Main objectives of the assessment: Think and then translate real physical system into software design models Study the logical arguments based on software engineering • Analysis of the performance of the software system |
Brief Description of the assessment: Perform critical evaluation of physical system which can be conceptually designed for distributed application systems.Construct software engineered architectures for the physical system and then impliement and analysis the engineering structure. |
Learning outcomes for the assessment: Understand basic software engineering relevant to distributed systems; Appreciate current issues in distributed systems; Communicate effectively in a professional manner. (SM1i/p, SM2i) |
Assessment and marking criteria demonstrate logical and coherent arguments in discussing a particular distributed system topic of current interest; review and correctly reference appropriate software engineering magazines, journals etc as reliable sources of information on which to base their arguments; present their written work in a professional manner with appropriate attention to the use of English and structure of the project. |
Assessment method by which a student can demonstrate learning outcomes: A well written project exploring critical issues involved based upon reliable published distributed systems information suitably referenced. Individual report presenting and reviewing the problems from concerptual to operational systems with an evaluation is required. |
Format for the assessment/coursework (Guidelines on the expected format and length of submission): Written report not more than 10 pages. It should be submitted via wiseflow by the deadline. You can find a templated version of the report format at the following link: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html |
Distribution date: 29th Nov 2022 Submission Deadline: 12th January 2023 | |
Indicative Reading List: Lecture and Seminar and module reading lists cover the fundamental materials. As a literature survey is require to be done on the specific system the student is expected to identify specific artcicals as part of the assignment. | |
Further information: |
Aims: The aims of this assignment is to demonstrate critical logical arguments based on software engineering information in a clear and coherent manner with analysis Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this assignment, you should have, basic understanding of software engineering relevant to distributed systems; appreciate current issues in distributed systems; communicate effectively in a professional manner. Assessment:
The individual report should include a cover page, an introduction, analysis of the distributed problem and a conclusions (including critical analysis).
All information acquired from other sources must be referenced. Please avoid plagiarism at all costs by making sure that any reference used in the report is properly referenced both in the list of references and cited in the text.
The final project reports should be written as if they are being submitted to a conference or a journal. The journal papers that you read should give you sufficient background to understand what is required.
Critical evaluation projects
Evaluate proposed solutions to a current distributed computing research problem of your choosing. You may wish to examine a topic specific to some application domain:
- distributed multimedia systems,
- e-commerce, or
- tele-health
a topic within some application environment:
- Web data mining,
- resource discovery,
- data integration,
- querying/searching the Web,
- Web caching, real-time systems,
or a topic specific to distributed systems:
- election algorithms, – replication protocols, or – data security.
Your evaluation must summarize and compare various approaches to address the problem, identifying their limitations and relative strengths and weaknesses. A critical comparison that offers some insight into the problem and the proposed solutions will be viewed much more favourably than a superficial comparison that simply rehashes the content of various articles. In your project proposal you should describe the problem, indicate at least two approaches that have been proposed as (partial) solutions, and identify some of the key papers you expect to evaluate.

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