Imbalance in the sex ratio is a big concern in many countries. The imbalance in the sex ratio leads to discrepancies in many vital roles and the system of society. There are problems in getting matrimonial offers but apart from that this imbalance can lead to many other problems and they are faced by the women who are involved in such work fronts. The following research paper would analyze the effects of sex ratio in leadership roles, domestic violence affecting mental health, and employment inequality. The paper would further analyze the reason behind the problems that are faced by women and how balancing the sex ratio can help in minimizing the mental stress faced by women at all levels of the society
Effects on employment
There are workplaces where women reservation is already done. When the position is not filled orroughky filled, it creates an imbalance in the office environment where no or less women employees are there and the issues faced by them are not even apprehended by higher authorities
Inequality in leadership roles despite many reservations
When women are taken up and made to lead a role where the sex ration differs, the leadership initiated by women are not entertained and respected by other fellow male workers due to the gender issue. Men are not able to accept the fact that a women is above them or trying to execute things according to her wishes. There is a severe attack on the ego issues of male.
Domestic violence faced by women increasing other social problems
The sex ration imbalace is stringly related to domestic violence as there are instances where woemn often get beated up if thye bear a girl child. Wife beating followed by fetal killing is one of the msot depressing problem encountered on social level.
Issues of mental health
Domestic violenec, inequality in jobs and employment and lack of proper support to women at social level can lead to memtoial health issues in women. As reported in survyes of WHO, women get more amount of depressive episodes as compared to men. The amount of degressive customs and rules followed around the women and constant demoralising can lead to many health issues. Women bearbchildren and they are life givers and these types of iieus can effcet the child inside them thereby posing dangers to the child’s mind and body health.

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