ECL523 Mathematics With Young Children


When it comes to numeracy, most children have a basic understanding of numbers before they enter school. Developing these abilities in children at an early age is crucial, as they are often predictive of their future academic success. Many mathematical abilities are developed during childhood when a kid is exposed to a variety of quantitative and spatial relationships in their daily activities. Practically every activity at home and beyond relies on numeracy abilities. A growing amount of attention has been paid to workplace numeracy abilities recently. Numeracy and arithmetic abilities are therefore vital, not just for the individual, but also for the national economy as a whole. Predicting children’s progress in mathematics indicates subsequent school success, employment, and future life prospects. Mathematical skills are important and should be taught from an early age (Phillipson et al, 2017). Research on learning outside the school environment, however, is lacking. This means that early number experiences and how they can impact growth in numeracy abilities are being overlooked. Children’s numeracy experiences at home and in the early development center were compared. wanted to learn more about how reading and numeracy work together. Children’s perceptions, constructions, and actions vary between settings. Even before they begin formal school, many youngsters have mastered the basics of math. Their daily lives are filled with informal mathematics. Why do children at home and in communities participate in numeracy-related activities? the influence of children’s participation in cultural activities outside of school on the information that they bring to the classroom, which may be used as a basis for school education. When it comes to numeracy, how aware are parents of the possibilities and circumstances that exist for their children? Numerous interventions to improve children’s numeracy skills are needed. The opinions on how to enhance home numeracy environments for early learners are also inconsistent(Phillipson et al, 2017). Some argue for the importance of intensive treatments, and others argue that even non-intensive interventions may be helpful.

However, children’s ability to learn and retain distinct concepts varies considerably from one child to another. A child’s informal number sense when they first start school serves as a foundation for their school mathematics success and is a significant indicator of how they will do in arithmetic later in life Mathematics success and teacher assessments of math competence were predicted by children’s counting abilities and comprehension of quantities and relationships between them in the year before beginning primary school. Several elements can influence maths development in infancy and preschool. It has been demonstrated, for example, that self-regulatory behavior is a strong predictor of academic skills, particularly early numeracy. Workplace memory has also been implicated with math success.

Preschoolers already have a wide range of numeracy skills. Given that early numeracy skills are predictive of later math performance, researchers are interested in finding determinants of variance in numeracy growth. It follows thus that even at the time of school admission, instructors will encounter youngsters with a wide variety of early numeracy skills. Teachers’ interactions with children in preschool contexts might vary widely in terms of the quantity of mathematical information they transmit. For example, a teacher who spends more time talking about arithmetic is more likely to see an increase in numeracy abilities over a year. Fostering early childhood educators’ awareness of early numeracy development is a crucial step in helping young children develop their mathematical thinking. Early childhood educators may receive training on how to speak mathematically in their everyday contacts with children, therefore increasing the likelihood that young children would improve their early numeracy abilities. Interactions between young children, family members, and early care educators can enhance early numeracy development. Direct numeracy techniques like teaching children number terms and counting, as well as indirect numeracy, practices like incorporating numeracy into everyday chores like cooking, have a beneficial impact on their preschool child’s arithmetic success.

Parental practices were therefore predicted to mediate relationships between parents’ beliefs about the importance of a particular skill and Literacy and numeracy results in childhood; if a parent believes it is important but does not teach it to their child, then it’s unlikely that the child will learn it. It was expected, for instance, that casual literacy practices would influence children’s speech but not actual spelling skills. Children’s letter knowledge was supposed to be uniquely predicted by formal reading activities, but not their vocabulary. Families’ informal literacy practices were measured by their knowledge of storybook titles (as measured by their checklist performance containing genuine as well as false recognition). Using parents’ familiarity with storybook titles as a surrogate for how frequently they read to their children is considered to reduce the desirability distortions involved in questioning parents on how frequently they engage with their kids. Reading to children for various reasons ( for instance, an enjoyable, and peaceful nighttime activity that promotes discussion of many themes) Although literacy teaching isn’t a key component of the activity for most parents, it is also thought to tap into informal literacy experiences.

Number-game expertise is believed to be a proxy for shared number-game participation among parents. Without a clear understanding of the symbolic counting system, playing number games can assist toddlers to learn counting and amount manipulation. Snakes and Ladders, Hi-Ho Cherry O, and Trouble require counting things (like squares game board, dots on dice), although many of the activities require little or no understanding of the symbolic system.

