Presentation due: end of week 5 (midnight Sunday 4th July 2021) Peers comments due: end of week 6 (midnight Sunday 11th July 2021) Time: 5 minutes (maximum)
The purpose of the assessments is for you to develop an advanced understanding of a chosen topic within the context of an overriding topic:
“how identity is shaped through our design, production and use of architecture”
For the Presentation assessment you are to produce both a written transcript of your presentation, as well as a verbal and visual presentation. Students are to refer to the Assessment Brief on Blackboard for further information on this.
Written Component:
Students are to produce a written transcript, in pdf format, which they will be using for their verbal and visual presentation. This is not to be a pdf version of the presentation slides but rather a fully referenced written pdf. Transcripts must be submitted online through the correct TURNITIN drop-box on Blackboard (not through email or in-person) at the same due date and time as the verbal and visual presentation. Late submissions will be penalised as per the Curtin Late Assessment Policy in the Unit Outline.
Verbal and Visual Component:
Students are to produce a 4 to 5 minutes (maximum) presentation on a topic selected from the Topic Details list (available under Assessments in Blackboard), reporting on key ideas, and developing initial conclusions.
The format of the presentation must contain both audio and visual communication. This is a VERBAL and VISUAL assessment.
Presentations should be uploaded to the appropriate forum in the Discussion Board by Sunday midnight (note: links to presentation are acceptable so long as they are viewable by the tutor and other students). You have a further week to view and comment on the presentations of your colleagues; you must make a minimum of 2 comments before the end of the following week (midnight Sunday). Comments made are to be suitable for such a forum and aimed at starting discussions around the topic, please engage with fellow students around these discussions.
The choice of topics is listed below, and further details on each are within a document entitled Topic Details available under Assessments in Blackboard. There is Forum on Blackboard under COMMUNITY
CONNECT>Topic Selection set up for students to choose and allocate their chosen topics – each individual must choose one topic (no more than 2/3 students per topic), so get in early!
Within the overarching topic of “how identity is shaped through our design, production and use of architecture” the following themes are to be addressed:
- Memory and architecture – the role of memory in heritage, identity and architecture
- The idea of the vernacular – architecture as identity
- The uses and abuses of architectural heritage
- The idea of a ‘legacy’ – the concept of an ideal environment
- Architecture and the culture of sustainability – the recycling of buildings
- Reading the past in architecture; the concept of palimpsest
- Architectural interpretation of culturally difficult places; the role of Architecture in dark tourism
- The concept of ‘progress’ in architecture
- Architecture and the sacred – architecture as support for ritual and ceremony
- Architecture as a cultural icon – what use is an architectural icon?
- Architecture as status – “you are what you build”. How does architecture determine our identity and place in society?
Please choose your topic wisely as this topic will remain the same for the following Assessment 2: Essay
Note that not all suggested readings listed under the topics below are available online. These are presented as options to start your research. Before choosing your topic, be sure that you have access to adequate resources.
Illustrations (original and by others) are encouraged and must be directly related to the text, annotated and cited appropriately. As always, Chicago 17B Author-Date referencing is required.
Marking Criteria
- Evidence and relevance of facts (20%)
- Level of critical analysis and evaluation (20%)
- Logical development of presentation and use of supporting evidence through referencing (25%)
- Quality of research sources and diversity of references used presented in-text and in a reference list (10%)
- Quality of communication through visual and verbal (15%), and class engagement (10%)
For further assessment details and marking criteria please refer to the Unit Outline and marking rubric for this assessment.

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