For this assignment, you will a create a brief video that:
- Outlines the links between a particular issue of relevance to the course and health; and,
- Motivates action to reduce the health consequences of this issue (these can include individual protective actions such changing behaviour, or action at the societal level such as encouraging better policy).
Some specifics:
- The video running time should be one (1) minute minimum, three (3) minutes maximum – excluding any credits.
- In order to receive credit, the video must be in a format that is easily played by a Windows-based computer (i.e., so we can play it in class). It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that this is the case.
- The video should be in English.
- The work must be completely your own; you must not submit material created by someone else, or reproduce images from other sources without permission. More specifically:
- Your work cannot include trademarks, logos, or copyrighted material not owned by you or used without permission (such as company names, music, photographs, works of art or images published on or in websites, television, movies or other media);
- You may not use individuals’ names in whole or in part without permission;
- Your video may not contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, photographs or other identifying elements of any person, living or dead, without permission
- Your video should not include hateful content of any kind (including racism, sexism, etc.), or content that promotes violence or harm to another living creature.
Note that you do not have to appear in the video, although you may if you wish. Possible formats include (but are definitely not limited to):
- Animated whiteboard drawings like those found at https://www.youtube.com/user/riskbitesLinks to an external site.
- A fully animated and narrated video like this one about the social determinants of health (note that animation can be computer generated or hand drawn):Social Determinants of Health AnimationLinks to an external site.
- Video and still photo montages (remember, they would all need to be taken by you, or used with permission, or from open copyright sources – citation is not sufficient) with voiceover and/or guiding text, like his one:Our Future | Narrated by Morgan FreemanLinks to an external site.
- A interview-based video, like this clip from a talk show:Dr. Martin’s Dangerous Household Cleaning Products Sonoran LivingLinks to an external site.
- A mini-documentary, like https://www.cdc.gov/cdctv/healthyliving/healthyeating/grocery-store-options.htmlLinks to an external site. or
- Unmasked: The Truth About CosmeticsLinks to an external site.
- A how-to style video, like this cleaning product safety video:Home Safety : How to Store Hazardous Chemicals in My HomeLinks to an external site.
- A filmed drama or skit (I couldn’t find any examples, but I see a lot of potential here, everything from comedy sketch to telenovella-style to flash mob!)
There are websites that provide free tools to assist with video development (for example, students in past years have used Powtoon and Animaker – note that these software have free options but also paid options, so be careful if you don’t want to pay!), and most computers and cellphones come with software to assist in video-making (e.g., Microsoft Photo, Powerpoint).
The video will be evaluated in terms of its:
Relevance: How relevant is the information in the video? Is the video on topic?
Information Quality: What is the quality of information included in the video? Is the information understandable to peers? Sufficiently detailed? Too detailed?
Accuracy: Is the information provided scientifically accurate/supported? (use your critical appraisal skills here)
Effectiveness: Is the information presented well? Is the video effective at getting the message across and at motivating action?
Creativity: How is the information presented? Is it interesting, stimulating or unique?
Note that the video’s production quality is not specifically evaluated – this does not need to be a mammoth production! – but could impact the effectiveness of the video to a certain extent.

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