Because reading and numeracy abilities differ from kid to child, the family environment can have an impact on kids’ understanding and enhancement. Variations in the appropriateness of the household educational environment have an impact on individual Mental Development Indicators and cultural development. The effectiveness of the house educational environment can be subdivided into three major aspects. Families are classified according to their makeup and socioeconomic condition (Skwarchuk et al, 2014). Second, parental attitudes and expectations towards schooling. Parent-child activities might be related to specific areas of homeschooling or general hobbies such as painting and sketching. Distinctive characteristics of home learning include families raising their children to comprehend the text as well as the regularity of literature circles, as well as the House Numeracy Setting and accompanying interactive element.

There are direct and indirect numeracy activities, according to parents’ reports of their kid’s activities involving numeracy (like countings) as well as indirect approaches, that involve numbers in real-world tasks (like engaging in games with dice) that include the mathematical protocol. (e.g., arithmetic problems in the context of playing board games) (Phillipson et al, 2017). There was a correlation between children’s arithmetic abilities and the potential with which guardians associated with their kids in numeracy activities. For example, teachers and parents may create a ‘partnership’ with help of informal ways like parents and teacher conversations or newsletters or more official ones such as written reports and parent-teacher interviews. Informal numeracy activities (Skwarchuk et al, 2014). When a kid participates in informal home numeracy activities such as playing a number game or cooking, they might learn about numbers or quantity. This allows the kid to engage in more advanced mathematical tasks than he or she could on his or her own. It is possible that throughout these encounters there will be talks regarding numbers, quantity, and ideas (such as shaping names). This study concentrated on math material as well as responsiveness and assurance such as whether or not these numeracy activities affected numeracy performance. When it comes to children’s math knowledge and fluency, family numeracy activities are a strong predictor of success. Small groups of 5-year-olds played numerical games with their parents in small groupings (not their own). Children who played number games exhibited better progress in counting, enumeration, and making collections compared to those who did not play games.

To describe children’s learning of math abilities through spontaneous interactions with their surroundings, imitating adults, and watching television. A formal term reserved for formal written work done in school. In addition, a clear difference was made among informal and formal activities, which corresponded to the indirect and direct approaches previously described. By using various criteria, cross-study comparisons are challenging, adding to the lack of information about what sort of parent engagement has good academic benefits as well as in what way pedagogically approach in a way that parents to affect their kid’s mathematical skill development. Game-playing is a common way for parents to connect with their children at home. While participating in these games, youngsters learn fundamental maths techniques by seeing more experienced participants who exhibit optimized skills. Zone of proximal development refers to the moment where a less competent individual becomes independently competent. ‘Scaffolding’ allows the kid to learn while the more capable individual sets the right degree of challenge. Instead of encouraging their numeracy for children’s development, parents focus on teaching literacy at home instead.

Numerous interventions to improve children’s numeracy skills are needed. The opinions on how to enhance home numeracy environments for early learners are also inconsistent. However, some argue that even non-intensive interventions can be successful,  with minimal expenditures, evolvement should be attempted.

When children are exposed to diverse quantitative and spatial interactions in everyday activities, they begin to develop mathematical skills. At six months, newborns are usually able to distinguish between tiny groups of things (e.g., a container with two blocks vs. one with three blocks), and if the ratio of one set to the other is big enough, they may be able to distinguish between larger sets of items. As they start to speak, toddlers eventually acquire the names of the numbers in the world around them. The number 1 to 10 is often learned by the age of three, and many youngsters can count small groups of items correctly. As children approach the age of six, they begin to how well we can generate integers containing decade patterns, as well as what numbers signify, how to count progressively bigger groups of items, how to add and subtract, and what the last number of the count is. When it comes to learning arithmetic ideas and abilities, many school-age youngsters have difficulty (Hornburg et al, 2018). Numeracy may be nurtured in young children by understanding the early development of numeracy.

Also, in certain interventions, board games were used. the youngster’s playing a linear number game on board. There were greater results on different arithmetic tasks after playing the number board game than while playing a color board game as a control. Playing number games may help kids improve their numeracy skills, according to this research on game intervention. Even though this game was played in a casual setting, the goal related to the model as well as reinforce children’s numerical abilities. Control methods were implemented throughout the study. These skills were tested and utilized as a measure of control in the numerical analysis. To control for phonological awareness (the capability to recognize spoken words sounds), phonological awareness abilities were included in the literacy analyses as a control. Both of these factors have been utilized as antecedents to the development of talents in their respective areas of expertise as well as math skills.

