites are initalics while articles, postings, or smaller works are set in quotation marks. You’ll need to list your course textbook, any other texts that you used, pieces of art you referenced, and websites you consulted. Below are four basic formats to work from:
Author last name, first initial. Middle initial. (Year published). Title of work. Location: publisher.
Author last name, first initial. Middle initial. (Year published). Title of article.Title of periodical, volume (issue), page range.
Author last name, first initial. (Year, month of date published). Title of webpage.
Retrieved (date) from URL.
Artist. (Year). Title [Description of material]. Retrieved (date) from URL.
For example, your works cited page might look like this:
Art Movements. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2018 from https://artsandculture.google.com/ (artsandculture.google.com/) .
Evans, Heather. 2011. Cairo [graphite on paper]. Retrieved April 17, 2018 from https://walldogmurals.weebly.com/ (walldogmurals.weebly.com/) .
Getlein, M. (2016). Living with Art (11th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

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