Answer 1:
1.1: The two strategic options available to the Incident Commander at an emergency incident are: to undertake an offensive strategy or implement a defensive strategy.
1.2: At an emergency incident the maximum number of ideal person required by the Incident commander services should lie between three and seven individuals only, including five being ideal.
1.3: For resource availability, resources such as Mobile command, Hazmat, Canine or Carbon dioxide should be deployed ta a second alarm response under the FRNSW alarm protocol.
1.4: Regarding the designation of the safeguards the Incident Commander will allocate two members each in every division. The safeguards must have necessary equipment to take control of the situation at any cost.
1.5: At most permanently manned fire stations there will be total of 5 officers and firefighters available to respond to an emergency incident. They are: Incident Commander, Safety Officer, Logistic Officer, Planning Officer and Operation Officer.
1.6: We know that an Inspector, Leading Station Officer and Station Officer are in attendance at an emergency incident. A sector commander or safety officer would typically fill the role of Incident Commander in this instance.
1.7: The fire and NSW Act applies to all the fire districts and to the lands where hazardous materials incidents have occurred anywhere inside the State, excluding the water areas. Reference: https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/whole/html/inforce/current/act-1989-192
1.8: Under the provisions of Clause 5(A) (1) of the Fire and Rescue NSW Act, the duties of the commissioner are as follows:
1) Taking all practicable steps for controlling and extinguishing fires.
2) Safeguarding and saving lives and property in the case of huge fire in any fire district.
1.9: Under the provisions of Clause 13(1), during the fire, the officer in charge should:
(a) implement necessary measures for the protection and rescuing of lives and property
(b) controlling and extinguishing of the fire
(c) directing the necessary operations of the fire brigade.
1.10: After undertaking an initial size-up at an emergency incident the Incident Commander would assist in managing the incident by building up various objectives, planning necessary strategies and work for implementation of tactics.
1.11: At an emergency incident the Incident Commander is required to undertake a continual risk assessment of the incident.Therefore the four phases typically applied in the process are:
1.12: In determining the tactical priorities at an Emergency Incident the Incident Commander will typically use the acronym RECEO VS to provide a framework for decision making.
Therefore the term RECEO VS stands for Rescue, Exposure, Containment, Extinguish, Overhaul, Ventilation and Salvage.
1.13: The three main tasks that am Incident Commander may order the firefighters to do under their command are as follows:
-Saving the lives
-Stabilising the incident
-Conserving the property.
1.14: At all incidents the following reports are required to be provided to FireCOM—
• Initial (Size-up) report.
• 360 degree report.
• Situational reports (SITREPS).
• Incident contained report.
• Incident completed report.
1.15: FRNSW pumping appliances carry a broad and very varied range of equipment, at a residential house fire four items of equipment that may be used and what they are used for are as follows:
38 mm canvas hose 70 mm canvas hose Firefighting attack pack
Firefighting lay pack
38 mm Firefighting Hose Branch (e.g. Akron)
70 mm Firefighting Hose Branch (e.g. Akron)
Petrol driven power saw Petrol driven chain saw Thermal Imaging Camera
Stowed rolled or flaked. Weight 7.8 kg in weight. Stowed rolled or flaked. Weight 16.5 kg in weight.
Pre-package bag containing 1 length of 38 mm hose, nozzle and couplings. Used in offensive firefighting.
Pre-package bag containing 1 length of 38 mm hose, nozzle and couplings. Used in offensive firefighting.
Capable of producing multiple spray and jet water streams. 2.1 kg in weight
Capable of producing multiple spray and jet water streams. 4.4 kg in weight
Used to connect to Sydney Water town main water supply. 8.3 kg in weight
Used to gain entry through roller shutter doors. Used at bush fires and storm events
Used to determine seat of fire, identify hot spots, assist with search and rescue, etc.
Answer 2:
For a metropolitan fire brigade such as FRNSW, the total number of staff expected to respond in a typical appliance are 15. There will be total of 5 officers and firefighters available to respond to an emergency incident. They are: Incident Commander, Safety Officer, Logistic Officer, Planning Officer and Operation Officer
One task/action that each member would undertake if they were the first arriving FRNSW appliance at an incident is that to take all practicable steps for controlling and extinguishing fires.
Also, Safeguarding and saving lives and property in the case of huge fire in any fire district
Answer 3:
The potential implications on fire brigade intervention in each of the following if they were to be proposed as a potential Performance Solution.
- Location of fire hydrant booster: to be situated in sight of the main entrance of the building but must be either 10m away from the building or it must be protected or shielded from any fire in the building. It needs to be accessible by fire fighters and their vehicles and must be located such that the fire fighters and their equipment are not exposed to the fire they may be fighting. It must be accessible by the fire brigade vehicles in the street.
- Extended travel distances in a warehouse: For high risk buildings – no more than 10% extension of the maximum allowed travel distance. For lower risk buildings 20-25%.
c. Reduced FRL of structure: the building code sets out how long a particular building element will:
(a) stay up (Structural Adequacy)
(b) not let any fire or hot gasses through (Integrity) and
(c) stop heat from passing through (Insulation).

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