As a result, we anticipated that informal home number gameplay (i.e. However, children’s symbolic number understanding was not predicted by numeracy experience. Families should also take part in a non-formal assessment of literacy (i.e., storybook knowledge).for a reason variety, but numerical learning activity is unlikely to be the primary one. As an indication of language education practices at home, tell parents whether regularly parents educate their kids to read sentences. Family activities involving mathematics and quantities were also designed to evaluate parents how frequently they occurred (Skwarchuk et al, 2014). Direct numeracy activities, In contradiction to the counting system, we believed that would specifically reflect children’s comprehension. Besides their non-symbolic arithmetic ability. This means that one of the main differences between formal and non-formal learning experiences for parents is whether or not they are concerned about their child learning early academic skills. In the case of informal activities, the primary objective of the parents is to have fun or to be entertained, rather than to acquire skills.

Early arithmetic abilities are used throughout the day by children in their everyday routines. Good news, as these abilities are essential for a successful transition to school. Early math, on the other hand, does not entail playing with a calculator(Hornburg et al, 2018). By the time they enter school, the majority of youngsters have a basic knowledge of addition and subtraction. Following are some mathematical information that is generally acquired and required among children –

  • Sense of numbers

This is the capacity to count accurately—from the beginning to the end. In later years of school, children will learn to count backward, as well as forwards. Addition and subtraction are examples of more complicated skills connected to number awareness.

  • Representation

Mathematical concepts become “real” through the use of words, images, symbols, and objects (like blocks).

  • Spaciousness

However, for toddlers, it introduces the concepts of form, size, space, and direction.

  • Measurement

Using measures like inches, feet, or pounds, you can find the length, height, and weight of an item(Silinskas et al, 2020). This is a technical term. Also included in this skillset is the ability to measure time (in minutes, for instance).

  • Estimation

In other words, it is being able to accurately estimate the amount or size of anything. Young children have a tough time with this. More than and less than are just a few examples of terms you may use to assist them.

  • Patterns

Things like numbers, forms, and pictures that recur logically are called patterns. Learning to foresee, comprehend the next step, and create logical connections are all skills that children acquire through patterns.

  • Problem-solving

The belief is that there is more than one way of solving an issue. Finding a solution requires the use of prior information and logical reasoning abilities.

Most youngsters learn addition and subtraction before they enter school via everyday encounters. In this article, you’ll learn what informal activities offer youngsters an advantage when it comes to studying arithmetic in school. The following tips will show you how to help your child develop early math skills by building on their natural curiosity and having fun with him or her-

  • Shaping up

Have some fun with shape-sorters. Your kid should be able to count the sides of each form and explain the colors (Silinskas et al, 2020). Using colorful construction paper, cut out big shapes. A simple “jump in the red shape or hop on the circle” can get your child’s attention.

  • Counting and sorting are two of the most important tasks.

Assemble a basket of tiny items like toys, shells, pebbles, or buttons and keep it handy. Together, count them out. Organize them into groups based on size, color, or function (i.e., all the cars in one pile, all the animals in another).

  • Put in a call.

You can start teaching your 3-year-old the address and phone number of your house when she is three years old. Consider how each house has its number and how your child’s home is one of a series.

  • What’s the size?

See how large items are around you: The pink wallet is the largest. The most compact is the blue wallet. Try to get your child to think about how big he is compared to other items in the environment.

  • Pictures are in order.

Stopwatches and timers are useful for timing brief (1–3 minute) activities. Developing a feeling of time and understanding that certain tasks take longer than others is facilitated by this activity.

  • Your numbers should be read and sung.

Perform rhyming and repeating songs or songs with numbers. Patterns are reinforced through songs (which is a math skill as well) (Numeracy, 2011). As well as being entertaining, they are also a great method to learn the language and develop social skills like collaboration.

  • Blocks specialty.

Don’t limit your child’s play to just wooden blocks and plastic interlocking blocks. Shapes and connections between shapes may be taught to youngsters by stacking and manipulating these toys.

  • Time for tunnels.

