Instruction…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Case Description……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Students and staff………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
University, Faculty, Departments, Units,……………………………………………………………. 3
Program…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Course……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Academic year…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Program Application Process………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Program Enrollment Process…………………………………………………………………………… 4
Course Registration Process……………………………………………………………………………. 5
Here is the project description based on which we need to design a data warehouse based on dimensional modeling principle.(Kimbal) Note that the processes and information are not taken from real case, and the case description is fictitious.
We aim to design a data warehouse based on dimensional modeling principles that support decision making for managing courses at Stockholm University.
Stockholm University, founded in 1878, is one of the largest and oldest universities in Scandinavia. When the institution first opened, it held public lectures in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geology – a tradition that continues to this day, covering a diverse range of subjects. The Stockholm University’s Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) is the oldest Information Technology (IT) department in Sweden. Stockholm University is one of the most popular educational institutions, with more than 24,000 applicants admitted to courses and programs every year. The university has more than 5700 staff and 1400 doctoral students. We have given three business processes with different priorities that shall be supported by our design, i.e., program enrollment, Program application, , and Course registration Processes.
The program enrollment process has the highest impact on the business than other processes because we cannot perform other processes without enrolling students into programs. Technically, it is also very easy to implement as we get all data from a database, so it is considered as a low hanging fruit. The program application process is the second important process in terms of potential
impact. It is a little more difficult to implement, so the feasibility is medium. The Course Registration process is the most difficult process that we shall design as there are plenty of different courses. The impact of this process is also medium.
There are several data sources to which we have access to obtain different information about these processes. One data source is the student’s database where the information about students is stored, such as name, last name, gender, birth date, etc. Note that some information for students can change over time, e.g., if a student is an international student, her or his address will change several times during his study. The international students receive a temporary personal identity number, and this number also will change after they are registered in the tax agency. The telephone number and email addresses are the sorts of attributes that can change several times. It is also possible that students change their names. It is not important for the university to keep track of telephone numbers, emails, and addresses. However, the changes in personal identity numbers and names are important to be covered by the data warehouse. Note that a student only gets one temporal personal identity number if (s)he does not have one. The number of changes for the name, last name, and the non- temporal personal identity numbers is not happening frequently.
Note that the same sort of information also is saved for staff, but they will be retrieved from two other data sources. There are many other business processes that are only applied to staff and not students. Also, there are more specific attributes that we define for the staff. In general, we can say the intersection between staff and students is minimum.
As we mentioned, the attributes for Students, and Staff can vary a lot. For example, the staff can be divided into two subcategories, i.e., academic staff or administrative staff. The academic staff is teachers, researchers who are involved in running the core processes, while the administrative staff are those who support core processes, e.g., programmers, human resource management personnel, etc. The staff has titles, and this title can change over time as the person might change the job or get a promotion.
Stockholm University is one of Sweden’s pre-eminent centers for research within science, humanities, and the social sciences. It is organized across four faculties, each of which has several departments. Some departments can also have several units. The University, Faculty, Department, and Unit has a head, and (s)he can change over time.
Stockholm University has around 120 programs, where 75 of them are master’s programs taught in English within science, the humanities, social sciences, and law. Each program belongs to one department or Unit (depends if a department has multiple units) and it can be given in a specific language, e.g., Swedish or in English. It also can be at a different level, e.g., bachelor, magister, or master. Each program can have different credits, e.g., 180, 120, 60. Each program has a name and a program code which is unique. A program can be given on campus or distance. A program has one program coordinator who is an academic staff who is responsible for coordinating the program. The information for programs is quite static and does not change over time. However, the program coordinator can change over time.
Each program contains many courses, and the number of courses in a program can actually change a lot during the lifecycle of a program. Thus, it is important for staff to be able to see which courses were included in the program over time.
Stockholm University offers more than 600 courses. Each course has a name, code, and the number of points. A course can be a bachelor, a master, or a Ph.D. course, which is determined by its level, i.e., a course can be in Level 1, 2, or 3. A course can be given on campus or at a distance. Each course can be given in a specific language, e.g., Swedish or in English. Note that there are some courses that can be given in other languages like Spanish, Chinese, etc. Each course belongs to a department. The information for courses is quite static and does not change over time. However, the course coordinator can change over time. Note that a course can have multiple course coordinator at the same time.
The academic calendar is not exactly the same as the Gregorian calendar. Each year is divided into two semesters, i.e., autumn and spring. The autumn is usually coded with HT(HöstTermin), and spring is coded with VT(VårTermin). The start and end of these terms can vary year to year, e.g., HT 2020 starts on 31 August 2020 and finishes on 17 January 2021.
To apply for a program, a candidate shall apply through the universityadmissions.se website, where they might pay application fee. After the deadline, the program coordinator, who is a staff, will rank students according to the selection criteria. Note that some students might not be eligible, so they will not get into the ranking. Then, the program coordinator will select top ranked students and send the invitation letter. Some students need to pay tuition fee to be able to follow the rest of the process. Note that they will not pay the whole tuition fee for the whole program at once, and they only will pay the amount that is specified in the program, which is usually for 1 term. Afterward, the student shall register into the program through the student affair office. We will receive information about candidates at all these stages, and we are interested in capturing that information to be able to analyze how the process is progressed over time. Note that we do not call the applicant students as they have not enrolled in the program, so they should be treated as an applicant. We need to track only the last five years of applicant.
When a student is accepted and registered, then (s)he is actually enrolled in a program. This process is usually followed by a course enrollment process where the student will be registered in some courses as well. The program enrollment happens once. Note that the payment regarding students who needs to pay tuition fee will be handled by separate process which is outside the scope of our current development.
A student can be registered for a course at the university. Note that there are courses that can be registered as a free course (in Swedish: fristående kurs). It means that the student does not require to be a part of a program to be registered in the course. However, the majority of courses are not free courses. Note that if a student cannot pass a course, (s)he can be re-registered again when the course is given again, which follows the same registration process.

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