Please answer one of the following questions, using either one or two texts from the course. You may not discuss a text that you have used in your first essay.
Word limit is 1500 words.
- ‘Tragic protagonists suffer, of course, but through suffering they learn about themselves and the world that they – and we – live in.’ How far do you agree with this statement with respect to either one or two tragic texts?
- ‘The typical modern tragic hero has a choice, of sorts: to fit in with an unjust social system, or to suffer by resisting. Neither, of course, is a good option.’ Discuss this statement with regard either one or two tragic texts.
- How far is social expectation a key factor in the personal tragedy of role of any female characters in the texts that we have discussed? Please refer to either one or two tragic texts in your answer.
- ‘Modern tragedy concerns not the deaths of princes, but the struggles of the common man or woman in a hostile society.’ Discuss this statement with regard to any one or two tragic texts.
- Choose two of the following terms and discuss the different ways in which they are developed within tragic narratives: hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia and hubris. Consider any one or two texts from the course in your answer.
- How far is tragedy about personal failure, and how much is it about social or political failure? Consider any one or two texts from the course in your answer.

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