Open the ends of a big cardboard box to create a tunnel. They may use this to comprehend where they are in space and how they relate to other things.

  • Graphical games.

Consider making a chart for when your child reaches the age of three. On the charts, your youngster will place a sticker each time it rains or is sunny(Numeracy, 2011). Together, you can guess which column has more or fewer stickers at the end of a week, and count how many to be sure.

As a teacher of mathematics, one of the most essential things you can do is to get your pupils excited about learning. As well as the motivated pupils, effective teachers pay close attention to the less driven students. Using intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, these nine strategies can help inspire secondary school mathematics pupils. Rewarding the learner in this way is called extrinsic motivation. Excellent performance is rewarded with little tokens such as money, peer approval of good performance, avoiding “penalty” by doing well, praise for good work, etc.

  • The desire to grasp a topic or idea (task-related), outperform others (ego-related), or impress other pupils are all examples of intrinsic motivation (social-related). Lastly, the last objective is a hybrid of inner and extrinsic motivations. Tactics for improving math motivation are explained below for further welfare of children-
  • Pupils need to understand a logical succession of concepts, which is closely connected to the previous approach. For one thing, it relies on the students’ willingness to learn more, rather than finish what they already know. According to their characteristics, exceptional quadrilaterals may be thought of as a sequential process.
  • To motivate students, you might set up a manufactured circumstance that will lead them to identify a pattern. Students like discovering and then owning an idea. Adding numbers from 1 to 100, for example, would be a good example of this.
  • When kids are intellectually challenged, they respond with excitement. The task must be carefully chosen. Ideally, the problem (if that’s the sort of challenge you’re looking for) should flow directly into the lesson and be within the kids’ reach. The difficulty should not detract from the lesson, but should rather lead to it.
  • Draw attention to a knowledge gap among students: Students’ motivation to learn more is piqued by revealing a gap in their comprehension. Use familiar circumstances as a starting point and then go on to unexpected ones on the same theme. The more significant the knowledge gap is shown, the more powerful the incentive will be to bridge it.

Students’ core motivations must be understood by math teachers. To optimize engagement and instructional effectiveness, the instructor might play on these incentives. Taking advantage of student motivations and interests can lead to the creation of fake mathematical problems and scenarios. However, if such tactics inspire real interest in a topic, they are eminently fair and desirable techniques to employ.

Mathematics activities at home, as well as parental participation, are critical for subsequent academic achievement. With little research investigating the home numerical environment through parental surveys, the study findings provide distinctive contributions to the existing literature on parental behavior and initial number-related events that occur in residential. The literature has numerous confusing concepts, making it hard to determine what makes an appropriate home numeracy environment that supports arithmetic progress (Cankaya & LeFevre, 2016). This is made more difficult by the fact that there is no consensus on the importance of parental participation and contact. Although there are many different definitions of homeschooling, each formative opportunity in the house is a collaborative learning activity for students, whether this is between siblings or parents.


Hornburg, C. B., Schmitt, S. A., & Purpura, D. J. (2018). Relations between preschoolers’ mathematical language understanding and specific numeracy skills. Journal of experimental child psychology176, 84-100.

Phillipson, S., Richards, G., & Sullivan, P. (2017). Parental perceptions of access to capitals and early mathematical learning: some early insights from Numeracy@ Home project. In Engaging Families as Children’s First Mathematics Educators (pp. 127-145). Springer, Singapore.

Skwarchuk, S. L., Sowinski, C., & LeFevre, J. A. (2014). Formal and informal home learning activities about children’s early numeracy and literacy skills: The development of a home numeracy model. Journal of experimental child psychology121, 63-84.

Niklas, F., Cohrssen, C., & Tayler, C. (2016). Improving preschoolers’ numerical abilities by enhancing the home numeracy environment. Early Education and Development27(3), 372-383.

Cankaya, O., & LeFevre, J. A. (2016). The home numeracy environment: what do cross-cultural comparisons tell us about how to scaffold young children’s mathematical skills?. In Early childhood mathematics skill development in the home environment (pp. 87-104). Springer, Cham.

Silinskas, G., Di Lonardo, S., Douglas, H., Xu, C., LeFevre, J. A., Garckija, R., … & Raiziene, S. (2020). Responsive home numeracy as children progresses from kindergarten through Grade 1. Early Childhood Research Quarterly53, 484-495.

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