HLTH2510 Exercise, Health & Disease
Assessment 1: Exercise Interview Analysis (10%)
Task purpose
The subjective interview is cornerstone in many health/exercise professions. This process requires the practitioner to guide the client/patient through a series of questions to obtain essential information regarding their health condition within a personal/individual context. The patient/client describes their condition in narrative form, with symptoms given verbally and the history/state of experienced symptoms are recorded in the patient’s own words. The subjective interview is an important opportunity to build rapport, understand the client/patients personal goals and reasons for seeking treatment (exercise intervention), and provide education on the benefits of treatment. Ultimately, the practitioner must ensure that they have all of the necessary information to formulate a safe, effective, appropriate and individualised treatment plan (exercise intervention).
Information about this task
Students are required to critically analyse a recorded subjective interview conducted by an exercise practitioner with a client/patient. Students must provide comment on the exercise practitioner’s interview technique, demeanor, interpersonal skills and effectiveness in obtaining essential information during the interview. An effective and comprehensive interview should adequately cover the following areas:
- Medical history;
- Surgical history;
- Family history;
- Social history;
- Current medications and allergies;
- Client/patient goals personal goals;
- Client/patient special considerations.
The word count is 1000 words ± 10% (not including reference list).
Submission: Submit your work as a single document via Turnitin in Blackboard.
When submitting via Turnitin do not use the University cover sheet as Turnitin similarity checking will interpret the cover sheet text as possibly plagiarised. Instead check the box in the Turnitin submission portal confirming that the work is your own.
Marking criteria for this task
CRITERIA | Excellent- HD | Very Good- D | Good- C | Satisfactory- P | Unsatisfactory- F |
Introduction (10%) | Excellent explanation of subjective interview in clinical exercise context, succinctly describes what information//topics should be covered | Very good explanation of subjective interview in clinical exercise context, describes what information//topics should be covered | Good explanation of subjective interview in clinical exercise context, describes what information//topics should be covered | Satisfactory explanation of subjective interview in clinical exercise context, describes most of the information/topics that should be covered | Unsatisfactory/limited explanation of subjective interview in clinical exercise context, poor description of what information//topics should be covered |
Critical Analysis (50%) | Excellent critical analysis of practitioner’s interview technique, demeanour, interpersonal skills and effectiveness in obtaining essential information | Very good critical analysis of practitioner’s interview technique, demeanour, interpersonal skills and effectiveness in obtaining essential information | Good critical analysis of practitioner’s interview technique, demeanour, interpersonal skills and effectiveness in obtaining essential information, however lacking depth at times | Satisfactory analysis of practitioner’s interview technique, demeanor, interpersonal skills and effectiveness in obtaining essential information, however lacking depth | Poor/limited analysis of practitioner’s interview technique, demeanor, interpersonal skills and effectiveness in obtaining essential information |
Recommendations (25%) | Excellent discussion of specific and relevant recommendations to ensure an effective & comprehensive subjective assessment | Very good discussion of specific and relevant recommendations to ensure an effective & comprehensive subjective assessment | Good discussion of specific and relevant recommendations to ensure an effective & comprehensive subjective assessment, however missing some key considerations | Satisfactory discussion of some recommendations to ensure an effective & comprehensive subjective assessment, however missing key considerations | Poor/unsatisfactory discussion of recommendations to ensure an effective & comprehensive subjective assessment |
Communicate using academic writing style (15%) | Writing demonstrates use of sophisticated language with coherent & succinct expression | Writing is clear with succinct expression | Writing is mainly clear with some wordiness evident at times. Academic writing principles are utilised | Writing lacks some cohesion &/or contains excessive wordiness. Displays basic knowledge & understanding of academic writing principles | Writing is confusing, hard to follow with major &/or distracting grammatical errors. Writing style is inadequate with limited attention to academic writing principles |

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