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File name: J:\Hospitality Tourism Events & Cookery\Cookery\Cookery New Tree\2021\Cert IV Cookery + Patisserie\BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace\AT1
Assessment Task 1 | |||
Assessment Information for Student | |||
Name of task | Diversity knowledge task | ||
Type of task | Assignment | Task Number | 1of2 |
Where you will work on your task | The Gordon, in class | ||
Time available to complete your task | Timetabled classes for the duration of the unit | Due date | TBC |
What you are required to prepare, do or make | Access the Human Rights Commission website and research the sections provided. To demonstrate competency you must provide evidence of your research by completing all sections of the task correctly. Any incorrect responses will be followed up by your teacher for resubmission | ||
Specific Assessment requirements (if any) | Ensure you check your work before submitting. Your research task is to be formatted into a professional Word document that includes headings and references and is to be attached to your workbook Please note-once the assessor has marked your work they will provide you with feedback | ||
What skills and knowledge you need to demonstrate | This assessment consists of a series of tasks which require you to: Identify and outline key features of relevant current legislation that applies to- Age discrimination Disability discrimination Racial discrimination Sex discrimination Human rights Equal opportunity Critically review a workplace policy and identify what aspects should be included or improved | ||
Your assessor will provide these resources | Access to computers provided by the Gordon in class, PowerPoints, complex texts incorporating legislation, regulations and codes of practice for managing diversity | ||
You (the student) will need to provide these resources | NIL | ||
To submit this task | Your assessment must be submitted to your assessor via Gordon Online | ||
Diversity knowledge task | |||
Task – 1 For this assessment task you are required to conduct your own research: Satisfactory Yes No Using the website https://www.humanrights.gov.au/our-work/legal/legislation, summarize the following Acts: You must include in your summary; What areas of public life are covered by each ActWho this applies toInclude a relevant example of how each Act may be applied in your workplace Provide an example of Direct and Indirect discrimination relative to each ActAny relevant exemptions from the Act within the workplaceAt least one example of an action you can take if you are made aware of a breach of each Act Age Discrimination Act 2004 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Disability Discrimination Act 1992 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Racial Discrimination Act 1975 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Sex Discrimination Act 1984 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Satisfactory Yes No You are required to critically review an existing diversity policy (provided by your teacher)You must identify the key aspects (outlined below) within the policy (and/or identify any missing aspects within the policy) You are required to provide feedback on how the organisation supports and values diversityYou are required to provide suggestions on how the policy could be improved to ensure currency It is highly recommended that you complete this task using the ‘Review’ tab within Microsoft word and ‘insert comments’ where applicable. Write a brief (50-100 word) summary outlining your critical review of the policy and whether it promotes the benefits of diversity within the organisation A definition of diversityDiversity and inclusivity in selecting and recruiting staffStrategies to ensure diversity is understood and respected by identifying specific training needs through learning and development opportunitiesEqual employment opportunitiesFlexible workplace arrangements policyLeave policiesHow diversity is promoted both internally and externallyAn outline of formal and informal complaint proceduresDefinitions of what workplace bullying is and is notThe principles that underlie your complaint handling procedureThe value/benefits of complaintsManagement responsibilitiesWho should handle complaintsThe complaint handling process Please complete as a word document and upload to Gordon Online with this Assessment Task. | |
Case Study/Assignment checklist (Assessor Use Only) | |
Performance and Knowledge to be addressed in this task | Satisfactory |
Yes | No |
1. | Identify and outline key features of relevant current legislation regarding: age discriminationdisability discriminationracial discriminationsex discriminationhuman rights equal opportunity |
2. | Review a diversity policy relevant to your industry and determine its application to your workplace with reference to: A definition of diversityDiversity and inclusivity in selecting and recruiting staffStrategies to ensure diversity is understood and respected by identifying specific training needs through learning and development opportunitiesEqual employment opportunitiesFlexible workplace arrangements policyLeave policiesHow diversity is promoted both internally and externallyAn outline of formal and informal complaint proceduresDefinitions of what workplace bullying is and is notThe principles that underlie your complaint handling procedureThe value/benefits of complaintsManagement responsibilitiesWho should handle complaintsThe complaint handling process |
Assessment Outcome (Assessor use only) | ||||
Attempt Number | ☐ First submission | ☐ Second submission | ☐ Late submission | |
Reasonable adjustment applied | ☐ Not required ☐ Yes (briefly describe) | |||
Outcome | ☐ Satisfactory | ☐ Unsatisfactory | ||
Feedback | ||||
Assessor’s Name | Signature | Date | ||
Student’s Name | Signature | Date | ||

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