Assessment 4 – Written report (1200 Words) 50%
Due Week 14 – By 5pm Friday Sept 27th
Your full recorded interview from Assessment 3, becomes the basis of your report for Assessment 4
Drawing on the content from your interview and the academic literature related to the three communication topics you chose to focus on in your interview, you are to identify and evaluate the interpersonal communication strategies and issues in your participant’s organisation from their point of view.
Relate these issues to the relevant communication theory/concepts and use academic research to support your findings. Present the findings of your interview in formal report format.
Your report should be structured using the following format
Title page
Executive summary (1 page – not included in word limit)
Table of contents (inclusive of headings, subheadings and page numbers)
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Methodology
3.0 Findings (you can use bullet points to summarise the findings relevant to each topic)
3.1 – Topic 1
3.2 – Topic 2
3.3 – Topic 3
4.0 Discussion (link the findings from your interview back to the relevant academic literature)
4.1 – Topic 1
4.2 – Topic 2
4.3 – Topic 3
5.0 – Conclusion
6.0 – Recommendations (use bullet points)
Reference list (not included in word count)
Appendix – inclusive of signed informed consent form and list of interview questions (not included in word count)
You must cite at least eight academic, peer-reviewed references in your report using the Harvard style of referencing.
Obviously, you will be focusing on three topics you based your interview on. Make sure you have read all pertinent unit resources for your chosen topics:
- the online study guide
- the set textbook sections
- the set readings
- the recorded lectures
Do some extra research and find academic resources such as pertinent journal articles, books, and other peer-reviewed material to support your analysis in your report. The textbook counts as an academic, peer-reviewed resource.
Stay in touch with your tutor/lecturer during the coming period. Remember – the main reason people fail this subject is not because they fail per se, but because they don’t complete the assignments. So, stay in touch, and stay motivated.

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